Dr. McCullough Calls Out HHS Assistant Secretary Levine

Health and Human Services Assistant Director Levine is the first transgender US government official in history. Levine is a pediatrician who began life as “Richard” and during adulthood changed his gender to female and took the name “Rachel”

On primetime national TV, Dr. McCullough called out Levine as a man who is living out his gender fantasy as a woman.

In McCullough’s opinion, this does not give Levine the right or authority to push Biden Administration transgender ideology onto young people in America who are vulnerable, many of whom have autism spectrum disorder which is common among those with gender dysphoria.

As reported by the Victor Nava of the NY Post:

“A top Biden administration health official successfully pressured an international group of medical experts to do away with age limit guidelines for transgender procedures, including gender-changing surgery, for minors, an unsealed court document shows.

Adm. Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, feared that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s late 2021 draft guidelines would make it difficult for American transgender youth to obtain access to the procedures, according to email excerpts between WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) members included in an Alabama court filing.

WPATH guidance recommended age minimums of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation and 17 for genital surgeries. “She asked us to remove them,” the email continued, referring to Levine who identifies as a transgender woman.

In another excerpt, a WPATH member recounts a conversation Levine’s chief of staff, Sarah Boateng, and notes that “She wonders if the specific ages can be taken out” on the proposed guidelines. WPATH appears to have caved to the Biden administration’s pressure.”

McCullough told Jeanine Pirro that 25 states have bans on transgender hormones and surgery for children and adolescents and this is about to be challenged by the Biden Administration in a Supreme Court Case involving a Tennessee transgender law.

Amy Howe of SCOTUS blog reported “justices agreed to take up a case challenging a Tennessee law that bans gender-affirming care for transgender youths. The justices will hear arguments in the case in the fall, with a decision likely by late June or early July 2025.”

See more here substack.com

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Comments (4)

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    Levine is a mentally ill pervert.


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    Herb Rose


    The “doctor” is a murderer (along with Tom Wolf) who sent nursing home patient with COVID back to the nursing homes to infect more of the most vulnerable (elderly wth health problems). Before announcing this change in policy (Nursing homes are to provide nursing care, not treat acute diseases and all patients who became sick with an infectious disease were sent to hospitals) the “doctor” removed sheit’s mother from her nursing home and moved her into a hotel. The “doctor” was part of the plan to inflate cases and mortality to create a fake pandemic.


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      Tim Castell


      So, how about you clarify the charges you make against ‘the doctor’ so as the rest of us can be informed; maybe start with who you refer to as the doctor.


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    “The patients are running the asylum” is meant to be a cautionary phrase, not a guideline.
    Also, regarding the ridiculous debate about pronouns, logic dictates that the only person able to decide which pronouns to use is the person using them. In other words, the speaker, not the listener, gets to decide what is said.


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