Dr. Malone: mRNA Vaccines’ Correlation With A Rise In All-Cause Mortality (Pt. 2)

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In part two of this interview with Dr. Robert Malone, he describes a recent study, conducted in the Netherlands, showing a pattern of increased all-cause mortality deaths one week after an increased push in vaccination rates.

He links this study to the refusal of American medicine to consider all-cause mortality rates despite the insurance industry revealing an increase of 40 percent in the population aged 18–64 in the second half of 2021.

During our discussion, Dr. Malone details the financial incentives offered by the federal government to hospitals.

The U.S. govt. is paying them for every death they classified as “from COVID,” irrevocably biasing U.S. COVID data, which is subsequently used to guide public policy.

 Read more at The Epoch Times

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    America’s Frontline Doctors spoke to numerous funeral home directors over the last two years and the consensus is that they all have witnessed grossly exaggerated COVID mortality figures and suppression of information within the industry, and that the only time deaths actually skyrocketed coincided with the start of the vaccine campaign:

    There has been very very few deaths before the vaccinations started , deaths have been like every other year. We have seen no increase at all in deaths just the causes have completely changed . Over the last two years nearly every death whether it’s regular flu , accidents , suicide etc.. is listed as covid even when the deaths clearly have nothing to do with covid .


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    Malone is one of them. He and his wife wrote a book that was published in February 2020, 1 month before the fake pandemic. In that book, he specifically identifies covid19 and predicts an epidemic.
    He was the expert witness, for Pfizer, in the Cominarty trial.
    He has his own mRNA vaccine in India called RelCoVax.
    He has called for the people to join mass protests at least 4 times this year, which is only so the people can be subverted.
    There’s more about him here:

    He’s controlled opposition and will steer you away from the important things. The guy invented the technology, but never dives into the patents warning you of their capabilities.
    All of the celebrity covid doctors are controlled opposition. The powers that be always play both sides. Their doctors speak freely, for a reason.
    The vaccine patents cross the blood brain barrier. If they aren’t telling you that, consider them controlled opposition and be cognizant that they are trying to divert you from important things. Ask them the important things in the comments, if you can. Malone stays behind a paywall.


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