Dr Fauci Admits to Vax Misinformation (He Makes a Percentage)
In a startling interview with the New York Times, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the government’s coronavirus taskforce, admitted that he did not level with the American people about how many people would need to be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity because he didn’t think the public was ready to hear his true thoughts, which he feared might discourage people from getting vaccinated.
The Times article catalogued Dr. Fauci’s changing position on how many Americans would need to be vaccinated, which he initially stated would be 60-70 percent. As noted by the Times, about a month ago, Fauci’s tune began to change and he suggested that the figure was actually 70-75 percent. Last week, in an interview with CNBC, he upped that figure (again) to “75 to 80-plus percent.”
In the interview with the Times, he changed his estimate yet again and suggested that the figure actually may be “close to 90 percent.”
According to the Times, in the telephone interview, “Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.”
In other words, Fauci’s advice to the American public on one of the most critical aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, has not consisted entirely of his honest opinion, formulated by the best science, but rather on what he thinks the country is ready to hear.
Dr. Fauci went on to even more expressly admit that he had fudged his public pronouncements in order to encourage people to take the vaccine. According to the Times, Dr. Fauci was ready to raise his estimates “weeks ago” but refused because “many Americans seemed hesitant about vaccines, which they would need to accept almost universally in order for the country to achieve herd immunity.”
Blithely continuing to explain how polling, rather than science, informed his public pronouncements, Fauci went on: “When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent. Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so IÂ went to 80, 85.”
Moreover, Fauci went on to explicitly state that his future pronouncements might still be based on his feeling of what the public thinks, not what the science says: “We need to have some humility here. We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent.”
Why won’t he say 90 percent? According to the Times, the answer is that “Doing so might be discouraging to Americans, he said, because he is not sure there will be enough voluntary acceptance of vaccines to reach that goal,” in light of the fact that “sentiments about vaccines in polls have bounced up and down this year.”
Read more at www.theblaze.com
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Charles Higley
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Fauci is completely lying. Herd immunity for a homogeneous population would be 75–80%, but for a heterogeneous population, such as we have in the US, herd immunity is more like 15–20%.
He is simply trying to sell the vaccines, as he likely gets some remuneration for this scam
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He should be executed.
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Seasons greetings PSI readers.
From wikipedia on the 2019 measles outbreak in Samoa.
“This curfew was lifted on 7 December when the government estimated that the vaccination program had reached 90% of the population. On 14 December, the state of emergency was extended to 29 December.[9] Samoan anti-vaccination activist Edwin Tamasese was arrested and charged with “incitement against a government order”. Finally, as of 22 December, an estimated 94% of the eligible population had been vaccinated.[7]”
This measles outbreak began in South Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland is the most populous Polynesian city on Earth. The measles was soon transmitted from South Auckland to Samoa.
It was regularly stated by vaccinologists and epidemiologists that a 95% vaccination rate was required for herd protection.
Have a nice day Matt
Jerry Krause
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Hi MattH,
Hopefully PSI readers will ‘digest’ that which you brought to our attentions. We, at least you and I, know that measles was a common childhood disease for which there was no vaccine at the time I had measles and mumps before 12 years of age. For this was before there was any vaccine for either illness.
And relative to your personal knowledge of Auckland NZ we must consider that the possibly that no one in Auckland was being required to be vaccinated for measles. before 2019.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hi Jerry and readers.
New Zealand was a first world country in the top 5 countries for standard of living in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
The measles outbreak in South Auckland in early 2019 was a sign that NZ vaccination rate for measles had dropped to third world status in some metropolitan areas.
Measles first arrived in Samoa in 1893, carried by a steamer from New Zealand. By the end of 1893, over 1,000 people (of a total population of 34,500 at that time) had died from the disease. (wikipedia)
I note that wikipedia states that polio is less contagious than measles and only requires 80% vax for herd immunity.
Heard Immunity. The farmer and his family get vaccinated and none of the farmer’s cows catch the disease. ( mattpedia )
cheers Matt
Jerry Krause
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Hi MattH,
Thank you for more information from your part of the world. Question: How many of 34,500 population were not of European descent?
I have read how common European diseases killed many ‘natives’ who for ‘maybe’ thousands of years had had no contact with the European sailors who first ‘discovered’ them.
Have a good day, Jerry
Herb Rose
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As I understand it this new type of vaccine does not provide immunity but only makes the disease milder. If that is the case 100% vaccination will do nothing to provide herd immunity, that will come when the vaccinated contract the disease. Fauci just wants to sell vaccines even if they do nothing.
Herb Rose
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Amend that last sentence to … do nothing” to, do nothing beneficial. I fear that they will do something: harm.
D. Boss
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Nick Lewis has posted several times that in an inhomongeneous population with pre-existing immune responses, should be between 7% and 24%.
His posts are well researched and have supporting references.
Also it’s not a “novel” virus, it’s a cousin to common cold viruses, hence logically there is already some measure of community immune responses to it.
I view the whole mess (corona madness) as akin to the sky is falling narrative on Climate, but with a darker underlying agenda. Or maybe it’s the same agenda, but on overdrive… to destroy western civilization and replace it with a socialist/totalitarian utopia and kill off 80+% of us nasty talking apes. (the first step being to get mass compliance to a “lockdown” dictate – once you have all the sheeple conditioned to be compliant, then you can implement all your nasty plans with little opposition that is easily crushed)
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Trump tries to play down the pandemic to avoid panic there is an outcry.
Fauci does the same stunt and he is a saint, with 24 Dec now known as `Dr Fauci Day’.
WHO now says only a vaccine creates herd immunity and Fauci will support this when he finally gets to 100%. His patents and shares should stand him in good stead at the end of all this.