Don’t Miss Professor Viterito on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying!
Is there a link between earthquakes and climate change? A noted U.S. climate professor will be appearing on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying (this Saturday 7pm -9pm New York time) to discuss his revelations, which may have major scientific implications.
On Saturday 25th March 2023 Principia Scientific’s leading denizens will be sharing with listeners the science the mainstream would rather you didn’t know. On their popular radio show, Sky Dragon Slaying, the PSI trio are interviewing an independent climate expert, Professor Arthur Viterito.
Dr. Viterito is a member of the Association of American Geographers, the International Association for Urban Climate, and the Maryland State Geographic Information Committee.
Principia Scientific International first learned of this important new work via the International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources. It featured a new paper showing a significant and growing relationship between mid-ocean seismic activity and global temperatures (extended through 2018).
Published July 16, 2019, ‘The Relationship Between Mid-Ocean Spreading Zone Seismic Activity and Global Temperatures Remains Strong Through 2018,‘ [1] found:
“…a link between mid-ocean spreading zone seismic activity (MOSZSA) [4] and global temperatures (GT) [5] over the past 40 years. In this brief note, the MOSZSA, as measured by the moment-magnitude 4-6 earthquake frequencies in these high geothermal flux areas, along with GT, are extended through 2018 (Figure 1) to re-test the hypothesis that MOSZSA serves as a significant driver of GT. The methods employed are the same as those detailed in CSARGW with one exception: the data from University of Alabama – Huntsville, version 6.0, are now averaged with the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) version 4.0 data instead of the older RSS 3.3 version.”
Interest in Professor Viterito’s analysis has since grown so we will be discussing his analysis of how climate and geothermal flux are linked.
Leading PSI researcher and TNT Radio host, Joe Olson explains;
“I met Dr Arthur Viterito at the Heartland ICCC-9 Lukewarmist Love Fest in Las Vegas, July 2014. His data set is limited to the most comprehensive temperature record, the NOAA satellite data of 30 years. Throughout recorded history thers is evidence of massive volcanic events causing global climate changes (summers without summer). Other extreme evdnts can be dated to meteor strikes. No climet event can be connected to Carbon Dioxide, a benign, trailing artifact.”
Biography for Professor Arthur Viterito:
Dr. Viterito received his Ph.D. in geography from the University of Denver with specialties in climatology and physical geography. He has published research in the areas of radiational receipt, urban climatology, and global climate change, and his work in urban climatology was cited in the first report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. His latest publication, “The Correlation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming,” appears in the April 2016 issue of the Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change. The study establishes the connection of increased geothermal flux with warming of the global climate since 1979. Dr. Viterito is a member of the Association of American Geographers, the International Association for Urban Climate, and the Maryland State Geographic Information Committee.
About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball and Joseph A Olson) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new book, Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon.
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