Donald Trump, Covid Lies and Operation Warp Speed
During times of crisis, emperors, kings, and presidents have always been hemmed in by so-called experts
During one of his so-called “Table Talk” monologues recorded in the Wolf’s Lair headquarters, Hitler once boasted that he was a great leader “because I have always made a point of never listening to so-called experts.”
In his egomaniacal mind, “experts” about every conceivable matter were useless academics who lacked his extraordinary power of intuition.
In military matters, Hitler ultimately committed the ultimate hubris by not listening to the experts who warned him that invading Russia would result in total disaster.
In medical matters, it’s noteworthy that he proclaimed that he simply knew cigarette smoking to be terrible for one’s health. It was, he claimed, a matter of simple observation and intuition, and if medical experts failed to understand this, it was further evidence of their uselessness.
Many of our readers have lamented that Donald Trump endorsed and touted “Operation Warp Speed” as the solution to COVID-19, and that he should have told Fauci et al. to shove off. I believe this is an unrealistic expectation.
Indeed, we saw what happened to Trump when he tried, in the spring of 2020, to sing the praises of hydroxychloroquine as an inexpensive and readily available way of treating the illness.
Referring to Professor Didier Raoult’s first research paper, Trump tried to make the case in his White House press briefings that HCQ seemed to hold promise and that there was no harm in giving it a try.
It was during these press conferences that Anthony Fauci reminded me of the lore of Cardinal Richelieu, who held immense power during the reign of Louis XIII. Richelieu was purported to be an expert on virtually every important public matter, and Louis invariably took his counsel.
Watching Fauci’s subtle and not so subtle insubordination, I realized that the Deep State had succeeded in taming Donald Trump by hemming him in with a public health emergency and supplanting his executive power by ‘Rule of Medical Experts’.
In my view, it’s a bit silly of people to proclaim that if they had been president at this time, they would have possessed the vision and the will to tell the so-called medical experts to jump in a lake.
While Trump can be amazingly forceful and cunning when it comes to dealing from people from a variety of economic and political sectors, in medical scientific matters, he was fish out of water.
It’s also important to remember that, between March and August of 2020, Professor Didier Raoult and Dr. Peter McCullough were the only major academic doctors in the world who made public pronouncements calling into question the feasibility of making a safe and effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.
In press interviews in the spring of 2020, Professor Raoult expressed grave doubt that it was possible. In August 2020, Dr. McCullough penned an Opinion piece for the Hill headlined The great gamble of COVID-19 vaccine development.
Apart from these two guys, no one who held a major position in academic medicine made such clear statements in the public forum.
Should Trump have told the entire federal scientific-medical bureaucracy and its backers in the Department of Defense to put a sock in it? Should he have instead listened to Drs. Raoult and McCullough?
I believe it would have been great if he’d done so, but it’s hard to imagine from a practical standpoint how he could have pulled this off, especially considering that Drs. Raoult and McCullough were promptly subjected to vicious campaigns of vilification and punishment.
Now the real question is whether Trump will—after he is sworn in—change his tune and proclaim that he is open to considering the evidence that Fauci et al. sold him a bill of goods?
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Interesting read I found:
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Who is really obsessed with trump, the supporters or detractors , both are delusional
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It is not an obsession. There are certain groups of afflicted people that it relates to, that we know who they are by their very behaviour. They are irrational.
Claiming it applies to both sides as you attempt to do does not change that.
As I told you previously, the truth is hard to swallow. It is the person who needs to come to terms.
“Frankl is equally well known for advising that when we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. This recommendation echoes the wise words of the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus who is credited with the following: “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”4 Notice how both pieces of advice assume not only the exercise of freedom of will (i.e., freedom to choose, even if it involves only your attitude toward the situation and what happens to you) but also personal responsibility (i.e., actually changing yourself or how you react to the situation and what happens to you).”
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Amazing how our pretend leaders know so little and then they rely on the “experts” who know even less.
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What choice do they have Tom?
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they have the choice of doing what is right and protecting the people
ie doing what they are supposedly paid to do
we dont pay them to boss us around and tell us what to do
anyone know why we need/want government?
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“”protecting the people ie doing what they are supposedly paid to do”
You have a short memory Aaron.
On November 16th 2024, I stated:
“The most important thing you miss Aaron, is that nobody is perfect. Mistakes happen so one can learn. Are you able to make decisions of a scale affecting the whole USA and be right every time? Surely you would have advisors. Would you trust their experience or not?
What matters is whether the action was deliberately taken knowing what could result. Give the man some slack.
Trump cannot be blamed for a pharma sector that views others as pure income regardless of death rate when he is not versed in the subject. ”
You never responded, even though no person on Earth actually can. Don’t condemn others for having the failures you also have, just because they ‘get paid’.
But you do pay them to boss you around. That is why they have a position of power, and you are subordinate to that. Whether that is right or not is of no importance. Neither is it important whether you personally approve of it. It is a fact, deal with it.
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bla bla Aaron bad, stupid and ignorant
trump awesome can do no wrong and should be forgiven for kicking off millions of deaths after all he was only following faucis ‘recommendations’ and assuming zero responsibility,
ok I get it
troll someone else for a bit
must be nice to be a real life sovereign citizen like your super-hero
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You still don’t get it do you. Wisdom doesn’t stick to you does it Aaron, and it’s all everybody else’s fault, but never yours. There’s a lesson in there.
You came into the thread of your own free will, and you ended up as usual, ‘crying wolf’ because you don’t get your way. Poor you.
In future, stay away If you can’t take the heat… Perhaps when you are self aware and can handle criticism eh?
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trump apologists, will you ever learn?
unbelievable that anyone would defend this con artist
i had no idea fauci was the real president calling the shots
if trump did not have the balls to stand-up to fauci, what chance do ya think he has standing against the ‘deep state’?
either trump is no threat to the ‘deep state’ or he is on board with them
is trump against the digital currency scam?
with no cash we are all at their mercy
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Using one’s own mind is always the best option.
Carbon Bigfoot
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I survived the WuWHOFlu in October 2019 so I knew our immune systems were up to the challenge. At the time I was 76 with ten co-comorbidities. I took nothing and just sweated it out.
What happened to the Precautionary Principle and especially authorizing an untested regiment.
I lost complete faith in our Medical Establishment and the Gobmint’s propaganda arm, the MSM.
Robert Beatty
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I remember reading the PSI article which was a very plausible discussion on the dangers of mRNA injections, which is still the case.
This man (Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi) needs a medal, not a German prosecution.
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And as Catherine Austin Fitts has said, “Trump either knew or he was incompetent, either option is not good.
President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order 13887 on September 19, 2019, just months before the COVID-19 “pandemic” began and a novel mRNA vaccine would be developed for the disease.
The executive order (EO), titled “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To Promote National Security and Public Health,” authorized the U.S. Secretary of Defense, the head of the Department of Defense (DoD), to help develop “next-generation” vaccines.
The DoD was permitted to “investigate, in collaboration with HHS, alternative correlates of immune protection that could facilitate development of next-generation influenza vaccines,” the EO reads.
Incidentally, Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc.’s jabs, developed to respond to the COVID “pandemic”, are considered next-generation vaccines.
This is because the Pfizer and Moderna shots, unlike conventional vaccine platforms, utilize controversial mRNA technology.
The EO’s wording signals a trend away from traditional vaccines and toward those with even less safety data behind them.