Does Over A Million Dead From Covid Vaccines In US Count As Genocide Yet?

This analysis is based on the VAERS Under Reporting Factor (URF) study known as the 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Study aka The Lazarus Report

It is very interesting that immediately after this study was published, CDC made a gargantuan change to VAERS where “Only primary/Initial reports are published”.

It’s very important to understand this Harvard Pilgrim Study did not have to contend with this paradigm shift we deal with today.

What’s worse, it seems like most of our so called experts do not even recognize this paradigm shift even exists?

I want to be exact as I can on what this actually means and what the VAERS system was doing prior to 2011 with respects to adding follow-up data. Exactly speaking VAERS would append follow-up data to initial reports.

They would NOT delete initial reports to add or create a new appended report with a different VAERS ID#. I will mention that Dr. Jessica Rose in her Oct 2021 Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance – IPAK paper seems to believe that VAERS deletes reports to then add new info/report when a victim subsequently dies?

I don’t know if she still feels this way or if I even understand here paper correctly?

So any who, here is the up close print where CDC tells us five times that only initial reports are published, contrary to Dr. Rose’s opinion.

I wonder how many victims are now since DEAD, but were alive when reports were submitted? How many reports started out as Office Visit or Emergency, but are now a seemingly permanent disabilities in reality?

I know many people in who would now like their reports upgraded to serious or permanent. God bless them but that won’t happen. It’s super super rare.

So what do you think, do you think we can take the almost 18K dead and double the count based the information available? Do you think any hospital CEO’s got a Fauci memo stating if you must file a VAERS report, at least make sure the victim has a heart beat when you hit the submit button?

Brain dead people are still alive so you don’t need to report them dead anyways.

I have also studied the pre-2011 VAERS reports and explained the data “addendum” process here.:

The biggest paradigm shift in 2011 everyone missed!

Doubling the death stats, based on the paradigm shift of 2011 is still conservative even before we begin attempting to calculate a URF for the following reasons.

  1. There is still about ~50 clearly dead victims per the summary narrative, because the “died” box is not checked off. See Here.
  2. There is at least 100-150 Covid vax deaths in the UNKNOWN VAX TYPE. The clue is in the lot# and/or the summary narrative.
  3. The bundled deaths on one report. There is as many 1,500-2,000 more deaths if we could ethically unbundle.
  4. ~1,400 fetal demise, stillborns, spontaneous aborts, etc.. but NOT classified as death. Kids in the womb is a big debate, kids out the vag canal for a month are struggling to be counted as a person, and pretty soon you might not be counted as a person if you haven’t grown pubic hairs or hair on you chest. Seems like they want to abort everybody?

By CDC’s own admission VAERS had received 19,476 DEATH reports by March 1, 2023 when they stopped making these alerts:


I conservatively doubled Kirsch’s 41x for all the reasons listed above but for shits and giggles (nobody is laughing) let’s extrapolate this 19,476 deaths up to March 1.

What if we apply a URF of 88x instead of 82x to 19,476 CDC’s March 1st benchmark? From here forward I want the world to know this as The Eagle’s URF based on doubling Kirsch’s URF and adding a few points to compensate for the Tom Foolery the troglodytes at CDC are pulling with these Vegas card tricks.

See more here

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Comments (11)

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    Big pharma and the doctors aren’t sure about mRNA, but one thing is for sure is that 20 million have been murdered around the world.


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    Richard Greene


    Complete nonsense from Kirsch.
    Zero evidence
    Wil guessing
    Embarrassing for this website
    Just another tin hat conspiracy theory
    The claim that shots were not safe and not effective can be made supported by evidence. The one million dead claim is complete nonsense.
    The basic flaw is assuming that everyone who dies after getting a Covid shot, lets say in the next month, died from the Covid shot.

    In fact, people die every day of every year.

    If you counted th deaths within a month of a common cold infection, the total “common cold deaths” in the US would be claimed to be up to 500,000 a year. Same flawed logic.

    This website alternates good articles with conspiracy theory claptrap. That’s why I will never recommend it to others who could be vulnerable to conspiracy theories.

    Kirsch has written some good articles that I have recommended on my blog. This subject is not one of them.


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      denis dombas


      Richard, where is your evidence to counter this”nonsense”as you said?Why are you even commenting without any facts and sound so gullible and naive?


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        Richard Greene


        The conspiracy nut who claims one million Americans were killed by Covid shots has the obligation to prove his bizarre claim. With total deaths of about 3.3 million a year, one million extra deaths each year in 2021, 2022 and 2023 would be about 10% more than usual each year. There is zero real data to prove there were one million extra deaths, from Covid shots, but plenty of fools willing to believe that conspiracy theory, defended with the illogical claim that Kirsch is right unless you can prove him wrong. I suppose you also believe people charged with a crime are guilty unless they can prove they are innocent. Kirsch pulls numbers out of a hat and you believe him because he has told you what you wanted to hear.


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          I note Richard Greene dwells in personal abuse rather than debate science. A troll.
          Dr John Cambell has presented a multitude of official data of high clot shotted western countries showing excess deaths at around 10% to 14% average whereas those countries with low clotshot rates have correspondingly low excess death rates.


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    Fear mongering. People haven’t noticed, but there’s a multifaceted movement to set up protests.
    One facet pushes the idea that lockdowns and masks are returning, one pushes the “safe and effective/mask mandates” protest, and the numbers are being fudged to give their scheme a boost through fear mongering.

    Whatever protests arise, insider-led protests will be the only ones making the news. They will likely frame the protest as a threat to national security and economy.

    Stay away from their protests, they are going to subvert it from the inside.


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      That’s been done. Famously now, during the J6 Peaceful Protests… Before that, the Summer of Fun Protesting the Self Intoxicating Suicide by a Longtime Criminal & Drug Addict.
      TPTB are also famous for steering all sides, all opposition.

      So, the “Protests” Logically Must be taken to them.

      On the other hand, wouldn’t one of their “Agents Provocateur” be tasked to post such a suggestion on an up and coming peanut gallery? To inject short stop counter action?

      Yes, It Be Deep Shitz Already.


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    Thank you Wisenox

    you have made some insightful and valuable comments
    very wise indeed


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    Deaths by Fauci


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      Don’t forget the Fake Fauci Globalist Pandemic of the 1980$-1990$.

      Where AZT, another known Killer Toxin, was used with great alacrity to mass murder anyone complaining of the AIDS.

      Just how much Loot did Fauci, ‘the Scythe’, rip off from that purposely induced mass death event.
      There in the full light of Day…in front of everybody.

      Then all the experimentation he funded. Who backed this Psycho for that job and kept him there accumulating power via corruption and being given $Billions to distribute to direct whatever his plan…which is much more apparent today.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi WhoKoo and Richard Green,

    Richard, you just wrote: “If you counted th deaths within a month of a common cold infection, the total “common cold deaths” in the US would be claimed to be up to 500,000 a year. Same flawed logic.” Richard, how do you know “the total “common colds” in the US would be 500,000 per year? It is not logical to base your reasoning on an assumption which you made is an assumption.

    When Einstein posed his ‘thought’ problem he clearly identified every assumption used in his logical reasoning. Whokoo is correct about his observation of what you do.

    Have a good day


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