Doctor Reveals Remdesivir Is Real Cause Of COVID-19 Maladies
Dr. Bryan Ardis makes an astounding revelation. He states that Dr. Fauci pushed the use of Veklury® (remdesivir) as a treatment for COVID-19 knowing that it would be unsafe and ineffective for patients.
Veklury® (remdesivir) is a nucleotide analogue RNA polymerase inhibitor. Dr. Ardis reveals that the symptoms of lungs filling with fluid and the other alleged COVID-19 symptoms were actually side effects of kidney poisoning and other organ damage that are known side-effects of Veklury® (remdesivir). Dr. Ardis alleges that the devestating health toll allegedly caused by COVID-19 was actually caused by the NIH recommended treatment of Veklury® (remdesivir).
Dr. Bryan states that the NIH even cited two studies on its website that showed that Veklury® (remdesivir) was ineffective and unsafe to patients. It seems that many doctors just blindly followed the recommendation of the NIH to use Veklury® (remdesivir) without actually reading the cited studies. I tracked down those studies and read them.
NIH Recommends Remdesivir
On May 12, 2020, the NIH recommended the use of Veklury® (remdesivir) for severe cases of COVID-19. At that time, Veklury® (remdesivir) was an unapproved experimental drug made by Gilead Sciences. It was authorized by the FDA for emergency use treatment of COIVD-19.
Conflicts of Interest
In my research I discovered something quite disturbing. The recommendation from the NIH to use Veklury® (remdesivir) to treat COVID-19 came from the NIH Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines. There were nine (9) people on the NIH Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines with financial ties to Gilead Sciences, the maker of Veklury® (remdesivir).
The following is a list of those people on the NIH Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines who had financial ties to Gilead Sciences, the manufacturer of Veklury® (remdesivir):
Rajesh Gandhi is on the advisory board of Gilead Sciences.
David Glidden is a consultant for Gilead Sciences.
Adaora Adimora is a consultant for Gilead Sciences and received research support from Gilead Sciences.
Eric Daar is a consultant for Gilead Sciences and recieves research support from Gilead Sciences.
Judith Aberg received research support from Gilead Sciences.
Jason Baker received research support from Gilead Sciences.
Susanna Naggie received research support from Gilead Sciences.
Pablo Tebas received research support from Gilead Sciences.
Roger Bedimo received an honoraria from Gilead Sciences.
Steering Doctors Away From Hydroxychloroquine
The panel tried to steer doctors away from Hydroxychloroquine, by stating that “[t]here are insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against using chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID.”
The panel, of course, had an interest in undermining inexpensive and effective treatements: “[T]he Panel recommends against the use of the following drugs for the treatment of COVID-19: The combination of hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin because of the potential for toxicities.” That was not true. Indeed many subsequent studies have shown that the hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin “combination is safe and may avoid worsening, virus persistence, and subsequent contagiosity.”
This author previous wrote an article explaining the extreme efforts taken to discredit hydroxychloroquine. Doctors conducting studies purposely administered toxic levels of hydroxychlorquine to falsely show that it was dangerous to patients.
Remdesivir Adverse Events
Many of the studies cited in support of NIH’s recommendation to use Veklury® (remdesivir) were in vitro studies or animal studies. A couple of the human studies were at best a mixed bag. Two of the most authoritative studies showed Veklury® (remdesivir) to be ineffective and unsafe.
On or about May 12, 2020, the FDA reported the following summary for study GS-US-5773:
In a randomized, open-label clinical trial (Study GS-US-540-5773) of remdesivir in 397 subjects with severe COVID-19 treated with remdesivir for 5 (n=200) or 10 days (n=197), adverse events were reported in 71 percent and 74 percent of subjects, respectively, serious adverse events were reported in 21 percent and 35 percent of subjects, respectively, and Grade=3 adverse events were reported in 31 percent and 43 percent of subjects, respectively. Nine (5 percent) subjects in the 5-day group and 20 (10 percent) subjects in the 10-day group discontinued treatment due to an adverse event. All cause mortality at Day 28 was 10 percent vs 13 percent in the 5- and 10-day treatment groups, respectively.
Please do not miss the fact that there were reported 71 percent adverse events in the 5-day study and 74 percent adverse events in the 10-day study for patients taking Veklury® (remdesivir). 21 percent suffered serious adverse events in the 5 day study and 35 percent of the patients suffered serious adverse events in the 10-day study. Below is the chart of adverse events published in the study.
Hiding Remdesivir Adverse Events
Study GS-US-540-5773 was a randomized, open-label clinical trial in hospitalized adult subjects with severe COVID-19 treated with VEKLURY 200 mg on Day 1 and 100 mg once daily for 5 (n=200) or 10 days (n=197). Adverse reactions were reported in 33 (17 percent) subjects in the 5-day group and 40 (20 percent) subjects in the 10-day group. The most common adverse reactions occurring in at least 5 percent of subjects in either the VEKLURY 5-day or 10-day group, respectively, were nausea (5 percent vs 3 percent), AST increased (3 percent vs 6 percent), and ALT increased (2 percent vs 7 percent). Rates of any adverse reaction, serious adverse reactions, and adverse reactions leading to treatment discontinuation are presented in Table 6. [Chart 6 indicated that 3 percent of the 5 day group and 5 percent of the 10 day group had treatment discontinued due to adverse reactions.]
Notice the differences in reporting. The May 2020 report describes adverse events, whereas the October 2020 report changes the reporting to adverse reactions.
The difference is that an adverse reaction denotes a causal relationship and an adverse event is an event that may or may not be causally related.
By concealing the adverse events and only reporting adverse reactions, the October 2020 FDA report conceals the real danger from Veklury® (remdesivir). Keep in mind that an adverse reaction must be established by a reasonable possibility. Such nebulous standards for distinguishing adverse events from adverse reactions are ripe for abuse. An adverse event could be causally related but the reviewer may just decide it is not reasonable to infer it is causally linked, and thus it would not be called an adverse reaction.
May 2020 FDA Publication: “397 subjects with severe COVID-19 treated with remdesivir for 5 (n=200) or 10 days (n=197), adverse events were reported in 71 percent and 74 percent of subjects”
October 2020 FDA Publication: “Adverse reactions were reported in 33 (17 percent) subjects in the 5-day group and 40 (20 percent) subjects in the 10-day group.”
May 2020 FDA Publication: Nine (5 percent) subjects in the 5-day group and 20 (10 percent) subjects in the 10-day group discontinued treatment due to an adverse event.
October 2020 FDA Publication: 3 percent of the 5 day group and 5 percent of the 10 day group discontinued treatment due to an adverse reaction.
May 2020 FDA Publication: Serious adverse events were reported in 21 percent and 35 percent of subjects, [in the 5 day and 10 day groups] respectively.
October 2020 FDA Publication: Serious adverse reactions were reported in 2 percent and 2 percent of subjects in the 5 day and 10 groups respectively.
This is where the deception becomes obvious. The study did not measure aderse reactions! The study protocols for GS-US-540-5773 published by Gilead states that they were only going to measure adverse events. There is no mention of any plan to measure advers reactions.
Indeed, when one read the data from the Gilead study (GS-US-540-5773) itself there is only a recording of adverse events. There is no measure or memorialization of adverse reactions. So, the question is, if Gilead did not plan to measure adverse reactions and there is no record of such measures, where did the adverse reaction figures come from?
Majority of Patients on Remdesivir Suffer Liver Damage
Amazingly, in the May 2020 FDA publication indicated that a majority of the participants in the several remdesivir studies conducted have suffered liver damage.
Transaminase elevations have been observed in the remdesivir clinical development program, including in healthy volunteers and patients with COVID19. In healthy volunteers who received up to 150 mg daily for 14 days, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevations were observed in the majority of patients, including elevations to up to 10 times baseline values in one subject without evidence of clinical hepatitis.
The FDA report stated that in the GS-US-540-5773 study 5 percent of the patients suffered moderate to severe liver damage. Whereas, 2 percent of the study patients suffered severe liver damage.
Kidney Damage From Remdesivir is Foreseeable
Another foreseeable side effect of Veklury® (remdesivir) is kidney damage. The FDA pubication reveals that “[i]ntravenous administration (slow bolus) of remdesivir to rats at dosage levels of =3 mg/kg/day for up to 4 weeks resulted in findings indicative of kidney injury and/or dysfunction.”
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Required
In another later published study (ACTT-1, NCT04280705) reported in the October 10, 2010 FDA emergency use auhthorization that alleged to show the benefits of Veklury® (remdesivir), 27 percent of the patients taking Veklury® (remdesivir) “were on invasive mechanical ventilation.” There was no control group in that study. It seems that the ventilation was the result of Veklury® (remdesivir) because the study revealed that “[s]ubjects on mechanical ventilation at screening were excluded” from the study.
Early Study Termination Due to Adverse Events
In another human study conducted in China, 12 percent of the Veklury® (remdesivir) group participants had to discontinue therapy with Veklury® (remdesivir) due to adverse side effects. That compared to 5 percent in the control group.
Keep in mind that the control group in the chineses study was not truly a placebo group and the Veklury® (remdesivir) group was not truly a Veklury® (remdesivir) group. Both the control group and the Veklury® (remdesivir) group recieved corticosteroids, lopinavir/ritonavir, and interferon alfa-2b. The study was terminated early without any conclusions. The NIH admitted that “[t]he use of concomitant medications (corticosteroids, lopinavir/ritonavir, interferon) may have obscured the effects of remdesivir.”
Another human study cited did not have a control group, and the NIH, therefore, admitted that “it is not possible to assess whether the use of remdesivir led to the improvement.”
Remdesivir Proven Ineffective in Ebola Study
There was only one other human study cited, and the results were devastating for the patients in that study who were administered Veklury® (remdesivir). In that study, Veklury® (remdesivir) was compared to three other treatments for Ebola. The control group was not actually a placebo group. The group was administered a medicine identified as ZMapp (a triple monoclonal antibody agent).
There was something strange about the trial. In another trial study 22% of the study patients died within 28 days using ZMapp on patients with Ebola. But in the comparative study with Veklury® (remdesivir) the motrality rate for the control grup using ZMapp shot up to 49.7% during the 28 day study.
The study administrators could only guess as to why their study patients were dropping like flies. They said: “The reason that mortality among patients who received ZMapp was 22% in the PREVAIL II trial (conducted during the outbreak in West Africa) and 50% in our trial (conducted during the current outbreak in the DRC) is unclear.”
One thing that was clear was that the significantly higher mortality for ZMapp brought the control group closer to the 53.1% mortality rate of the Veklury® (remdesivir) group with the effect that Veklury® (remdesivir) was shown to be merely less effective rather than extremely deleterious. That higher mortality of 49.7% for ZMapp also had the effect of showing that the other two treatment modalities were effective as compared to the control.
In any event, as the chart published in the study below reveals, Veklury® (remdesivir) had the highest mortality of any of the treatment modalities with 53.1 percent of the Ebola patients who were administered Veklury® (remdesivir) dying within 28 days.
Yet, with those studies showing the Veklury® (remdesivir) is unsafe and ineffective, the NIH recommended Veklury® (remdesivir) as the treatment for COVID-19. The results were foreseeable. Its use to treat patients with COVID-19 were predictably ineffective and unsafe.
See more here:
Header image: Greg Nash / Getty Images
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John Vrabec
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This is what I have been trying to tell my friends and family, that Fauci and his partners in crime (literally) have their hands in all of this that has brought this country down to its totalitarian leanings now. Fauci has been a fraud for years, a typical government bureaucrat, unelected by “We The People” who now runs roughshod over our liberties and gains God-like status from the oppressive Left. Granting the Emergency use to Big Pharma was predicated on demonizing and removing PROVEN, low cost treatments of the elusive virus (how can you have a variant of something you haven’t ben able to pin down in the lab yet???)
This charade of devastation has cost this country a president and our way of life going forward, with the gatekeepers now including censorship, illegal mandates and restriction of God given liberties to us freedom loving deplorables. It sickens me.
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Trump peddled Remdesivir, HCQ, maybe even Ivermectin.
He’s a billionare (except he didn’t mention that’s debt). Imagine how much debt Gilly Baited has?
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I’m just saying. I don’t need ads.
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I’ve already explained some issues with HCQ (chlorine, potassium and sodium related issues, BBB), that’s why there were reports of mental and heart problems, for instance. Coz electrical function, potassium deficiency and chlorine excess is already a common problem.
Ivermectin (again BBB attack, though I’m not so sure about the function though as I haven’t looked at it much, it seems to be some kind of antioxidant analog, but…not quite, subversive).
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Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier was ordered to stop treating (successfully) with HCQ and Zinc, something that he had used to treat SARS in 2003. That is not to say there aren’t potential problems, there are with any drug, only that this is a co-ordinated international effort to vaccinate people where none is needed.
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Your “low cost treatments”, being peddled, are all toxic derivative pieces of SHIT.
Ivermectin, HCQ, vaccines. Because they are TOXIC. They are MADE TO BE TOXIC. TO PERPETUATE TOXIC SHIT TO DEGENERATE YOU.
In the mean time, while peddle that garbage, I’m going to revoke your access to sunlight.
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I wonder how it is that you mistake insecurity for “god-like status” though? They couldn’t attain God or likes.
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So you were mentioning Gilead, and trying to associate with the “good conservatives”, right? Those trying to sell HCQ, ivermectin, shit like that, while the “left” sells remdesivir?
“THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. And welcome to Dan O’Day, CEO of Gilead. You know what that is because it’s been in the news and the company has been in the news, and it’s a great American company that’s done incredible work on HIV and hepatitis C. And I hear that — that’s what’s happening with hepatitis is the great — a great medical story. Really, a great medical story. I’ve been hearing about that. It’s fantastic, Dan.
I’m pleased to announce that Gilead now has an EUA from the FDA for remdesivir. And you know what that is because that’s been the hot thing also in the papers and in the media for the last little while. An important treatment for hospitalized coronavirus patients. And it’s something — I spoke with Dr. Hahn and Dr. Fauci; I spoke with Deborah about it. And it’s — it’s really a very promising situation.
We’ve been doing work with the teams at the FDA, NIH, and Gilead for spearheading this public-private partnership to make this happen very quickly.
So, today, we’re going to be — and I’m going to let Dan do it — but we’re going to let Dan make a statement as to what the company is doing, making a contribution to, really, people that are not doing well, people that are sick, people that have this horrible plague that’s set into our country and that we’re getting rid of. And we’re going to be — we’re going to be having some really incredible results.
We have very promising studies coming out on the vaccines. We have promising studies coming out on therapeutics. And the first one is from Dan and Gilead. And I’d like to maybe have you say a few words, if you would, Dan, as to, number one, about remdesivir, to start off with, and also the contribution being made by your company. And we very much appreciate it.”
Guanold Dump was and is a piece of shit.
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Only thirteen “doctors” are running the Marxist COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation. None of these thirteen ever see patients.
Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.
So, why is Florida Governor DeSantis suddenly pimping the vaccines after standing so strong against the COVID scam until now?
First, like President Trump, DeSantis is NOT a doctor or scientist. This means he must rely upon the “expert” opinions of those who are, in short, “follow the scientists.” The issue is, whose science?
2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.
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Fauci, the CDC, WHO, politicians, the Marxist media, and their Marxist “fact-checkers” LIED about infected numbers and death toll numbers for the past 19-months, they are lying about the 2021 vaccine death numbers now.
They have been frantically deleting all the reports of all the deaths that frontline physicians have been sending in and now they have completely shut down the reporting system as a whole .
ONLY when you take the time to READ the attending physician reports yourself, will you see that ALL of these “COVID DEATHS” occurred AFTER the patients received one or more of the vaccines. You will also see that it doesn’t matter which vaccine they took, as they are all causing the same effects.
These reports deal strictly with patients who had DIED AFTER RECEIVING their vaccines.
But before they could delete all of them, I exported several VAERS reports to a secure thumb drive and then posted them for the world to consider HERE… and HERE.…
This is what you will see if you click and read these reports, which are posted in the original VAERS exported form, without any edit or alteration.
ALL (100%) of these attending physician reports to VAERS concerning “new COVID deaths” are in patients that have received these vaccines, no exceptions. ALL of these reports are “post-vaccine deaths.”(But that’s NOT how they are marked)
The second report separated these death reports by vaccine manufacturer.
ALL of them have been marked by VAERS and the CDC as mere “COVID DEATHS” with none of them marked “vaccine deaths,” even though all of them happened “post-vaccine.
In report after report, you will read horrifying accounts from attending physicians, of exactly how these vaccines are ravaging the bodies of the vaccinated, from the inside out
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Seems to me those were deleted… Any chance of a reupload?
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Oh looky here:
Myocardial infarction, acute ischemic stroke, and hyperglycemia triggered by acute chlorine gas inhalation
I’m not even kidding, I told a “freemason” founding family witch. “Dude, I’m going to die of myocardial infarction”…like 6 years ago. Holy shit did that piss her off.
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That shit is related to what’s called Ebola btw. And avian flu. Courtesy of Derpity McMotherfuckinDerpington.
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As I’ve tried to explain, avoid fluorine and chlorine shit. ANY industrial chlorine and fluorine shit.
Go to the beach.
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Ivermectin, Bleach, HCQ…
That’d be chlorine shit!
Also, the rockefeller IOM TOTALLY LIES about iodine RDI, relative to chlorine, fluorine, bromine intake! You can take 10-20x their RDI in most cases (assuming you don’t already get lots of iodine coz you don’t live on the beach) and be infinitely superior.
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Similarly, they lie about the vitamin D RDI, which you can ALSO use at about an order of magnitude more, typically…if you don’t get good sunlight.
Vitamin D and Iodine deficiency is why you only have 100 iqs (and actually, iq is a biased interpretation).
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Which is to say, you’re FAR more stupid than someone with a 100 iq (realistically). Coz of all the fluorine, and the lack of potassium. And some aluminum. Maybe a bit of mercury. Oh yeah, and the constant “unwanted exercise” of the Secretive Militarized Armaments Residential Territories.”.
Weed is smarter than SMART.
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NGFL. Not gonna fucking lie. It’s not that I want to die, it’s more that I can’t.
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“Weed is smarter than SMART.”
You know how they demonize “schizophrenia” while trying to toxify you with worthless shit? Well, that’s because “schizophrenia” is a measure of empathy. Weed helps that by lowering latency (thickened and widened pathways) and making more connections.
Check this bullshit from cambridge phds, for instance (it’s utternly worthless)…
Someone linked that at some point, I answered honestly, and scored like 28/80 or something. So I thought about why. Then I answered it after considering why they’d talk shit. On my first try, I got 76/80, second try 0/80.
They use that to influence clinical diagnoses. I can explain their method and math.
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Btw, from my understanding of the concept of God…God demands schizophrenia.
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Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases
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So you’re just a peddler, coz you rely on “covid” being a thing and you’re pushing industrial pharma shit.
When a PCR test goes from “positive” to “negative”, that means what? That you now have additional damage so the damage signature is different.
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Explain to me how ivermectin is associated with electrical function in the brain and how it improves health, while “killing a phantom virus”.
It’s simply non-essential marketed industrial toxins predicated on the same fraudulent bullshit, from the same fraudulent pasteur/rockefeller methodology and industrial exploitation.
If you believe that sort of shit, sorry, you’re lost.
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Ivermectin isn’t related to worsening chlorine/electrical balance related issues, is it??
Nice little hyped trojan to attack the BBB based on BULLSHIT.
I have zero respect for those who peddle that garbage “against covid”, and all the while they don’t address individual health status, essentials.
The very idea that you can address the health of an 80 year old and 5 year old, with say ivermectin, based on the fraudulent virus, PCR shit is UTTERLY RETARDED, flawed with respect to physics and you are USELESS AS A DOCTOR.
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Governments everywhere have lied and lied and lied about every one of the central narrative points about this virus. The effect of compliance with their ludicrous policy responses has been to hollow out humanity and supercharged the number of deaths that were completely avoidable . The number of alleged COVID-19 cases in the U.S. – 33,977,764 – is a grotesque lie because of the use of a PCR test which we know scientifically does NOT detect either a dead or living virus. The testing was a complete scam from the start .
The number of deaths from this phantom virus is also a monstrous lie: 653,206. Even the CDC had to finally admit that about 5% of deaths were caused only from COVID-19, so the total of Covid 19 deaths is about 32,660 deaths to date which is like an average for an influenza season. CDC and media sources lied and knew they were lying all along .
“These people all need locking up. The CDC has lied all along about the safety of these vaccines . This is a deception of unprecedented proportions and worldwide purposeful genocide . Crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.” These vaccines have killed close to 80,000 people already and 411 children between the ages of 11 and 14 which is far far more people than the corona virus itself has killed and permanently crippled hundred’s of thousands of others .
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Australia… The TGA approval has granted remdesivir (‘Veklury’, manufactured by Gilead Sciences Pty Ltd) provisional approval for use in adults and adolescent patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms who have been hospitalised.
NOTE DATE ….13 July 2020