Doctor Exposes The Criminal Cover Up Of Child Vaccine Side Effects

child vaccine shot

In a new video, Dr. Clare Craig of the Hart Group exposes the shoddy methodology used in the Pfizer trials that tested the Covid vax on children aged six months to four years old.

According to Dr. Craig, she was “shocked” by what she learned. The trial recruited 4,526 children aged six months to four years old. Of that, 3,000 children did NOT make it to the end of the trial!

Dr. Craig says this is a huge number, and asks why two-thirds of the participants dropped out. Given Pfizer isn’t volunteering that information, she says the entire trial should be “null and void.”

She then discusses how the trial defined “severe covid” as children who had a slightly increased heart rate and took a few extra breaths every minute.

Meeting that criteria, only six chldren aged two to four years old had severe covid, but only one in the placebo. That means the vaccine is more likely to cause infection than if they had no vaccine shot at all.

Would any parent give their child the measles vaccine with that sort of track record? Dr. Craig goes on to detail more stunning revelations of the trial and side effects.


h/t Joe O.

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