Doctor Gives Explosive Jaw-Dropping Revelations in Canadian Zoom Meeting

david martin

This Zoom call with Dr. David E Martin and a group of Canadian scientists and activists was uploaded on May 17, 2022, and is a hard-hitting and concise summary of the legal tact that he’s taking against the COVID Genocide and of the status of Dr. Martin’s lawsuits against the primary individuals responsible.

Partial Transcript:

“For those not familiar with the work, you can go to, and…you will see the Utah Federal Case that we have filed against the President, against CMS, and against the Department of Health and Human Services.

“If you want to understand why we refuse to use the term, ‘vaccination’, that’s the reason why, so go to There, you’ll also see the summary of litigation and you’ll also see the draft indictment. …

“This is not a public health situation, this is not even a science situation. And while I appreciate the public health people and the scientists who love to talk about the nuance of this, it is like commenting on the merits of firearms at a shooting.

“This is a case of murder. It is not a case of disease, it is not a case of a pandemic, this is a case of murder and the people currently doing delivery of the agent of that murder are, in fact, people who wear lab coats. If they wore anything else, if they wore hoodies, if they wore anything else, we’d call them ‘murderers’. Right now, we call them ‘doctors’.

“The fact of the matter is, this is premeditated global terrorism. This is premeditated domestic terrorism and this is premeditated racketeering.

Read the full transcript here

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    stephen lord


    In the book “Guns , Germs and Steel” jared diamond discusses the “bioweapons” that european, chinese and west African societies unknowingly benefited from during their expansions into other peoples territories. The chinese bioweapon was and is Influenza which is a coronavirus. The european weapon was small pox and the West African weapon was malaria. The Europeans have elimininated their weapon but the Chinese have deliberately made theirs more potent.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Stephen:
      Guns and steel, as well as organization and the good old attack dog. Germs no. The vicious Spanish invaders displaced and terrorized many of the native inhabitants causing a huge drop in food production and living standards. That was the “bioweapon.” Just as the black plague was caused by famine due to crop failure. Germs and viruses have never been shown to be transmissible despite 150 years of trying.

      Thats not all Diamond was wrong about. The natives of Easter Island didn’t cut their trees down. Spanish invaders from another group of islands just did an extreme lumbering operation. Thats what happens when you are unable to defend your own land.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello TheGoyimKnow:
    For well over a hundred years the Zionists have moved ever closer to their goal of destroying all the countries, to be replaced by a one world global tyranny. Contrived wars, phony climate change, fake viruses, massive migration into the white nations, and financial plunder are all being used to destroy the Western economies in order to initiate Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) original manifesto now repackaged as the “Sustainable Development Initiative” agenda 21, or also known as the WEF’s 4th industrial revolution which is nothing but a form of high tech feudalism, to be much worse than the old form.


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    From the moment I heard the first sentence from Dr. David Martin in the Plandemic documentary, I knew, he is the ONLY one who can expose the crime! It was long time ago, and I just hold me hands for his success right now, before it is completely too late, and OUR FREEDOM.


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    Roger V Tranfaglia


    Yeeaaa….So KILL alllll the whites and all your problems will be solved?
    Not so fast buddy, take a hard long look in the mirror lately?


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