Doctor Deaths And DNA-Specific Weapons

Though only recently given any attention, doctors are dying suddenly in Ontario, Canada. Three of the deaths came from one hospital within days of each other. All apparently got the fourth booster shot.

Unsurprisingly, the hospital system where the doctors worked called the claims “simply not true.” Public information about the deaths shows that two died from cancer. The third was “seriously ill,” according to his office, though the exact cause of death hasn’t been made public.

Did they die after getting Covid? Why didn’t the fourth jab protect them if they did? Polly notes a dearth of information on their deaths except what’s noted in their obituaries.

However, Polly gives other examples of young doctors dying inexplicably after getting the jab, though she admits she doesn’t have their full medical histories.

She also presents testimony given at a recent forum that discussed DNA-specific weapons. Is there such a thing?

House member Rep. Jason Crow, a military veteran who served three tours of duty overseas as an Army Ranger, warned during a forum this week that America’s enemies are likely developing weapons designed to use DNA to target specific people.

The development of these weapons, he added, is why Americans must be far more careful about what companies they share their DNA with. Indeed. Watch:

h/t Joe O.

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Comments (5)

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    Brian James


    July 29, 2022 The Netherlands: Higher Vaccine Uptake, Higher Mortality

    Those results fit with the worrying excess-mortality figures we now see in many countries. The elephant in the room is likely to be the surge in the rate of serious adverse effects. The period in question is week 35-52, 2021. As the graph shows there is a strong correlation, i.e. a higher vaccine uptake in a municipality is correlated with a higher death rate. The full analysis is not yet peer reviewed, but it is available on Researchgate.


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    The doctors DIED FROM THE JAB’S . The jab’s kill slowly over time . Everybody with a functioning brain knows it.

    There have been over 60 young physician deaths around the world so far and every single one dies shortly after an mRNA jab.

    Dr Michael Yeadon : “We are in the midst of the biggest depopulation program the world has ever seen, where most of humanity are acting as useful idiots to it and to their own demise.”

    There has been an explosion in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions strokes and cancer. These are precisely the ailments one would expect to see if one had just injected millions of people with a clot-generating biologic toxin that triggers a violent immune response that attacks the inner lining of the blood vessels inflicting severe damage to the body’s critical infrastructure.

    If injections continue you will see billions of people around the world die within the next 2 to 6 years .


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      Tom O


      Quote –
      “These are precisely the ailments one would expect to see if one had just injected millions of people with a clot-generating biologic toxin that triggers a violent immune response that attacks the inner lining of the blood vessels inflicting severe damage to the body’s critical infrastructure.”

      There are a lot of people that would point out that that these are also the same ailments you could expect from the roll out of 5G Only difference being that 5G doesn’t give you spike protein, but who knows if that actually was the element that killed. Personally, I think both are working together – if the covid jab doesn’t get you, the 5G buzz saw will, and vice versa. And together? How can you resist!


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    Doug Harrison


    “House member Rep. Jason Crow, a military veteran who served three tours of duty overseas as an Army Ranger, warned during a forum this week that America’s enemies are likely developing weapons designed to use DNA to target specific people.”
    Well well well, if this isn’t a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black! Why do you think Puty attacked his blood brothers in Ukraine? I know the reasons are complex but one of them was USA biolabs doing exactly that.


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    a fourth doctor from another hospital has also died. young, healthy and a runner.


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