Doctor: Best Way to Deal With Irrational Fear of Virus

Psychiatrist reveals the best way to deal with family members who have been brainwashed by the government, with an irrational fear of a virus with a 99+ percent survival rate.

Dr. Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in the Los Angeles, California, area. He’s written a book called “United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis,” which is the topic of today’s discussion. Around April 2020, McDonald actually made the brave decision to “fire” patients who refused to accept his stand on certain realities and truths.

“LA is a very politically-charged climate,” he says. “A lot of my patients, particularly those who would not identify as either conservative or even sincerely independent, tend to react in a very emotionally-charged way when they work with somebody who does not share their value system, and then it becomes difficult to work with them. I can’t help them …

I noticed that there was something bigger than just politics at play with the whole rise of the pandemic. About 10 to 20 percent of my patients, they either left abruptly without saying anything … or they argued with me. Some of them actually attacked me personally and condemned me.

A few threatened to report me to the medical board for saying such ‘horrible’ things as children should be able to breathe without a mask on their face. What I concluded after seeing the fallout from this is that those who left, those who attacked me, they really are no longer people that I can help, because really good therapeutic work, at least the work that I do, starts from a position of truth and reality.

Now, I’m not claiming to have the monopoly on truth or reality, but I certainly value it so highly that I’m not willing to sacrifice it for someone else’s emotional comfort or well-being in the moment …

The ones that stayed and those who’ve taken their places have all been far, far more committed to the work and to getting better, to healing themselves emotionally and psychologically, than any of the people that left.

So, I am in no way regretful of that decision. I think it’s made me a better clinician, a better practitioner. And most importantly, it’s enabled me to continue to speak clearly, publicly and honestly about what I think is a much more important problem than just shots and masks, which is the state of our country and how we are being controlled and manipulated by corrupt individuals and corporations.”

The Public Has Been Groomed to Fear

Fear is one of the most powerful motivators of behavior and, clearly, people’s behavior has been massively manipulated through the use of fear these past two years. The motivation behind the book was to provide a retrospective analysis and explanation for how it all happened.

“The wool wasn’t pulled over our eyes on March 15 [2020],” McDonald says. “What I suspected, uncovered and explained in the first third of the book is that this process actually began a long time before that.

What we’ve had, and have been suffering from, is a slow grooming effort by government, by corporations, by wealthy, powerful individuals for a number of decades … I even go back to post-World War II in my book with a very specific example for those who were growing up during those times, of the duck-and-cover exercises to protect against nuclear holocaust.

Obviously, hiding under your desk is not going to protect you from a nuclear bomb. And yet, we were all told to do this … This practice, in my view, instilled in children a sense of fear, a sense of vulnerability and a reliance on a higher power — not God, but a higher human power, usually an authoritarian power, the power of schools or officials to protect you from this very unspecified, vague … threat.”

The fearmongering about climate change and ecosystem collapse also falls under this “grooming.” “I’m not going to say the existence of pollution is not real,” he says. “However, to say that the world will end in 12 years … is not truthful.” The goal is to change people’s behavior, to instill a sense of compliance, so that resources can be reallocated.

“So, at the outset of the book, my goal is to explain: ‘How did we get to be so afraid?’ How did we get to be so capable of being fear-struck so quickly by something that very early on was clearly not a significant threat to most Americans?

Even to those for whom it was a threat … there have been very helpful, successful, cheap, effective treatments that essentially cured nearly 100 percent of the people who were struck by this virus. So why [the fear]?

In explaining the how and the why of how we got to this point, my hope has been that people who are perhaps not entirely brainwashed, but those who are just somewhat confused, somewhat perplexed, not entirely clear-thinking but certainly want to be, will see their thoughts organized so that they can then move to the more important step, which is what do we do about it?”

Addicted to Fear

One likely reason why outright nonsensical countermeasures have been embraced is because fear paralyzes rational thinking. People who are terrified of dying from COVID cannot comprehend how ridiculous masking is because they cannot reason their way through the problem logically.

What’s more, they don’t want to. As explained by McDonald, they’re not curious at all.

“This is my little diagnostic technique: Does the person express curiosity to know something different than what he or she knows right now? If the answer is no, I don’t even go further with that person in conversation. It’s absolutely pointless …

Ambivalence is another word that we use in motivational interviewing. We assess for ambivalence. Is the person trying to hold two different, opposing positions at the same time? Because that leads to a resolution. If there’s no ambivalence at all and there’s no curiosity, I don’t really know where you start. So, I’ll ask, ‘What is it that you understand right now about what’s happening?’

If I sense some ambivalence, if I sense some lack of confidence, then I’ll ask a follow-up question. I’ll say, ‘Are you curious? Are you interested in learning about some other information or some other viewpoints that you might not be aware of right now?’

And often, if I’ve got to that point, the person will say tentatively, ‘Yeah, maybe.’ If I get, on the other hand, ‘Absolutely not,’ or more of a condemnation, ‘What do you mean? Are you one of those anti-vaxxer hoaxers?’ Then I know I’m probably not going to really proceed very successfully, so I let up. I back off … If someone’s addicted to fear, I just wait and see if they’re open and willing and ready to lose their addiction.”

In short, unless a person is open to new information, it doesn’t matter how many peer-reviewed studies you throw before them. Facts and data don’t matter if they don’t have curiosity or this ambivalence. As explained by McDonald, this is not a data war. We won that a long time ago. It’s a psychological war, and it really needs to be thought of that way.

“You always have to keep in mind that information and data is only as useful as the psychological state of the recipient,” he says. You could actually worsen the situation if they’re not open and receptive.

The Emasculation of Society

Another cultural factor that has played an important role is the emasculation of society. This is problematic, as this also impacts our ability to defend ourselves against the next attack on our liberties and bodily integrity.

My concern is that the underlying motivation of this psychological campaign has been for a long time, and it is still today, an attack on the core structures, foundations, institutions of our country … Certainly in all the Anglophone countries, there has been an attack for many, many years on the core archetypes of the male and the female, the masculine and the feminine.

The goal is to take away the interest, the capacity, the comfort, both internally and also on a societal level, of men and women coming together. If men and women stop coming together, if they stop desiring one another, if they stop speaking to one another, if they stop dating, getting married, having children, then we no longer have families. We have single parents.

If we don’t have families, we don’t have civic organizations. We don’t have churches. We don’t have communities. All we have are single parents running around with their own children, relying on, most likely, government, to help keep them financially and physically safe. So, the role of the father, the role of the mother is simply eliminated.

The state then steps in and the state supplants the role of the father and begins to take over. There is a young girl who had been sexually abused by her biological father for a number of years, and eventually he impregnated her. He was arrested after a paternity test was performed.

I’ve been reviewing her therapy notes on a legal case recently, and what I’m struck by is that now, two years later, she is still insistent that her father was unjustly taken away from her. He did not deserve to be arrested, should not be in prison and that all she really wants is to be reunited with him.

You’d think this makes no sense. I mean, no sane person would want to reunite with a father who sexually abused her and impregnated her, but she does. I think there’s a psychological reason for it. We only have one father. We only have one mother. If our father or mother is removed, we can’t replace that person. We’re essentially abandoned. We’re lost …

So, what happens if we reject the government? If we don’t want to use the government as a way to keep ourselves safe, to be reliant on government for our money, for our sanctity, [then] we have to rely on each other. We can do that if we have a family, if we have a community, if we have a church, civic organizations and structures.

But what if we’re a single mother with a couple of children living in a Santa Monica apartment that’s being subsidized by the Santa Monica city government, and getting food stamps from the state of California? Well, now we can’t say goodbye to government. We have to keep the government.

So, I really do believe that the attacks on masculinity, on femininity, are specifically designed to end the family unit and to cause all men and women to turn towards government for their security rather than to one another, as has traditionally been the case …”

McDonald stresses that this isn’t really a political issue per se, although the left “seems to have almost a near monopoly on it,” primarily because “the left is inherently a communist or socialist movement. It’s anti-religious, anti-family, anti-individual.”

The problem, of course, is that communist and socialist societies are built on a foundation of corruption, where a small group of elites end up pilfering from everyone else. That’s why communist and socialist regimes don’t last. They always end up collapsing from the rot of corruption.

What’s the Solution?

As for how we are to solve our current problems, McDonald says:

“I have faith and confidence in individuals, but in humanity as a whole, I have lost quite a degree of faith.

Although there have always been corrupt individuals, the fact that humans as a group have allowed them, in the last couple of years, to gain such a foothold through their own voluntary compliance says to me that humanity does not have, at least not now, the inherent capacity to resist true evil to the degree that I believed it had. So, I was mistaken.

This is what’s led me to have some, depending on the day, different feelings and views towards the possibility for a way out. I do not believe right now that the way out is to wait for a messiah … I think the way out is going to be from the grassroots … a rising from the ashes, essentially.

[Take] the public school system in the United States, which I think is unsalvageable; I don’t think it can be fixed. We need to build a new school system. We need to be build a new banking system, a new food system, a new supply delivery system.

We need to build a new political system. All of these systems need to be basically rebuilt. And they’re not going to be rebuilt by a leader, they’re going to be rebuilt by the people, and that’s going to require international cooperation …

It’s so important that the American people actually come together and throw off this corrupt cabal of power and structure so that they can rebuild … If it doesn’t happen, I think we’re going to look forward to a very, very dark period of time that’s going to last … for years or decades. I don’t know if we’ll ever really be able to get out of it.”

Decentralization of Power Is Crucial

As we rebuild, it’s quite clear that decentralization is going to be absolutely essential. As explained by McDonald, one of the reasons for the United States’ success is the Founding Fathers’ foresight to create a system where power is decentralized across the 50 states. The reason the U.S. is on the brink of losing our freedom now is because the power has been reconcentrated through technology and social media.

“The only way for this degree of evil to exist and for it to have such a strong grip over the country, is for the power to be concentrated. If the power were spread out, it would be very difficult for this type of brainwashing to occur because there would be enough counterbalance, there’d be enough dispersion of the corruptive influence, that truth and honesty and the forces for good would actually have a foothold.

I mean, Parler was destroyed a year ago because two men in Silicon Valley flipped a switch and 30 million voices were silenced. I mean, this has never been possible before. Never … I believe right now that … it will take a personal loss, something profound and significant, for those who are still brainwashed to be able to actually start to think clearly again.

Perhaps the loss of a child to a vaccine injury, the loss of a parent who’s denied hospital treatment for heart failure because he decided not to get a vaccine, the complete economic collapse of the home, the community, or perhaps even the country, because we are allowing ourselves to no longer work and believe that somehow productivity will happen somewhere else by some other person.

We may wind up, as is happening in LA, in a state of absolute anarchy, where wealthy people in the Palisades, in Malibu, in Beverly Hills, are now being robbed, raped and murdered by gang members in the same way that they are in the Favelas in Brazil.

This type of crime wave, not just among the poor people out in the ghetto, but among the wealthy class, the ones who are voting in all of the people who are pushing this corruption and this technological brainwashing … has never happened in my lifetime in Los Angeles. [But it] may be requisite that those who are helping support this brainwashing actually suffer significant personal losses before they wake up and pull their support from it.”

Based on what I’ve seen and heard, I suspect even personal losses won’t wake some of them up. I’ve seen cases where a loved one has died within minutes or hours of their COVID shot, and if they’ve lived through it, the person brushes it off as coincidence and schedules their booster. They simply refuse to see the correlation.

This tendency toward blind self-destructiveness is part and parcel of a psychiatric condition known as “mass formation psychosis,” which is the clinical diagnosis proposed by Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium.1

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here:

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Comments (7)

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    excellent article. Reminds me of the saying “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts.”


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    The people of the world are asleep, in a psychological trance unaware of their thoughts and how their thinking controls their beliefs. The perfect example was how Hitler put people to sleep or in a trance with his tyrannical boldness. As it turned out, it was all lies and propaganda…exactly what the world has experienced the last 2 years. Your only salvation is be think for yourself and question everything. But that takes much effort and most of humanity is lazy in the realm of questioning thoughts and ideas.


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    Alan Stewart


    In precis: ‘It is easy to fool people, but difficult to convince them that they have been fooled.’


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    It just isn’t possible to reverse decades of indoctrination within the timeframe available so I can see no way out of a massive culling of the population. Either the globalist will obtain their goals or they fail but the people will die anyway due to their compromised immune systems.
    Adults I can accept given we have little choice but to accept it anyway, but the children, that I haven’t come to terms with and neither do I wish to.


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    Robert Beatty


    Dr. Mark McDonald raises an unanswered/poorly answered question: “What’s the Solution?”
    IMO the problem is Top Down government. This is endemic around the Anglosphere as the good doctor calls it.
    The solution is to introduce Bottom Up government. This has worked for hundreds of years in Switzerland, but you will never hear our politicians recommending it, because it takes away their levers of power.
    My summary of this thinking is at and how in might be introduced in Australia. No doubt similar systems could be developed to suit other parts of the Anglosphere.


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    Edward Morrow


    I was born, raised, and lived my whole life in So. Calif. Living in the midst of 1 of the 2 main centers that have led our country in the systematic indoctrination of Mass brainwashing, irrational Fear of the uncontrollable and consistent attack on Religion, Family and now Gender (New York City being the 2 main center). I have been resisting this concentrated attack since the 80’s. Now, with the MSM and everything all over the Internet constantly, I find myself daily trying to inspire others to really understand what is going on in the bigger picture, On the 2 main topics consuming everyone’s attention right now (Covid 19 & Climate Warming, or Climate Change, or Climate Whatever) I encourage everyone to make the individual effort to seek out as much information from as many sources as possible, to make the effort to rationally Think thru these events vs emotional response and to grasp HOW HARD that Division is being instigated amongst US. So very important that we ALL seek to maintain the things that UNITE US as Citizens of America and Resist those efforts that are so continually working to DIVIDE US.


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    Good article. I agree with the assessment that the people are groomed.
    “The Public Has Been Groomed To Fear”

    The youth was also groomed to be around armed authority constantly through the fake school shootings. NPR wrote an article about them being fake called ‘The School Shootings That Weren’t.’
    This was done in preparation for the police state, and the people were also groomed to always check a ‘score’ through apps like Credit Karma. That was done to prepare for the social credit score garbage.
    Currently, people are being groomed to use QR codes for everything. This is being done to prepare people to scan themselves in to everything. There’s even a weird television ad that is simply a giant QR code that bounces around changing colors. Its like they’re not even trying anymore.


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