Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?
Do you trust your doctor anymore? Honestly?
I don’t mean Dr. Anthony Fauci. How can anybody trust him, with all the prevarications, constant shifts in policy and deceptions, not to mention hiding American taxpayer support for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other aspects of the doctor’s dark past revealed in great detail in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book?
I’m talking about your own personal doctor, the man or woman who has been your friend and trusted counselor for years, maybe decades. How do you feel about that person? Has it changed?
What many are perceiving as a growing mistrust of physicians is one, among many, of the tragic fallouts of the pandemic.
How that happened isn’t that difficult to trace.
But first, I must briefly interrupt this column to say something related that has now reached a critical level of importance:
Get off Twitter if you are still on it.
That the social media company banned Dr. Robert S. Malone, one of the key developers of the mRNA “vaccines” and a leading figure in the discussion of the pandemic, is an example of censorship straight out of the Goebbels playbook, with ramifications back to the treatment of Galileo.
No one who considers him or herself a supporter of the First Amendment should countenance this “cancellation” or participate in this for one second. Get off Twitter already. No excuses.
Now, back to the subject at hand. I wasn’t talking about all doctors, obviously.
Many are brave, and not just the well-known signers of the Great Barrington Declaration and other eminent physicians interviewed here at The Epoch Times, but quite a few local doctors as well, including some who practice something known as “functional medicine.”
But the great masses of doctors have melted under the pressure of the government, following the party line on the pandemic.
If you mention hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin or some other therapeutic or even, in some cases, the apparent superiority of natural immunity, they either don’t hear you or respond condescendingly, then point to the necessity of the vaccine.
At that moment, they are thinking of themselves, of their families, their incomes, their medical licenses, their relationship to their hospital or clinic, medical systems entirely dependent on cooperation, financially and legally, with the ever-changing diktats of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.
Understandable, perhaps, but these doctors are, bluntly, acting cowardly and therefore earning our distrust. They probably know this and feel trapped, but that doesn’t excuse their behavior.
Their occupation has been elevated almost beyond all others. They should act accordingly.
In particular, they should remember the obvious, what they were first taught: Hippocrates’s “First, do no harm.” There’s a direct line from the ancient Greek to the vaccines. We don’t know the extent to which they “do no harm,” but it’s looking worse.
Malone—that poor, banned fellow—argued that only those over 65 should consider it, because only at that advanced age do the benefits outweigh the risks.
And yet our government is recommending the vaccination of five-year-olds. Is your doctor going along with this? It’s hard to justify considering the absolutely minimal COVID-19 risk to children.
No one knows what the future will bring from this, but auguries are not good. We already know that masking these same children is causing all sorts of developmental deficits.
They will haunt our society for years to come.
Meanwhile, many have seen the present from the inside and don’t want to talk. Among those who are talking are, interestingly, those lower down the medical totem pole than doctors—nurses. If you haven’t already, you can find extraordinary video testimonials on what is happening inside our hospitals on Gateway Pundit. It’s not fun, but I urge you to do so.
Sorry to be so depressing. Pointing out our alienation from our doctors—my father was one—is something I never dreamed I would be doing.
But there is a good side. Since government intervention in our health care has been so extreme for the past two years, we have, in essence, been living under a form of socialized medicine. (We have for a long time actually, but it has been taken to a new level.) We now have had a chance to evaluate this system, as they say, up close and personal.
I am willing to guess that most of us paying attention have come to the same conclusion about socialized medicine (maybe we did a long time ago, but it’s been ratified by the pandemic): It stinks!
See more here:
Header image: The Mirror
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Peter F Gill
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At the start of the plandemic I put in an internet request for a box of 200mg Hydroxychloroquine sulphate Tablets to my local practice. I did not say why I wanted the tablets but generally it could g have been assumed that I was yet again due to travel to an area where malaria was rife. In fact very soon after I received a telephone call from my GP. She regretted that she could not provide the pills because the government had banned them. We did not discuss the assumption that my request was for repurposed use. I have not followed up with a request for Invermectin tablets. I think the question of trust would only apply if my request had not been as an insurance but instead because of any symptoms I may have had (none in my case). It is of course sad that more doctors are not being realistic about the rather small threat posed by the virus in question for most people.
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I read a report of somebody ordering Ivermectin online and it was held at UK customs and had not been released and it sounded as though it never would be released.
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Interesting. My wife is on HCQ for her arthritis and so far has had no problem getting HCQ.
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The short answer is NO! I say that with disappointment . My doctor put a large sign on her door ‘ DO NOT COME IN IF YOU ARE SICK – go to the hospital’. After 18 months I thought she might have a casual interest in my health and my vaccine status -but no, she printed out my regular prescription and hustled me out the door. Her happy, caring demeanour was gone; and so was I. I won’t be back.
Saeed Qureshi
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Very good, Saeed,
On your site: “Please, Lord, forgive us. Get us out of this situation. …”
A just holly response: “Here, my children, here I give you an instrument of cleansing(1), the path out of your precarious situation. Rejoice, my children, my partner(2) will welcome you soon!”
A quizification for those who may need it: Fill in the _s : (1) G________e, (2) S___n
No excuses, JaKo
Jerry Krause
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Hi JaKo,
I finally read Saeed’s prayer and Genesis 20:5-??, if that is what you intended. But I do not know what you intended by: (2) S___n. Will you better clue me in?
Have a good day, Jerry
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I’m sorry Jerry,
This was not meant for you!
You see, the (1) is Guillotine and (2), you may have guessed that by now = Satan.
This is what I believe in — a fair justice for all. Otherwise I don’t believe in anything, I may think of that or this, but a true belief should be reserved to something very specific and, likely unobtainable.
BTW, I live by what I preach, well, mostly…
Cheers, JaKo
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Yeah. If the hat fits, wear it. 🙂
Jerry Krause
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Hi JaKo,
Now more PSI readers might know what you intended in your previous comment. This is why conversations like this are very useful (informative). More people need to join these conversations because I sure they have had experiences different than yours or mine.
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” (Einstein)
Have a good day, Jerry
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Thanks Jerry and Saeed.
Also, I hope Moffin thought of the “hat” as: “if you’re comfortable with the thought, stick to it” and not of the “hat” as was put upon the condemned heretics led to the stake atop a pyre… 😉
Cheers, JaKo
Saeed Qureshi
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Thanks for reading my blog post and commenting.
I think a lot more G_____ would be needed. Lord knows that “they” are lying and that “they” have no intention of being honest and straightforward.
Terry Shipman
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I believe I have a doctor who knows the score. I have related before how I nearly died of a blood clot in my right leg a year ago last April. Subsequent D-dimer blood tests showed elevated levels. As a result I am on blood thinners. We discussed the Covid jab and he advised me to NOT take it because of my clot history. I had already made that decision so we were in agreement. I have been back to his office several times and he has never brought up the subject of the Covid jab and of course, neither have I since I have been firm in my decision not to get it even though I am 71 years of age.
I have read accounts of patients being pressured by their doctor to take the jab regardless of their medical history. The fact that my doctor has not done that with me tells me that he is a man of medical integrity.
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In the province of Ontario, the real question would be: “What doctor?” Lots of people have no family physician because Canada’s system is the best in the world (spit!).
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I have had a somewhat low opinion of doctors for many years, having personally known many of them (played a lot of golf with them). I have close to zero confidence in them now.
Doug Harrison
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I have always had an uneasy relationship with the medical profession. Now it is a nil relationship after being advised somewhat forcibly to take the jab by my GP of some 39 years. I am 86 and still very active mentally and physically.
Boris Badenov
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I have had precisely two discussing with my Dr..One via Zoom and one email. 1 when my back went out, that went swimmingly and the second when he ordered some blood work for something I had zero clue that I may have had and he was a touch upset when I asked WTH the test was for.
Bertie MacBeetle.
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When Doctors arrived in heaven most of them treated God like a second class citizen but now most of those same doctors have shown themselves to be lower than used car salesmen by promoting the toxic jab heaven has been restored to it’s natural order.
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Never trusting the modern stone-age medical system for anything and that includes my doctor and big pharma. I may die but it won’t be from poison drugs and injections and stupid procedures and tests. Today’s docs are all about money and nothing about health. There are always exceptions, as I met some really great medical practitioners that came over here form India.
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I stopped trusting them very long ago after I took my first step into learning about nutrition which make me everything dietary recommendation the ‘medical authorities’ make are false or lies. Eat healthy whole grains, heart healthy canola oil, restrict salt, eat low fat, avoid red meat.
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Er, sorry for the typos.
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Umm, Canola is anything but healthy – even the so-called organic stuff. Stay away from anything with the big 5 GMO (now called Bio Engineered as of Jan 2021) Soy, Corn, Cotton, Canola, Sugar-beets (as well as any refined sugar) and now includes Alpha, and Papaya. Also stay away from anything that is pre-harvest-sprayed with Round-up as a desiccant (which now includes some Potatoes – it has even been found in some bagged carrots – sheesh!)