DNA-Based Identification and Tracking System
The Internet of Bodies and The Internet of Things is NOT Science Fiction. It’s a real thing.
Are the masses aware of the Transhumanist Agenda? Of course, it will take decades to develop and implement, but it is in motion. It’s a storyline that hasn’t reared its ugly head in the mainstream or gotten the coverage it deserves. Not Really. But make no mistake, these jabs were used to see what happens when you inject certain things like nano lipids. This was/is a live exercise. They collect data as they go. No more time for mice. There was literally a discussion in June 2020 to debate the pros and cons of bypassing animals in ‘the face of an emergency.’

You are the lab rat now.
In 2020, I couldn’t utter anything 5G for fear of getting deleted. I had to call it ‘CincoGeo.” in 2020, they installed towers across the nation and while the economy tanked that industry THRIVED.
I lived on a test 5G street in 2018 and it exacerbated my mold symptoms. I later came across Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt’s work about EMFs and how they excite bacteria, fungi, and pathogens. I had already explored the impact of EMFs.

In February 2020, I surmised that something in a vaccine or aerosolized was being used in Wuhan. I didn’t even know then that Wuhan and US scientists planned to release enhanced airborne coronavirus particles into Chinese bat populations to inoculate them against diseases that could jump to humans. Documents show that just 18 months before the first COVID-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles and aerosols containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China.

At the time, I came to this observation because of other variables. In March 2020, I tweeted, “I have a theory. I believe there’s a link between #5G, #charleslieber & #vaccines.”
In 2021, I retweeted that post and added, “I was shamed for this. You will see. Graphene Oxide is the secret sauce. Where are you, Charles Lieber?”
Ten minutes later my account was suspended for two years. I was accused of pedaling COVID-19 disinformation.
I made it a mission to become an authority on Charles Lieber. I kept my eyes on him and covered how his charges as a spy were diluted to tax invasion before three years later, he was released a free man.
5G Services First piloted In Wuhan
The capital of China’s Hubei Province was the first 5G demonstration zone in the Central Business District (CBD), according to a 5G cooperation agreement signed between China Mobile and local authorities on September 3, 2019.

Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, turned on 20 percent of its 10,000 5G-antennae array on October 18, 2019. By year-end, Wuhan turned on all of its 5G base stations. In doing so, the Chinese authorities exposed the city people to unprecedented levels of electromagnetic fields and radiation poisoning they had never experienced.
Why were people supposedly collapsing? Was this Fear Porn?
Source: Substack
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Interesting to see words that I used when the “covid” shots started. You are the lab rat now.