Distinguishing truth from BS 101

Sadly, there are too many in our community who still trust without checking. It’s time for us to learn the difference between truth and lies; fact and wishful thinking

This last week has shown that even those who question mainstream beliefs still haven’t quite gotten to understand that not everyone in our community is trustworthy on every issue.

There are bad actors and people who are just – for whatever reason – saying things that are not based on reality.

It normally wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t for the fact that sometimes, these people are ‘influencers’ whose misstatements cause others to take – or not take – certain actions.

In this case, the person I’m speaking about is Billy Bay, a suspended doctor from Brisbane who lost his license due to his very public questioning of the experimental COVID jab and the government’s actions in this regard.

He is currently taking on AHPRA and I personally support and applaud those actions as I know many of you do too.

But one right doesn’t overcome any wrongs or mean that Billy gets a free pass when he does something that I consider to be reprehensible. And that is something he’s done a couple of times now.

Unity is vital – but truth is paramount

I am doing something here that I almost never do – calling out a member of the pro-choice community. Of course, there have been many times in the past when I have seriously disagreed with someone who is involved with this movement.

But I have almost always kept that to myself or discussed it privately with that person. A united front is a strong front.

This is different though. Because of Billy Bay’s misinformation, people are being convinced that they no longer need to vote on October 14th in the Voice to Parliament Referendum. According to him, the vote is finished and will not be taking place.

If enough No voters believe him, the Yes vote will prevail.

So I’m going to explain why what this man is spruiking is not only wrong – it’s dangerously wrong. And why the fact that some in our community are amplifying his error even after being shown that it’s not true is doubly dangerous.

Billy Bay’s High Court “Victory”

In an interview with Michael Grey Griffith from Cafe Locked Out, Billy Bay claimed that”:

“…I sued the Commonwealth of Australia and Tom Rogers, the Australian Electoral Commissioner in the high court in the original jurisdiction of the high court.”

Now, one would assume that when someone has claimed to have sued a person or entity, that would indicate that there’d been a court hearing before a judge with a decision being made. At least, that would be my assumption.

But don’t believe me, according to the Cambridge English Dictionary, a lawsuit is defined as:

a problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person or an organization rather than the police in order to obtain a legal decision

This did not happen in Billy’s case, however. And he openly showed the paperwork both on his website and in the interview. The papers clearly show that he filed an application to the court and that application was rejected out of hand so no lawsuit took place and no decision was made because the case was never heard.

Despite this fact, Billy stated on the show that:

“Now, the great news is, is that I expected this battle to go on for weeks and weeks, maybe months, fighting over the validity of the Referendum Act and the ballot.

And, and yet due to God’s great glory and all, glory to God, my victory came this afternoon at 4:45 PM That’s right, Michael.

“I’m announcing right here and right now that the referendum of 2023 is invalid. It is unlawful. It has been lost. There is no hope for the yes vote at all.

The no campaign has won, and there is nothing anybody can do about it. If you don’t believe me, go to QPP Live slash legal. Look it up.”

He continues, stating:

“I’m looking at it on my computer right now. It’s a miracle. It’s gorgeous. It’s great. It is a stamped document by Justice Jago of the High Court itself, who has declined to rule on the constitutionality of the referendum, Michael.

So with this case, um, being, uh, dismissed, uh, from further, um, need for analysis or debate in legal circles, as, as my lawyer friends will know, once jurisdiction of a law is challenged, which I did do in the High Court, if jurisdiction is not proven, Michael, it is invalid.”

So, Billy admits that the court declined to rule on his case (actually, even that isn’t correct because you need to have a hearing in order to get a ruling. They court refused to hear his case) and therefore, he won.

I think next week I’m going to file a suit in the Federal Court claiming that the Australian Government owes $500,000,000 for the pain and suffering they have put me and the rest of the freedom movement through over this last 3 1/2 years.

I’m sure they will not allow this case to be heard because after all, I’m not a lawyer and don’t know the proper wording, format or citations to use in my application, but the fact that they won’t hear the case will be proof positive that I will win! Praise the Lord!

Not the first time Billy has done this

As many of you would be aware, I and the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc, tried to take several cases to both the Federal and High Court to oppose the Government’s use of experimental COVID jabs on Australian men, women and especially children.

Just as Billy has done in this situation, he tried to intervene in our High Court challenge against the provisional approval of COVID jabs for infants and children.

At that time, Billy Bay once again claimed victory despite the fact that his application had no bearing on the court’s refusal to examine our fully-referenced expert information (they claimed it would have taken them too long – how much time is a child’s life worth?).

But Billy claimed that it was his – in my opinion – ignorant application that caused the court to rule against us. This despite the fact that several solicitors, barristers and other legal practitioners tried very patiently to explain why he didn’t have a legal leg to stand on.

Apparently, he felt he knew more about this issue than they did.

He then did a victory dance and bragged about stopping the good outcome that thousands of Australians who were doing it tough were supporting with their donations because they cared so much about protecting children as I and the AVN do too!

As I stated above, his intervention had absolutely nothing to do with our loss. But he did increase the cost to our donors by forcing us to respond to his submission which had no basis in fact or law.

He also caused a great deal of stress to us and our hard-working solicitors, barrister and other advocates.

Doubling Down

There have been several others who have publicly called out Billy’s claims about having won in the High Court. Among them are Senator Malcolm Roberts in the first five minutes of the video linked here; AVN President Aneeta Hafemeister; Mike Palmer of Know Your Rights; and Tristan van Rye of The People’s Revolution.

Rather than admitting to his mistake (I’m trying to be kind here) in claiming that he has won this case and the vote is dead, Billy has instead threatened Tristan with a claim of defamation.

And he publicly announced on his FaceBook page that:

Will Billy Bay now come after me for telling the truth about his actions?

I know that publishing this post will make me a target of Billy’s vexatious suits, but I feel it is important enough to expose these actions because as you can see below, he is already convincing some people who are not taking the time or effort to research themselves, that they no longer need to vote in the referendum.

I can’t sit back and watch someone who – let’s face it – has been part this movement for five minutes, destroy everything we have all worked for through his hubris and ignorance.

We are ALL responsible

With apologies to Edmund Burke for paraphrasing his quote, bad things happen when good people believe what they are told without questioning.

If there is one lesson we all need to take away from the last few years of insanity, it is that the only one we can truly trust is ourselves.

Personal responsibility is time-consuming. It’s confronting. It can be difficult. But the downsides of not taking personal responsibility in all aspects of our lives are too horrendous to contemplate.

Too many people simply follow along with whatever they’ve been told. Whether the person doing the telling is the Minister for Health, the Prime Minister, some social media influencer, myself or Billy Bay – stop doing this!

You need to consider the information you receive a smorgasbord – take a bit from each plate, digest what you’ve been given, add your own research to it and then – and ONLY then – decide what you believe is right.

Billy Bay was only able to convince so many people that he had actually won in court because those people didn’t take the 10 minutes necessary to read the document he’d openly shared or to research what the stamp at the top of the page signified. Tristan (Triccy) outlined that really well in his video linked above.

So the take-away lesson here is to never, ever take anything at face value and to not repeat or amplify something without doing your own due diligence.

Cafe Locked Out is also at fault

I know for a fact that Michael Grey Griffith contacted at least one legal practitioner who was aware of the truth of this matter after his initial interview with Billy. Despite being informed that Billy’s information was wrong, he has not yet issued any correction.

Why that is the case is beyond me.

I have always considered him to be a man of integrity and truth. But these actions caused a great deal of harm in my opinion.

Like me, many others trust what they see on Cafe Locked Out but unlike me, they didn’t question the information because the source was too trustworthy in their opinion.

I have sent Michael a copy of this article and he commented on it prior to its publication.

What do you think?

I would also love to hear from you. Do you think I should not have responded to this issue? Do you agree with my actions? Do you take the time to research before sharing or amplifying statements or information you read online?

Nobody is perfect. I have sometimes (often?) made mistakes and when it’s been pointed out to me that what I’ve said is wrong and I’ve proved it by my own research, I have admitted it publicly. It’s not shameful to make a mistake.

It is shameful to make a mistake and not admit it or correct it. Let me know what you think.

PS – Just before publishing this piece, an excellent article was published on Facebook about Billy Bay’s defamation threats and his lack of veracity on this issue. I suggest that everyone read it if possible. Here is the link

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Comments (3)

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    “sometimes, these people are ‘influencers’ whose misstatements cause others to take – or not take – certain actions.”
    Everybody is an ‘influencer’ in their own right, and cause these actions in others every day. Some things are deemed more important, so they make it to a larger audience. Ultimately, people who are critical of thought, will make up their mind regardless of how much attempt is made to change them, yet others will be swayed simply by what they overhear on a bus for example.

    “What do you think?”
    You responded because it’s important to you, as is fair play. That’s a good reason.

    I rarely engage in subjects that have no interest, or that I don’t know about. I will usually research a link or two that backs up my own knowledge to spare typing time and give a fuller picture to others of what I’m saying.

    “when it’s been pointed out to me that what I’ve said is wrong and I’ve proved it by my own research, I have admitted it publicly. It’s not shameful to make a mistake.”
    Correct. been there.

    “It is shameful to make a mistake and not admit it or correct it.”
    Admission is the way forward, or personal guilt becomes a burden, though there are those who don’t have that particular ‘asset’. Strive for the truth.


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    The problem is telling people to research themselves doesn’t help and the reason is the mainstream media own all the factcheckers and search engines which will NEVER EVER link you to real factual information to research.

    The ONLY way a person will be able to know with certainty if information they research is legit of not is to seek out the sources that google and the mainstream censor the most .

    The most heavily censored sources are the ONLY ones that report truth . Whatever source you come upon the first thing you MUST MUST MUST do is google it and see what google says about it . If google says it’s not trustworthy and a propaganda site it means you have found a 100% source of factual information .

    If google says the site is OK and trustworthy it will be 100% lies and propaganda . This method to seek truth works every time .


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    I allways research under my own terms, Cn, and I advise others to do the same. If Google is so bad, don’t use it, but then, Bing is no better. I found Duckduckgo to be repetitive in results, so dropped that. If your French, there’s Qwant, but it’s also mainly Bing as I recall.
    Try SearX – it has a choice of 70 sources for results, well, the self-hosted version does, not checked the standard web version.

    Censor hasn’t reached all subjects by a long shot, and so called, legit results can still be full of info that is wrong regardless.

    “will NEVER EVER link you to real factual information to research.”
    How does one know something is truthfull just because it is hidden? Indeed, if one knows the truth, one doesn’t need to search for possible falsehoods in the first place.

    There is no certainty on internet information. Look at a lot of results, and see if there are any patterns. Use discernment. It helps if one has some idea of the basic truth of what one is looking for. I never bother with fact-check nonsense, it’s just so obvious what’s going on there.

    “The most heavily censored sources are the ONLY ones that report truth ”
    Not in my experience. Certainly, because a site is not classed as legit by Google, it doesn’t mean it is a truth site, it could just as easily be a honey-pot, waiting for some unsuspecting browser.

    Ones wits are the only measure.


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