Discussion: Manmade Climate Change; The Story & The Reality

Tomer (Tom) D. Tamarkin discusses the science, history, and politics of the AGW and manmade climate change alarmism debate. He explains the ultimate climate change alarmists goal: drastic population reduction and socialistic one world government.

The method is to indoctrinate people into believing that fossil fuels create climate change and only renewable energy is safe.

Watch Rabbi Avraham Schwartz and Tom Tamarkin discuss manmade climate change; the biggest fraud and deception ever created by man against mankind.

Brainwashed since a small child, Great Thunberg is a tool appropriated by her parents for the exploitation of money and power based on the AGW/climate change fraud and deception.

The Scientific Method is not about contentious; the Scientific Method is about the falsification of hypothesis • Nature creates over 99% of atmospheric carbon dioxide; not man • Anthropocene, paleontology, geological and paleoclimatology records show that the Earth has been much warmer & colder in the past; CO2 levels have been much higher • Largest “greenhouse gas” in the atmosphere is water vapor • Infrared absorption by “greenhouse gases” is mostly dissipated to outer space; no measurable heat is transferred to the Earth • The Earth & climate is fine; no adjustments necessary • CO2 is not poisonous or a pollutant. Submarine continuous levels of CO2 are 5,000 ppm or ten times that of the current atmosphere; U.S. EPA ruling that CO2 is dangerous is deceptive and fraudulent • Humanity is in trouble for falsely exploiting climate change to the deprivation of food and energy to developing countries and poor people.

More at climatecite.com

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Comments (15)

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    Herb Rose


    Water is not a “greenhouse gas” (it is not a gas in the atmosphere). A “greenhouse gas” is supposedly keeping the surface warmer by inhibiting heat from escaping into space. Water, by evaporation, takes heat from the Earth and transports it to the top of the troposphere where it is released by condensation and radiated into space. Its action is the opposite of a “greenhouse gas” and given the greater amount of water in the atmosphere, compared to CO2 and the solubility of CO2 in water there is no effect by CO2 on the temperature of the atmosphere or the Earth.

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      I agree with you, but I think care is needed about the use of “warmer”. It is too vague and can mean different things. It is the same idea described by “insulation keepts a house warmer”. Insulation reduces the rate of heat loss from a building but it does not increase temperatures, which is the usual interpretation of warmer. It is the same with the earth. The atmosphere does reduce the rate of heat loss from the surface, but this does not increase the temperature, which is essentially what AGW is about. It can keep the temperature higher for longer, which will increase the average, but the maximum temperature will not change, and we are told this is happening because of AGW.

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        Herb Rose


        Hi Tomer,
        Water gas does not exist below its boiling point (check a phase diagram) so the water in the atmosphere is micro droplets of liquid water (actually ;liquid crystals). The “greenhouse gases” are said to “reflect” or slow the loss of heat (energy) into, space keeping the Earth warmer. Water, by evaporation, is taking energy/heat from the surface of the Earth and transporting it to the top of the troposphere to be radiated into space.
        I will ask you a question I have asked before. When you boil water in a tea kettle the water comes out as an invisible gas. It then cools and becomes visible water droplets. On further cooling these visible droplets disappear. If those droplets have become a gas why when the water vapor cools does it go through a liquid phase?

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        Allan Shelton


        Then you are saying that CO2 slows down heat loss but is insignificant. Right?
        If so, then why don’t we put 100% CO2 in the space between our double and triple glazed all weather windows, instead of an inert gas?
        If the GHG Theory is correct then the 100% CO2 would really stop a lot of heat loss from my house.

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            steve frazier


            As per the IPCC ‘s Greenhouse Gas Theory, the modeling clearly shows CO2 redirecting its heat back to the earth. No where does it show the atmosphere insulating and/or slowing the loss of heat, which would actually make a little more sense then pretending the atmosphere could actually transfer heat to the earth. If you actually look at the math presented in the modeling, the GGT claims the sun can not heat the earth above -18C, with out the CO2 redirecting heat back to the earth, like a perpetual machine…
            Steve Frazier

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        James McGinn


        Tom, Avraham, John,
        You guys need to stop making presentations along the lines that you s##t don’t stink and then revealing that it does. You all need to stop this propaganda tactic of pointing out the intellectual shortcomings of your ideological opponents, ie. AGW, and then conveniently sidestepping the shortcomings of traditional thinking, ie. meteorology. This video is good until about half way through when start name dropping and making reference to traditional meteorology, Lindzen, etc.. At this point you come across as being slightly delusional along the lines of not realizing that it is the shortcomings of traditional meteorology that opened the door and set the stage for the phantasmagorical pleadings of Mann, Hansen and Gore. Read this and reconsider your presentation:
        The Roof Leaks at the Top: Conversation with Edwin Berry Phd.
        James McGinn / Genius

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        James McGinn


        water is indeed a greenhouse gas as it is the polar hydrogen hydroxide.

        You’ve got part of the story right. But there is more to water–ie. it’s numerous anomalies–that cannot be explained simply as a consequence of it being polar. Even though it’s high boiling/condensing; freezing/melting temperatures are explicable through it being polar there are other observations that confound the simplicity of this explanation. For example, the low viscosity and consistently low viscosity that H2O has throughout it’s whole temperature range in the liquid phase is NOT explained by its polarity. In fact it appears to contradict it. So there is something more going on than is commonly understood.

        There is a lot of confusion about water that is customary to ignore/dismiss. For example, you indicated that H2O is gaseous in the atmosphere. Actually it never is. Earth’s atmosphere is far too cool. Consult an H2O phase diagram for details.

        In fact water vapor comprises over 95% of the so called “greenhouse gasses.”

        It’s more like 99.5%

        James McGinn / Genius
        The Roof Leaks at the Top: Conversation with Edwin Berry Phd.

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    Mark tapley


    The fake climate change (formerly global warming) like the fake fake virus is a critical part of the Zionist narrative. Both having now achieved the sanctity of the tragic holohoax. The Davos crowd has too much invested in all of these scams to ever admit they are all frauds. Huge profits from the wind and solar subsidies as well as the hoped for carbon credits on the Green energy fraud that even former establishment favorite Micheal Moore has exposed in his recent film.

    Greta’s climate cataclysm has gone to the back burner now that the fake virus has been rolled out as a cover for another asset stripping operation as in 08-09 by the Jews at Black Rock and their banking cartel, all with the approval of our shabbas goy fake congress. Money is really not the issue. The Zionists have been plundering Jewmerica since the inception of fiat banking in 1913. They already have all the wealth. It’s all about power at the top and programs for the goyim. When the Sustainable Development Initiative Agenda 2030-21 is imposed on all the barnyard animals there will only be one program. You do what the Zionist say or you don’t eat. At that point the question as to the properties of evaporated water will way down on the list of concerns.

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    Doug Harrison


    To get away from the discussions about water in its many forms , I wish to show an small but very important error made by Tamarkin. He called Margaret Mead a “famous” anthropologist. This is entirely the wrong adjective (maybe a typo), it should be infamous. The woman was nothing but a fraud and con artist. Any study of her disgusting survey ( or whatever you call it) of the sexual proclivities of the good people of Samoa will apprise you of that fact.

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      karen elliot


      Only an expert would dismiss Margaret Meads survey as “disgusting”…

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    Sunface Jack


    “the biggest fraud and deception ever created by man against mankind.”
    There are now two of the biggest frauds and deceptions in plain sight. Climate change and covid19. The MO is almost identical. The latter has been refined and world governments have been trapped into this web of deceit.
    Both emanate from the same source The UN. The shutting down of this organisation should be paramount at stopping the NWO. This is the source of the evil being perpetuated against humankind.
    Next get rid of the people running these Governments as they are compromised and corrupt and beyond redemption. They have committed the ultimate treason against their citizens.
    Excellent John my INTJ friend

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    Karma Singh


    What they do here, with both campaigns, is to make use of the indoctrination which has been practiced for many centuries. Religions and especially the pseudo-Christian ones and derivatives such as Catholicism and Islam, train their followers to live exclusively from their intellect and to ignore their heart knowledge. The key, the solution is to get people back into their hearts – the seat of knowing as opposed to mere intellectual belief – where we can see clearly that neither global warming nor a pandemic is actually happening.
    This is the time of the Great Spiritual Awakening of mankind (which is why churches are so ruthlessly suppressed but casinos not) and the only way in which the bankers believe they can maintain their power is to kill many, many millions which, they believe, would cause such a cultural collapse that a feudal society with them as the aristocrats could, once again, be created.
    I won’t happen, of course, because the awakening cannot be stopped. The only question is will mankind allow or prevent the genocide which is now underway.
    To help this process of awakening, I have created a training course available to all free of charge, here:-

    Blessed be
    Karma Singh

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    Fake pandemic, fake global warming. When I start seeing weather extremes in my neck of the woods, then I might give this nonsense the time of day. But it hasn’t happened in the last 30-40 years of preaching by the fake alarmists. After all, they do bash us with “global” warming that means everywhere on the globe.

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