Diet Can Reduce Autoimmunity at Cellular Level

New study finds link between eating less of a common amino acid can ease malfunctioning immune response

Chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders occur when the body’s attempts to fight disease misfire. Rather than protecting the body, the immune response becomes a disease in itself. A new study suggests that eating less of an essential amino acid called methionine could help relieve these conditions.

Methionine is well represented in the standard American diet. It is particularly abundant in ground turkey, beef, tuna, pork chops, and milk. Vegan foods high in methionine include firm tofu, Brazil nuts, white beans, and quinoa.

Methionine plays a critical role in our metabolism and adequate levels are essential for healthy immune function. With a normally functioning immune system, you would want methionine to be plentiful in the diet.

But due to the dysfunctional nature of the immune system in autoimmunity, restricting methionine in the diet helps dampen the immune cells responsible for the inflammatory response.

Researchers published their findings in the journal Cell Metabolism. They found mice eating less methionine had a slower onset and progression of autoimmunity.

T cells play a central role in our bodies immune response. During an immune response, they flood the affected area to help the body defend itself from pathogens. CD4 T helper cells are a type of T cell in charge of regulating the immune response and can differentiate into scores of more specific T cells. This reprogramming of T cells requires methionine.

T cells depend on dietary intake of this amino acid for full function. By restricting methionine in the diet, the investigators observed a blunting of the CD4 T helper cells’ ability to differentiate into other T cells, which ultimately led to blunting of the inflammatory response in the tissues and organs targeted by the autoimmunity.

In other words, by starving CD4 T helper cells of methionine, these cells could not take on the diverse roles needed to do the job they were overdoing.

“By restricting methionine in the diet, you’re essentially removing the fuel for this overactive inflammatory response without compromising the rest of the immune system,” Russell Jones, Ph.D., the study’s senior author, told Science Daily.

Autoimmunity affects seven percent of the American population, or 24 million people, with a steadily rising prevalence since the 1990s.

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy organs, tissues and cells. Inflammation is one of the immune system’s primary weapons. When inflammation runs amok, it becomes chronic inflammation. Some examples of conditions in which the immune system mistakenly attacks itself are multiple sclerosis (MS), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and inflammatory bowel disease.

The severity of autoimmunity can range from a minor nuisance like a rash to a life-threatening disease with symptoms varying depending on which organ or tissue the dysfunctional immune cells are targeting. There are currently very few conventional treatments that can significantly slow or stop many of these autoimmune conditions without greatly increasing the risk of infection or cancer.

Dampening the capabilities of T cells—one of the immune system’s key weapons—could be a gentle and effective way to dampen the immune response without undermining our immunity.

Of course, it is difficult to dampen the immune response without causing trouble. That means a methionine-restricted diet needs to be precise, and when done properly it is certainly worthy of a place in the functional medicine practitioner’s armamentarium of dietary interventions. It may be one of the few interventions that can be done without significant side effects—if done well.

Regardless, this diet should only be taken on to address the most serious of conditions. The effects of methionine on our body’s systems are broad and diverse. The various outcomes of methionine restriction have been investigated over the past decade with a mixed bag of effects.

Sometimes methionine restriction can fight inflammation, limit cancer cells, and lengthen our healthy years, but it can also damage the gut microbiome, decrease bone density, weaken endurance, and lower fertility.

For many years, functional medicine practitioners have observed dramatic improvements in our autoimmune patients based on modifying their diet. These findings validate that approach, but further study with human patients will be needed in order to replicate this study’s findings in mice.

Of note, a 2019 study looking at the effects of methionine restriction as an anti-cancer intervention did include humans and many of the observed effects on the immune system were similar to that of this more recent autoimmunity study.

Methionine’s effect on our body is complicated and like most of our biochemistry, methionine must be present in the proper balance. Methionine is a powerful amino acid and methionine restriction in the diet can have powerful effects on the body—both good and bad.

See more here:

Header image: Healthline

About the author: Armen Nikogosian, M.D., practices functional and integrative medicine at Southwest Functional Medicine in Henderson, Nev. He is board-certified in internal medicine and a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs. His practice focuses on the treatment of complex medical conditions with a special emphasis on autism spectrum disorder in children, as well as chronic gut issues and autoimmune conditions in adults.

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Comments (5)

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    Nowhere does the article mention vitamin D. It is possible that without knowing a persons vitamin D levels any other conclusions may be redundant.

    Vitamin D regulates T cells.

    Another good source on recent vitamin D research is to search “vitamin D research ” on the Jerusalem Post home page. (top right)


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    Mark Tapley


    Auto immune problems were rare until the practice of injecting blood toxins, so called “vaccines” that are really just contaminated tissue sample foreign proteins into the body, which bypasses the normal defense system. This situation was made much worse with the advent of the neuro toxin aluminum adjuvants. Although the criminals at the CDC have attempted to cover it up, this is the cause for the incredible rise in autism which used to be almost unheard of. Read Maready’s book “The Autism Vaccine.” While your’e at it also read the real cause of the man made polio and how the government covered it up in his book “:The Moth In The Iron Lung.” All so called vaccines are just another means used to control the sheep.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Howdy, and thanks for the information. The day the fake virus was announced I knew the Zionists were pulling another psy op like they had done with all the other fake viruses including the phony AIDS “epidemic.” What surprised me was how easy it was to use a transparently ridiculous medical fear campaign to impart fear into the docile herd of sheep. War has always been the parasitic elite’s most effective tool to move the herd in the desired direction the quickest. Now I realized the germ theory was right up there with the Hegelian dialectic of contrived conflict. Its easy to see why. Unlike the phony elephant of climate change that is always in the distance, (always within the next decade) the fake virus could drop out of the sky at any moment, especially when all the fake stories (there are always at least two parallel stories) of spike proteins, AED, lab made, gain of function and variants are thrown out for the goyim to ponder.

        The symptom referred to as polio had never been recorded before the use of the neuro toxins came along. The glutonous FDR gorged on a bunch of lead – arsinic laced berries the day before he was stricken. The whole germ theory scam began with medical con man Pasteur who faked all of his “pathogenic transmissions” for 40 years with mercury and arsenic. His medical diary was finally published, proving it, but then no one else has ever been able to demonstrate it either. This medical hoax was supercharged when the Rockefeller foundation (founders of the CDC) used their power over the media (top 20 newspaper editorial rights bought by J.,P. Morgan – Rothschild) before WW1 were used to hype all deaths as the “Spanish” flu along with a dozen blood toxins and the widespread use of lethal doses of the new drug aspirin. For over a hundred years now the public has been brainwashed by the Rockefeller medicine as big Pharma has continued to develop more debilitating and deadly blood poisons, while despite huge advances during this time in productivity and living standards until recently, chronic medical problems are now at an all time high and all cause mortality is shortening the average life span. Insurance companies are now reporting since the blood toxin injections an increase in all cause mortality of an unprecedented 40%.

        When you put the above mentioned factors together with other elements of the Zionist long range program using the banking cartel’s ability in league with the puppet politicians to use monetized debt to buy up real assets (and thereby eviscerate the middle class) along with control of the media, academia, most major corporations and all governments of any consequence we are right back to where Zionist operative Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) began with his ten planks. Its just been repackaged as the “Sustainable Development Initiative.” Thats the final destination.


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          A bit more than I was expecting, but thanks.


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