Did The C19 Vax Cause Stevie Kirsch’s Blind Eye? Stevie finally Speaks up!
First God Bless Stevie, how can anybody believe this was not an honest explanation?
What is profound is Stevie’s journey is that not all “harmless” supplements are harmless?
I heard through the grapevine even fish oils can thin the blood, so people with certain pre-existing conditions like Stevie’s delicate retinas that may have been brought on by his diabetic condition is something that needs to be factored in, even when taking “harmless” supplements.
I don’t want to beat around the bush, but I think the culprit Stevie was eluding here was the Nattokinase?
Drug Interactions
Nattokinase binds to heparin, a glycosaminoglycan used as an anticoagulant drug. Depending on the length of the heparin chain, nattokinase can interfere with heparin’s functions. It can also bind to other glycosaminoglycans [26].
Since nattokinase may cause blood thinning, it should not be paired with other blood thinning agents such as aspirin or warfarin. This can increase the risk of brain hemorrhage in patients who have small vessel disease [27].
There is also a risk of clotting mechanical heart valves if nattokinase is substituted for warfarin [28].
Source: https://supplements.selfdecode.com/blog/nattokinase/
I think Stevie got some other suspect advice in his explanation of blood now being in his vitreous. Stevie was told it’s no big deal and the blood will leave the the vitreous in a few weeks? Yeah right if that were the case, vitrectomy surgeries wouldn’t even be a thing.
There is a darn good chance a vitrectomy is in cards, tea leaves and chicken bones. As scary as a vitrectomy sounds, it’s the least of Stevie’s worries.
I don’t want to downplay a vitrectomy but doctors and pretty good at it, I guess the issue is ideally you want to be sure all the bleeding into the vitreous has stopped before the surgery is preformed.
Here’s my last blur on Stevie and vitrectomies…:
Did The Jab Cause Steve Kirsch’s Sub-Retinal Hematoma?
Contrary to popular belief and initial public prognosis Kirsch does not have a detached retina. Hear it from the horses mouth as stated by Stevie yesterday Jul 25th:
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Just hold on a minute Steve said he was using a combination of bromelain and Natto kinase at the same time. What they will do together Is unknown in certain circumstances. This in Steve’s circumstance is unfortunate I would not blame this on Natto by itself. Nor would I recommend any one do that. Both Natto and bromelain are classed as fibrinolytic. Natto is effective at 1 200fu capsule a day at removing clots as long as you do not eat for 2to 3hrs afterwards. This would be because in some people it is unknown what the time of capsule dissolving and the ingredients getting into the bloodstream will take some longer than others and if there are proteins put into the stomach to soon the Natto will be used up in the stomach and not get into the blood stream and reduce the clot. How ever I understand from published literature that bromelain may get into the blood stream much quicker than Natto. I myself have been using Bromelain for over 10 months using the 2to3 hour fast protocol before eating instead of using aspirin. In the hopes it would improve the frequent bruising and bleeding issues I had with aspirin. I also had problems with white finger in the winter time with my hands getting very painful when out in cold. That improved a lot with bromelain. However I did not improve my bleeding and bruising problems using Bromelain as I thought it would This may be because I am On an ACE inhibitor called Ramipril and may be have a supposedly rare side effect of the Ramipril. It also appears that Bromelain will in enhance the effects of the blood pressure medications in me and my wife. Her experience. She is on double the dose of Ramipril as me . Has no side effects and it improves her blood pressure to the point where it is in a normal range. Where in me I have to watch myself if I have a few drinks or I was outside sweating and get a little dehydrated and I will have low blood pressure symptoms. Also the paradox with Bromelain is that when I scratch my arm when out cutting the lawn I used to bleed profusely with aspirin and have to go get Band-Aid right away But with Bromelain the blood will not even drip off my arm as it appears to clot fairly quickly before it starts to run off. The other thing is does the bromelain cancel the Natto out if it contains some proteins by itself. Do not rush to condemn the Natto when there a few more variables to consider also that It may be the bromelain is a blood thinner internally but not when outside your body. Also since my wife takes Eliquis I have learned it does not prevent you entirely from getting a clot nor is it a blood thinner. I also know of a person who was taking Bromelain and aspirin together and cut her finger and could not stop the bleeding for 3hours. There is a lot of things to consider before you do a rush to judgement as to what exactly caused the problem in Steve. Or was it an electron thick Nano particle that caused the bleed. Have a good day