Did Newton Get It All Wrong?
Newton’s laws were the foundation of modern physics but because of the beliefs accepted at the time, they are wrong
His first law states that the motion of an object will not change unless a force acts upon it.
Motion is caused by energy so the motion of an object is the result of energy applied to it.
Energy creates velocity, it is not velocity that makes energy, so as energy declines motion declines.
Energy decreases with distance from its source, according to Keppler’s law, C = dv^2, so the velocity of an object will decrease as it moves away from a source of energy and increase as it moves towards a source.
Energy flows from a higher level to a lower level and objects will absorb or lose energy as the energy around them changes. As an object moves into a weaker energy field it will radiate more energy and this loss of energy will result in lower velocity.
When an object moves into a stronger energy field it will absorb more energy producing greater velocity.
Meteors do not “burn” up in the upper atmosphere due to friction from scarce gas molecules or because of chemical reactions with oxygen but because they are equalizing energy with the weaker energy field radiated from the Earth.
Losing energy by radiation is a slow process limited by the surface area so the energy is shed as kinetic energy of surface molecules producing the “burning”.
Newton did not recognize that energy was a separate component of the universe and so made it a function of the known component, matter, even though there is no matter in Keppler’s law on which his theory is based.
Energy is attracted to matter (protons) producing motion while matter (electrons) resists energy (inertia) and radiates energy.
The interaction of the opposite components and the forces they produce create the universe. The stronger energy force separates electrons from protons (neutrons) creating the nucleus of an atom by compression (stronger nuclear force) of protons on the surface.
The electric force of matter, between electrons and protons (weak nuclear force) in the nucleus resists energy and the repelling of energy of those negative electrons causes the atom to radiate or lose energy.
The opposite behavior of the two subatomic forces is apparent in their behavior. When opposite poles of magnets come together they create a larger magnet with greater radiated energy attractive force.
When opposite electric charges come together the electric fields shrink making a weaker radiated electric force.
If similar magnetic poles are forced together the magnetic field shrink making a weaker radiated attractive force while when similar charges are forced together the strength of the radiated electric field increases.
There is no force of gravity pulling the planets towards the sun. They are in equilibrium with the suns radiated energy field and neither gain or loses energy. As a planet travels in an elliptical orbit it will radiate or absorb energy as the distance changes and its velocity will change, increasing and decreasing, without the addition or subtraction of energy from another source.
While the energy decreases as a function of distance the strength or amplitude of an energy field changes as the square of the distance from the source. As energy spreads over a larger area the strength decreases as a function of area which is described in Keppler’s law that an orbiting object will circumscribe equal areas in equal time units despite its changing velocity.
Energy is an indestructible component of an object so the energy field radiated by an object and its velocity will continue to travel and decrease with distance until it is blocked by the equal strength of an energy field coming from another source.
Energy does not flow from lower to higher. This means objects to not travel in a straight line but in an arc and when the object enters a different energy field, its path will change as it equalizes with that energy field (refraction).
Energy only flows to lower energy levels so the boundary and shape of an object is defined the energy fields of surrounding objects that shape its energy field.
When the attractive force of energy reaches the equilibrium point with the attractive energy force coming from another object, the strength of that force has decreased as the square of the distance from the source, so the binding strength between the attractive forces is F=E1/d1 + E2/d2, not F=E1E2/d^2.
The distance of the energy force decreases with distance so the force from a larger source to the equilibrium point, where the strengths are equal, will be greater than the distance from the weaker energy source.
Distance is not measured from the center of objects but from the surface where the force begins to decline as there is no more energy coming from additional matter adding to the radiated energy, not from the centers of the objects radiating the forces.
Light is a change in the amplitude of an energy field and its velocity will also change as the energy field in which it travels changes. It is never constant because energy is motion and motion means there is variation of the energy field.
Being a form of energy it will also never disappear until it is absorbed by matter and adds to that matter’s energy field.
The speed of light is determined by the strength of the energy field in which the disturbance propagates. The speed of light will decrease as it travels away from a source with the slowing creating the red shift in a spectrum emitted from an atom, as wavelengths become longer.
When the light passes an equilibrium point between objects and enters a different energy field radiated from another object, its speed will increase as the strength of that field increase, causing a blue shift in the spectrum emitted from an atom as the wavelength decreases.
The brightness, strength, or amplitude of the wave is determined by the field and cannot be used to determine the distance the light has traveled, only the distance it has traveled in a declining or increasing field.
As the speed of light changes, traveling through fields from different sources, it will cause a blurring of the spectral lines emitted by atoms as they undergo both red and blue shifts. The amount of shift depends on how far the disturbance travels in each type of field.
It is the amount of blurring that determines the distance the light has traveled, not the type of shift.
The amount of blurring does not indicate the distance to the source of the light. The changing of the speed of light will mean its path is not in a straight line but arcs. Since it will continue to travel it will take a distorted circular path through the universe until that rare occasion when it is absorbed by matter.
The amount of light emitted from the sun that encounters matter in the solar system is minute, with most of it taking a path through the universe. If this light, with its circular path, ever encounters the tiny speck of matter called Earth it will provide an image of the sun from when the light was emitted. It is not looking into the past but at the past.
When we look through a telescope we see multiple images coming from the same source at different times in its life cycle. This is why the universe seems to get more cluttered with matter as the telescopes become more powerful, the size of the universe is not changing. Matter in the universe is a rare commodity.
Objects radiate the attractive force of energy in all directions just as a single light bulb radiates light in all directions. The energy radiated from other sources can change this radiated energy into directional energy where instead of the strength declining as the square of the distance it becomes more linear, just as when a reflector converts the spreading light from a light bulb into a flashlight or spotlight where the strength or brightness are concentrated in one direction.
The radiated force from the moon and Earth combine to produce a more linear flow of energy. This increase in energy causes the high tide on the side of the Earth opposite the moon.
The water equalizes with the higher energy level, increasing its speed and causing a bulge just as the increase in speed around the equator cause a bulge. If the attractive force was a function of mass, all the mass from the Earth and moon would be pulling the water in the opposite direction, creating a depression.
The interaction of energy from different sources means everything is connected and makes it difficult to determine the properties from a single source. What happens to one source effects all.
Magnetism is where the structure of an object converts part of the radiated attractive force into a directional force and offers a means of isolating the behavior of energy from a single source.
A problem is that when a magnet approaches another object with similar composition, its direction magnetic force causes a conversion of the some of the radiated energy force from the object into a direction force.
This means that you are measuring the force from two objects, the permanent magnet and the induced magnet from the object containing iron. As the permanent magnet gets closer to the object the strength of the induced magnet increases, which in turn shifts the equilibrium point towards the permanent magnet.
The changing of two variables, strength and distance, let to the belief that the strength of a magnet decreases as the approximate cube of distance and the force between the magnets was F=M1M2/d^2.
The energy force decreases linearly, Keppler’s law, so the correct formula is F=M1/d1 + M2/d2 where the distances are measured from the surface of the magnet to the equilibrium point between them.
A way to eliminate the problem of changing distance and magnetic strength is to create a model of a permanent magnet, eliminate induces magnetism, and see how its properties change as it structure changes.
A permanent magnet contains structures that produce a direction attractive force and structures that radiate a general attractive force.
The model is made from two permanent magnets, threaded onto a non-magnetic all thread rod. The two permanent magnets are separated by a distance with a non magnetized steel washer threaded onto the rod between them, representing the matter radiating a non directional force.
The model is affixed over a scale with a weighted (aluminum block) permanent magnet attached. Any change in magnetic force from the model will be recorded as a change in weight by the scale but because of the attached permanent magnet there will not be a variable induced magnetic field.
Initially the steel washer is flush to the bottom surface of the upper permanent magnet and it is then moved down the rod, one rotation at a time.
At first this changing distance produces no change in the magnetic force between the model and the permanent magnet on the scale, but when the washer reaches the midpoint between the two permanent magnets the lifting power of the model begins to increase.
With further lowering the lifting force increases in an exponential fashion.
The explanation for this behavior is that while the washer is within the magnetic force of the top magnet, its induced magnetic strength decreases linearly as distance from the permanent magnet source increases.
Once it enters the magnetic field of the bottom magnet its induced magnetic strength increases as the distance to the bottom magnet decreases producing an increase in attraction between the permanent magnet on the scale and the model.
This experiment shows that the attractive force decrease linearly while the strength of the force decreases as the square of the distance just as Keppler’s laws predict.
The attractive forces of energy are not a product of the mass but of the energy associated with mass.
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Header image: The New Yorker
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Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
In my copy of The Principia, as translated by Andrew Motte Newton’s Law I begins: “Every body perseveres In its state of rest, …” Why didn’t you correctly quote what he wrote??? It’s written in black and white.
Have a good day
Ken Hughes
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Most of the points made in this “article” are so fundamentally wrong, so at variance with accepted and proven science, that they are simply not worthy of comment.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Ken,
When you wrote “Most of the points made in this “article” are so fundamentally wrong, so at variance with accepted and proven science, … “, you disclosed your ignorance of what natural science actually is.
Newton, in The Principlia as translated to English by Motte, concluded his book with this statement “But hitherto I have not been able to discover the cause of gravity from phenomena, and I frame no hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy. In this philosophy particular propositions are inferred from the phenomena, and afterwards rendered general by induction. Thus it was that the impenetrability, the mobility, and the impulsive force of bodies, and the laws motion and of graviton, were discovered. And to us it is enough that gravity does really exist, and act according to the laws which we have explained, and abundantly serves to account for all the motions of the celestial bodies and our sea.”
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi -PSI Readers’
On the copyright page I read and NOW REPORT EVERYTHING WHICH I READ!!!
Published 1995 by Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, New York 14228-2197)
716-691-0133 FAX: 716-691-0137
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Newton, Issac, Sir, 1642-1727.
[Principia, English]
The Principia / Issac Newton ; translated by Andrew Motte.
p. cm. (Great minds series)
Originally published: Newton’s Principia. 1st American ed. carefully rev. and corr., with a life of the author by N.W. Chittenden. . . . New York. : D. Adee, 1848.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-87975-980-1 (pbk. : acid-free)
I. Newton, Issac, Sir, 1642-1727. Principia. I. Title. II Series. QA803.N413 1995
531–dc20. 95-6733
Printed in the United States Of America on acid-free paper
Did you a reader catch “carefully rev. and core.”??? In other words: I have no idea what Newton actually wrote befor he died.
Have a good day