Did Big Tech & CIA Steal US Election From Trump?

Attorney working for President Donald Trump, Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert claim that the US military has seized CIA servers located in Germany which were allegedly used to ‘steal’ the 2020 US Presidential Election from Donald Trump.

Science and technology in the service of corrupt governments is nothing new according to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT polymath and patent owner for the invention of the internet. Among many analysts, Dr Shiva asserts that US elections have been criminally manipulated by powerful people using Big Tech for about 20 years.

On top of that are claims that fears of the spread of COVID19 are connected to the plan as a means to better enable mass illegal misuse of mail in ballots.

It appears Dr Shiva, among others, may be correct in the assessment that bad actors have misused government science and technology for a dark political agenda as credible allegations from reputable sources point to a sting operation exposing a CIA clique behind a coup to unseat Trump.

We know measures are already in the pipeline to defeat any future mass ballot rigging efforts, as we reported on November 8, 2020. The US Postal Service already patented in February 2020 a new high tech solution, as we showed in New USPS Patented Blockchain Encryption MAY Solve Puzzle.

But was the new technology available in time for this election? Time will tell. See: How Blockchain Encrypted Voting Can Save Democracy-Based Systems

At Principia Scientific International we do not engage in partisan political commentary but our mission statement commits us to exposing government science and technology fraud. And this story is of immense importance worldwide.

A Black Box of Hidden Secrets

As we saw with man-made global warming ‘black box’ trickery is the key to a science fraud scenario whereby computer models are hidden from independent scientists to verify. As with climate change, the pandemic and now election vote counting, it appears dark arts are being practiced in data collection, administration and accounting in America’s voting system.

We have no dog in this fight but, in the interests of transparency and encouraging an informed public discussion we note the following from this retired US military officer:

Unraveling the Deep State Coup

 I spent four years working at State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (now it is the Bureau of Counter Terrorism). I was one of two officers who dealt directly with the FBI in the investigation of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103. I learned through this experience that US law enforcement cannot operate in other countries without the permission of those countries.

I also spent 22 years scripting terrorism exercises for U.S. military special operations. My job was to replicate State Department and Embassy communications that would occur during a terrorist crisis. So, I have a lot of experience in working real world with US law enforcement, US military and our Embassies in sorting out the issues that arise when the United States wants to pursue a law enforcement or military operation in a foreign country.

The U.S. Army did not conduct a raid in Germany on either Sctyl or Dominion offices or servers. They are foreign nationals and we must operate in accordance with German law. Moreover, the U.S. Army does not have law enforcement powers with respect to such entities.

So what happened? I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.

This is not the first time that a military unit attached to EUCOM has compelled a CIA computer facility to hand over evidence. A dear friend of mine (a retired DEA officer) told me about an incident where he entered a CIA facility in Frankfurt backed up by the US Army to get info the CIA was withholding (this took place in the 1980s).

I also have confirmed what Jim Hoft reported the other night–the CIA’s Gina Haspel was not informed in advance of this operation. Based on this fact, I think it is correct that action was taken in Germany on territory under U.S. control and that a CIA facility was targeted.

I also have learned that FBI Director Christopher Wray was excluded from this operation. Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump. This means that some other U.S. law enforcement agency (e.g., US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service, etc) had the lead in collecting the evidence.

Sidney Powell is a serious lawyer. She is not going to make a false claim. Period. She embodies honesty and integrity. Given her recent statements on Maria Bartoromo and Lou Dobbs and Eric Bolling, she clearly knows that evidence is being collected that will prove beyond reasonable doubt (i.e., the type of evidence required to obtain a criminal conviction) that the CIA had some sort of nefarious relationship with Dominion Software and that Dominion Software was being used abroad and in the United States to conduct voter fraud.

I fully expect CIA officials to argue they had no idea that Dominion was engaged in such nefarious activity. Their denial carries as much weight as the claim by Captain Louis Renault in the iconic scene in Casablanca:

Capt. Louis Renault: I am shocked, shocked that there is gambling going on in here.

Waiter: Sir here are your winnings

The coup attempt to dethrone Donald Trump continues.

Read more at turcopolier.typepad.com


About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (13)

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    Robert Beatty


    In this Australian’s view, if you have an optional voting system, distributing unsolicited votes is unethical, and prima facia evidence of electoral fraud, because it is like distributing free $1,000 Gift Vouchers.
    Unsolicited vote distribution can only be regarded as fair if it is associated with compulsory voting for those on certified voter rolls.

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      Carbon Bigfoot



      Watch it before its censored.

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        Fingers crossed this is all genuine and the Pony Express can deliver on time. Bigger than climate change?
        Thanks Carbon

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        Carbon Bigfoot


        A 2016 video describing “Fraction Magic”— Detailed Vote Rigging. Strikes me funny that apparently it was never pursued.

    • Avatar

      Robert Beatty


      Thanks Carbon Bigfoot,
      What an amazing video.
      The 10% now in the hands of the legal system is a worry.

      • Avatar



        US Election: Donald Trump ‘terminates’ cybersecurity director for ‘highly inaccurate’ election statement.

        Breaking news one hour ago.

        • Avatar

          Jerry Krause


          He Matt and Robert,

          I believe you two understand the importance of our election more than many of my friends here in the Oregon where only six people can eat Thanksgiving dinner in our homes and if we violate the governors edict we can be fined and locked up for 30 days.

          I could go on but I will not.

          Have a Thanks Giving Day because your nations won their independences without a shot being fired, And we might lose our indolence without a shot being fired, Jerry

          • Avatar

            Herb Rose


            Hi Jerry,
            Gather as much family as you can for Thanksgiving and let them decide if it is prudent to attend, not some idiot government official. Civil disobedience is an effective tool to fight tyranny. They can’t put everyone in jail (as they try to do by mandate) for imaginary crimes. In the end those who are persecuted for defending their rights will be vindicated and those who are committing real crimes (like your Oregon ANTIFA and criminal politicians) will be held accountable.
            Have a happy Thanksgiving,

          • Avatar

            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb,

            Finally something about which we (you and I) totally agree. Unfortunately only my daughter with one child live near us on the west coast (5) while my son (another 5) live on the east coast. So I (we) cannot practice an official disobedience.

            Here is a quote attributed to Einstein which I share with you to see if you can agree with his wisdom.

            “Northern is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced.”

            For where is the governor going to lock up many citizens for 30 days with a distance of 6ft between each person?’

            Have a good day, Jerry

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    Dean Michael Jackson


    In 1975 the CIA’s CounterIntelligence Staff (CI) chief, James Angleton,
    was fired along with the purge of 80% of his CI Staff, cementing the Marxist control
    of the CIA, explaining how in 1980 Marxist John Brennan was accepted
    into the agency, even though he told his polygraph examiner that he
    voted for CPUSA candiate, Gus Hall, for change.

    Trump giving the Marxist raised clenched fist salute during inaugural speech…


    (Why do you think Time magazine chose that particular moment to capture for its Inaugural front page picture?)

    …and in Poland…


    …invented in 1936 Spain by Spanish Marxists fighting the Nationalists, a counter to the Nationalist salute where the arm is placed at a 90 degree angle, ensuring the fist is facing forward, as the palm in the nationalist salute faced front…



    A simplified variant of the Marxist salute is to raise the arm vertically, but ensuring the fist is still facing front.

    At my blog, read the articles…

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’

    My blog…


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    WOW!!! Democracy on the line. Check out President Trump’s lawyer, Sydney Powell claiming to have the evidence to hand President Trump the election necessitating criminal investigations.

    Attorney Powell on election legal challenges that remain active in several states.

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