Despite Excess Deaths Crisis ABC still pushing Aussies to have more jabs
For the primary broadcasting tool of the enemies of humanity, nothing has changed since March 2021
Queensland scientist David Archibald provided the above graphic.
The yellow line demonstrates with great clarity that the plague of excess deaths is not caused by COVID-19. David Archibald has also provided THIS VITALLY IMPORTANT LINK to Requiem for Australia, 14 March 2024, a meticulously researched presentation by ExcessDeathsAU.
Here is an extract, which includes links to valuable earlier articles.
Requiem for Australia (Extracts) by ExcessDeathsAU
I. Economic and cultural death spiral
The current economic zone known as Australia is being subjected to a democide while the people in power cook the books and convince themselves that ‘everything is fine.’
Right now, our economy is being artificially propped up by mind-bogglingly unsustainable immigration levels creating another ‘humanitarian and economic disaster’ on top of the excess deaths.
Australians are dumpster diving outside of Brumby’s Bakeries and watching the three-bedroom post-war fibro houses their grandparents built being sold for millions of dollars.
Depending on the location, these family homes are purchased and promptly knocked down by developers to be replaced by large glass-fronted mansions or luxury high-rises, both of which are out of reach for the Australians who are forced to dumpster dive for food.
The Reserve Bank of Australia lifted the cash rate 12 times in 13 months in 2022-2023, meaning that for many Australians, mortgage re-payments increased 12 times in one year. In 2023, Perth’s rental vacancy rate dropped to 0.7%, rent prices jumped by 20%, and wages only grew by 4.6%.
Things are so bad in Australia right now that even government-run media is saying ‘homelessness is now status quo.’ The rentals are full of overseas students and people are engaging in overtly illegal practices such as paying to view properties. If they are ‘lucky,’ they can pitch a tent near the river in Brisbane.
II. Excess Deaths
For the 2022-2023 excess deaths in Australia, you can see the official government numbers in the articles below from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). I have been recording them faithfully for two years and they reflect the time of record.
These are their numbers, so therefore, no one in government can deny them, although they do. The government weaseling, gaslighting, and obfuscation is intense – for those with social media you can check Senator Gerard Rennick’s X account for examples of where he is constantly and officially gaslit by these people in the most absurd and contradictory fashion.
Other analysts disagree with these numbers from the ABS and I support their work because democidal regimes engage in obfuscations and coverups. However, my strategy is to use their own numbers against them.
I choose to smash the perpetrators’ faces into their own handiwork.
Australian Excess Deaths 2023
JULY 17, 2023
Good statistical reporting is clear, consistent and works to a template, especially if data are subject to regular releases. The purpose of this is to see if there are any anomalies in the data, swiftly identify issues and correct course.
In the above excess deaths articles (the ABS website screenshots), you can see that ABS mortality reporting, at first displayed in a consistent format in 2022, becomes erratic over time.
In 2023 the ABS stopped reporting the number of dead after the percentage every month like they did in 2022. The meaning of words changed, new words appeared, and numbers have become buried in the middle of the pages.
Baselines and calculations have suddenly changed. I have to fish around in the website for information, particularly in 2023, so it has been difficult for me to just simply tally the number of Australians who have died in excess every month.
40,000 too many Australians have died
Nevertheless, during 2022-2023, I can confidently say that according to the Australian government’s own reported numbers, approximately 40,000 men, women and children have died above the normal expected number of deaths in Australia.
A reasonable person, on reading this masterful presentation by ExcessDeathsAU, is likely to reach certain conclusions, including:
- Government-sponsored injection of mRNA experimental drugs must cease immediately
- Indeminities granted to Big Pharma must be cancelled forthwith.
- Public policy must focus on compassion, care and compensation for the surviving victims of vaccine harm and for the loved ones of deceased victims.
- Recklessly rampant levels of immigration must be stopped.
- Gargantuan expenditure on purposeless unreliable energy must cease immediately and resources be applied instead to solution of real problems.
- Not one more cent should be gifted to grafting academics for valueless research into climate change. Instead, the focus of funding for scientific research must be the challenge of keeping Australians alive and healthy.
- The printing presses must stop devaluing our dollar.
- The profiteers. plunderers and plutocrats must be disempowered.
Sadly, as we know all too well, the profiteers, plunderers and plutocrats are not reasonable people. This is the time when all the good folk must maximise their impact.
Begin by sharing this substack to everyone you know. Best to share the link:
Nothing in this book is medical advice. If you feel crook, see your doctor. If your doctor is on the payroll of the ABC, seek a second opinion. Here is a gross example of ABC propaganda.
That malign propaganda is still on the ABC website doing its dirty murderous work, on 15 March 2024. Read on:
How to talk to friends and family feeling unsure about COVID-19 vaccines
By health reporter Olivia Willis with illustrations by Edwina Seselja
Posted Mon 29 Mar 2021 at 6:00amMonday 29 Mar 2021 at 6:00am, updated Tue 30 Mar 2021 at 10:45amTuesday 30 Mar 2021 at 10:45am
Research shows that Australia’s COVID-19 vaccines are, overall, safe and effective.
But it’s normal for people to have questions about any new vaccine.
Here’s how to approach these conversations with empathy — and tackle misconceptions along the way.
(Read this comic’s transcript.)
For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, including Australia’s rollout plan, safety and side effects, and what you need to know if you have a pre-existing health condition, check out ABC Health’s comprehensive vaccine guide.
See more here
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.Â
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