Only Al Gore is guiltier than Sir David Attenborough for peddling bare-faced lies about man-made global warming. Today, the BBC gives wide prominence to the latest fake news claims by this disgusting charlatan who, despite hundreds of arrests for arson, claims ‘climate change’ caused the Australian bush fires.
The BBC is not the only mainstream news outlet bent on promoting the utterly fake ‘bushfires-climate’ narrative. ABC are just as guilty, using fake maps to scare the weak-minded.
“The moment of crisis has come” in efforts to tackle climate change, Sir David Attenborough has warned.
According to the renowned naturalist and broadcaster, “we have been putting things off for year after year”.
“As I speak, south east Australia is on fire. Why? Because the temperatures of the Earth are increasing,” he said. Sir David’s comments came in a BBC News interview to launch a year of special coverage on the subject of climate change.
Scientists say climate change is one of several factors behind the Australian fires; others include how forests are managed and natural patterns in the weather.
Sir David told me it was “palpable nonsense” for some politicians and commentators to suggest that the Australian fires were nothing to do with the world becoming warmer.
“We know perfectly well,” he said, that human activity is behind the heating of the planet.
What does Sir David mean by ‘the moment of crisis’?
He’s highlighting the fact that while climate scientists are becoming clearer about the need for a rapid response, the pace of international negotiations is grindingly slow.
The most recent talks – in Madrid last month – were branded a disappointment by the UN Secretary-General, the British government and others.
Decisions on key issues were put off and several countries including Australia and Brazil were accused of trying to dodge their commitments.
“We have to realise that this is not playing games,” Sir David said.
“This is not just having a nice little debate, arguments and then coming away with a compromise.
“This is an urgent problem that has to be solved and, what’s more, we know how to do it – that’s the paradoxical thing, that we’re refusing to take steps that we know have to be taken.”
It said that emissions of the gases heating the planet – from power stations and factories, vehicles and agriculture – should be almost halved by 2030.
Image copyright GETTY IMAGESImage caption Australia has been badly hit by bushfires
Instead the opposite is happening.
The release of those gases is still increasing rather than falling and the key gas, carbon dioxide, is now in the atmosphere at a level far above anything experienced in human history.
As Sir David put it: “Every year that passes makes those steps more and more difficult to achieve.”
Why does this matter right now?
This year is seen as a vital opportunity to turn the tide on climate change.
The UK is hosting what’s billed as a crucial UN summit, known as COP26, in Glasgow in November.
Ahead of that gathering, governments worldwide are coming under pressure to toughen their targets for cutting emissions.
Assuming they are delivered as promised (and there’s no guarantee of that), there could still be a rise in the global average temperature of more than 3C by the end of the century, compared to pre-industrial levels.
The latest assessment by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) lays bare the dangers of that.
It suggests that a rise of anything above 1.5C would mean that coastal flooding, heatwaves and damage to coral reefs would become more severe.
And the latest figures show that the world has already warmed by just over 1C.
What happens next?
As things stand, further heating looks inevitable.
“We’re already living in a changed world,” according to Professor Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading, a scientist whose depictions of global warming have often gone viral on social media.
He uses bold coloured stripes to show how much each year’s temperature is above or below average – different shades of red for warmer and blue for colder.
Media caption Our Planet Matters: Climate change explained. The designs now adorn T-shirts, scarves and even a tram in Germany.
At the moment, Prof Hawkins uses dark red to denote the highest level of warming, but regions such as the Arctic Ocean have seen that maximum level year after year.
Such is the scale of change that he’s having to search for new colours.
“I’m thinking about adding dark purple or even black”, he told me, to convey future increases in temperature.
“People might think climate change is a distant prospect but we’re seeing so many examples around the world, like in Australia, of new records and new extremes.”
What else is on the environmental agenda this year?
The natural world, and whether we can stop harming it.
While most political attention will be on climate change, 2020 is also seen as potentially important for halting the damage human activity is having on ecosystems.
Sir David has a blunt explanation for why this matters: “We actually depend upon the natural world for every breath of air we take and every mouthful of food that we eat.”
Image copyright GETTY IMAGESImage caption The northern white rhino (seen here) is down to just two animals, making it “functionally” extinct
A landmark report last year warned that as many as one million species of animals, insects and plants are threatened with extinction in the coming decades.
A more recent study found that the growth of cities, the clearing of forests for farming and the soaring demand for fish had significantly altered nearly three-quarters of the land and more than two-thirds of the oceans.
One of the scientists involved, Prof Andy Purvis of the Natural History Museum in London, says that by undermining important habitats, “we’re hacking away at our safety net, we’re trashing environments we depend on”.
He points to the impact of everything from the use of palm oil in processed food and shampoo to the pressures created by fast fashion.
And while the need for conservation is understood in many developed countries, Prof Purvis says “we’ve exported the damage to countries too poor to handle the environmental cost of what they’re selling to us”.
The gathering in Kunming takes place in October, a month before the UN climate summit in Glasgow, confirming this year as crucial for our relations with the planet.
Read more of the BBC’s climate propaganda here:
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David, like Al Gore, wants global warming due to man made CO2 to be true….it meets their agenda for money and power. If you showed him conclusive evidence that it is not true, he would be greatly disappointed…..when of course, he should be very pleased.
Al Gore is smarter than that he knows he is lying and so are people like Bernie sanders who flies around on private jets. They lie because it’s profitable
Australian brush fires are natural occurrences, just as are the forest fires in the western U.S. The fires clear the dead wood, restore minerals to the soil, and CO2 to the atmosphere. The fires will re-occur, as needed.
For the Warmists to cling to things like natural fires, Arctic sea ice, and sea rise, is just more evidence they still don’t understand the basic science. CO2 can NOT raise Earth’s average temperature. The science is settled on that!
Yeah, that Attenborough , the one who called upon European states not to send medical aid to Africa so to cull children in order to save the natural habitats.
I’ve just watched the Question Time debate on climate. I feel as though they exist in a parallel universe where different laws of physics apply. Attenborough talked about deaths if we take no action. They are already happening in Australia due to the fires which are because of the actions taken to combat the climate crisis.
love how it uses the possibly most partisan universities research of them all in berkely, zoe phinn went through that data and how they present it is wrong
Your assertion that there have been “hundreds of arrests for arson” during this ongoing bush fire crisis in Australia is a bare faced lie which is being spread by climate deniers in social media and in the Murdoch owned press and television Sky News.
There are 24 people currently facing criminal charges for arson and that is a fact.
The source of the “nearly 200” people being charged with arson claim is a news release from the New South Wales Police Force on January 6, 2020. What the release actually says is that legal action was taken against 183 people since November 8, 2019, for fire-related offenses, including things like improperly discarding cigarettes or not taking enough precautions around machinery, i.e. not arson. Legal action “ranges from cautions through to criminal charges,” according to NSW police, so not everyone is being charged with a crime. And not all of these penalties are for incidents linked to the wildfires.
The fact is, most of these fires have been started by lightning strikes from dry lightning storms.
The CFA incident controller in Bairnsdale, Brett Mitchell, pointed to lightning as the cause of most of the fires.
Likewise, in NSW, emergency services personnel have blamed lightning strikes for most of the fires.
NSW Rural Fire Services Inspector Ben Shepherd said: “I can confidently say the majority of the larger fires that we have been dealing with have been a result of fires coming out of remote areas as a result of dry lightning storms.”
These people are at the front line of these bush fires and they know what they are talking about which is in contrast to the usual bunch of climate deniers who will spread any amount of lies and disinformation to support their crackpot theories.
Thanks Greg for clearing up the difference between people intentionally starting fires versus people accidentally starting fires.
I noticed you had no interest in clearing up all the mistakes Attenborough has made, in his irrational claim that mankind is warming the planet. It’s almost as if you’re intentionally avoiding reality, huh?
‘climate deniers’ – oh dear. They would be those of us who take the time to do some actual research and talk to actual climate scientists, rather than doing what most warmists do and take what the BBC says as gospel truth.
David Attenborough is old enough, like most climate skeptics, to recognise a scam, but he’s either been completely taken in by it, or is a willing participant. My person feeling is it’s probably the latter.
crackpot theories would be where something that puts out fires is responsible for driving the heat of the world when its a trace gas, you are a moron Greg thanks for dropping by
I have a question for David….CO2 was once twice as much as today….why did the temp not “runaway”? If your answer is that CO2 decreased and saved the planet….why did the CO2 decrease? I mean, after all, warmists know all about the climate and I am just seeking answers, that’s all.
No matter how hard the cagw cult try to demonise CO2 the evidence is unequivocal that rising CO2 levels are greening the planet and providing record food crops due to its fertilisation effect.
So the science is in CO2 is good for the environment and good for all life on earth.
T. C. Clark
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David, like Al Gore, wants global warming due to man made CO2 to be true….it meets their agenda for money and power. If you showed him conclusive evidence that it is not true, he would be greatly disappointed…..when of course, he should be very pleased.
josh hunter
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Al Gore is smarter than that he knows he is lying and so are people like Bernie sanders who flies around on private jets. They lie because it’s profitable
Melody Emanuel
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You’re absolutely correct!
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Australian brush fires are natural occurrences, just as are the forest fires in the western U.S. The fires clear the dead wood, restore minerals to the soil, and CO2 to the atmosphere. The fires will re-occur, as needed.
For the Warmists to cling to things like natural fires, Arctic sea ice, and sea rise, is just more evidence they still don’t understand the basic science. CO2 can NOT raise Earth’s average temperature. The science is settled on that!
Melody Emanuel
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Bush fires are a product of arsonists working for “global warming” narrative.
However, respecting mother earth is a good thing for inhabitants.
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Yeah, that Attenborough , the one who called upon European states not to send medical aid to Africa so to cull children in order to save the natural habitats.
Worthless darwinianist, nihilist and materialist.
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I’ve just watched the Question Time debate on climate. I feel as though they exist in a parallel universe where different laws of physics apply. Attenborough talked about deaths if we take no action. They are already happening in Australia due to the fires which are because of the actions taken to combat the climate crisis.
josh hunter
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love how it uses the possibly most partisan universities research of them all in berkely, zoe phinn went through that data and how they present it is wrong
T L Winslow
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Here is a compilation of links on the Australian fires:
Nick Boland
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Humour Break
Here is the real reason Mr David Attenborough has turned up the narative of doom and gloom. It’s a competition of sorts!
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Funny, Nick.
Thanks for sharing.
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Your assertion that there have been “hundreds of arrests for arson” during this ongoing bush fire crisis in Australia is a bare faced lie which is being spread by climate deniers in social media and in the Murdoch owned press and television Sky News.
There are 24 people currently facing criminal charges for arson and that is a fact.
The source of the “nearly 200” people being charged with arson claim is a news release from the New South Wales Police Force on January 6, 2020. What the release actually says is that legal action was taken against 183 people since November 8, 2019, for fire-related offenses, including things like improperly discarding cigarettes or not taking enough precautions around machinery, i.e. not arson. Legal action “ranges from cautions through to criminal charges,” according to NSW police, so not everyone is being charged with a crime. And not all of these penalties are for incidents linked to the wildfires.
The fact is, most of these fires have been started by lightning strikes from dry lightning storms.
The CFA incident controller in Bairnsdale, Brett Mitchell, pointed to lightning as the cause of most of the fires.
Likewise, in NSW, emergency services personnel have blamed lightning strikes for most of the fires.
NSW Rural Fire Services Inspector Ben Shepherd said: “I can confidently say the majority of the larger fires that we have been dealing with have been a result of fires coming out of remote areas as a result of dry lightning storms.”
These people are at the front line of these bush fires and they know what they are talking about which is in contrast to the usual bunch of climate deniers who will spread any amount of lies and disinformation to support their crackpot theories.
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Thanks Greg for clearing up the difference between people intentionally starting fires versus people accidentally starting fires.
I noticed you had no interest in clearing up all the mistakes Attenborough has made, in his irrational claim that mankind is warming the planet. It’s almost as if you’re intentionally avoiding reality, huh?
Andy Rowlands
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‘climate deniers’ – oh dear. They would be those of us who take the time to do some actual research and talk to actual climate scientists, rather than doing what most warmists do and take what the BBC says as gospel truth.
David Attenborough is old enough, like most climate skeptics, to recognise a scam, but he’s either been completely taken in by it, or is a willing participant. My person feeling is it’s probably the latter.
Al Shelton
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Yes Greg …. The people on the front lines know what they are talking about.
They warned about the potential of severe fire last October and were ignored.
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crackpot theories would be where something that puts out fires is responsible for driving the heat of the world when its a trace gas, you are a moron Greg thanks for dropping by
T. C. Clark
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I have a question for David….CO2 was once twice as much as today….why did the temp not “runaway”? If your answer is that CO2 decreased and saved the planet….why did the CO2 decrease? I mean, after all, warmists know all about the climate and I am just seeking answers, that’s all.
Itz Me
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No matter how hard the cagw cult try to demonise CO2 the evidence is unequivocal that rising CO2 levels are greening the planet and providing record food crops due to its fertilisation effect.
So the science is in CO2 is good for the environment and good for all life on earth.
Andy Rowlands
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Exactly, well said.