Desperate Alarmists Backtrack on Climate Study
There’s a scene in the movie Straight Outta Compton – (it’s OK: you don’t need to like rap to get this analogy) – where Eazy-E goes to confront his manager Jerry Heller.
Given that their band N.W.A have made so much money, Eazy-E wants to know, how come he is still living in penury?
Heller explains that “business is business.”
Eazy-E protests, as well he might, that this just isn’t good enough. Heller is his manager. It’s supposed to be his job to represent Eazy-E’s financial interests. N.W.A are one of the biggest rap bands ever. So where has all the ****ing money gone?
Heller repeats the only defense he has. “Business is business,” he explains.
In this scenario, for Eazy-E read: you and me. (Unfortunate because it means, shortly afterwards, we all tragically die of AIDs)
And for Jerry Heller, the incompetent, embezzling, total fail of a manager, read: the science community responsible for the great global warming scare.
For “Business is business” read “the science is settled” – or “just trust us. We’re scientists. We got the PhDs and the lab coats and you don’t, so never mind your pretty little heads as, on our say-so, your taxes rise, your freedoms are curtailed and your economy is bombed back to the Dark Ages.”
Am I saying that the scientists responsible for bigging up global warming are a bunch of useless, lying, cheating, conniving, scum-sucking bottom feeders who by rights should be in jail rather than anywhere near a lab?
Not quite.
Some, I’m perfectly happy to concede, are not criminal fraudsters who have been deliberately misrepresenting the science because they’re in too deep and can’t bail out now. No, some, I’m quite sure, write and say the rubbish they do because they are genuinely stupid. Or hopelessly incompetent. Or because they’ve got kids to educate and mortgages to pay down and they’d really rather not consider the implications of their dubious work practises. Or because they believe in a higher cause, where politics comes before science, and think it’s appropriate to massage the raw data to shape the narrative in such a way as to galvanize individuals and governments to taking action…
But whatever their level of incompetence, venality, stupidity, left-wing radicalism or general uselessness they do have at least two things in common.
One, they’ve all got it wrong about “climate change”.
Two, they’re unconscionable scumbags.
Let me show you why with reference to last week’s bombshell admission by several leading climate scientists that they’ve got their facts wrong about “global warming.”
The Nature Geoscience study which prompted this confession was quite rightly described by one observer as “breathtaking” in its implications.
For a full scientific analysis, read this.
I’m just going to cut to the chase and tell you the only thing that matters about the study:
It’s the first formal admission by the climate alarmists that their computer models predicting runaway global warming are wrong. (They are “running too hot”)
Since these computer models are the basis for the entire man-made global warming scare, you can see why this study is such a majorly big deal.
You can also see why the alarmist scientists responsible for it have been so desperate to distract from its findings.
That’s why, when they launched the report last week, they tried to pretend that it was about something else completely.
Here is a perfect example of their misdirection, from the first line of the London Timescoverage by Ben Webster, a journalist generally sympathetic to the alarmist establishment’s narrative.
Catastrophic impacts of climate change can still be avoided, according to scientists who have admitted they were too pessimistic about the chances of limiting global warming.
See what is going on there? The key significance of the study, according to Webster’s version of events, is that it means the world has dodged a bullet: the predicted rapid warming hasn’t transpired and so, as a consequence, we still have time to keep any further damage from happening by sticking to our emissions targets.
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