Dentists say COVID ‘mask mouth’ can cause serious health complications


Dentists are warning about the health issues tied to prolonged use of a mask to stop the spread of the coronavirus. They said dental problems associated with “mask mouth,” including gum disease, could lead to serious complications.

“Gum disease — or periodontal disease — will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks,” Marc Sclafani, a dentist and co-founder of One Manhattan Dental, told the New York Post about “mask mouth,” which is increasingly causing inflammation and gum disease among patients.

Another dentist and co-founder at One Manhattan Dental, Rob Ramondi, said 50% of his patients are suffering from negative health issues due to mask-wearing.

“We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,” Ramondi said. “About 50% of our patients are being impacted by this, [so] we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’ — after ‘meth mouth.’”

“Meth mouth” is a term used to describe poor oral hygiene typically associated with chronic meth users.

The dentists said that the face coverings increase mouth dryness and contribute to a buildup of bad bacteria.

“People tend to breathe through their mouth instead of through their nose while wearing a mask,” Sclafani said. “The mouth breathing is causing the dry mouth, which leads to a decrease in saliva — and saliva is what fights the bacteria and cleanses your teeth.”

Sclafani suggested those who have no choice but to wear masks can drink more water, cut down on caffeine, snag a humidifier to moisten the air, use an alcohol-free mouthwash, scrape their tongue, and refrain from smoking.

Wearing face coverings to stem the spread of the coronavirus has become a contentious issue across the United States, with some states and cities imposing mandatory face mask requirements, while others have filed lawsuits to defy those precautions.

Supporters of mask requirements, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, argue that cloth masks are effective in stopping the spread of the virus, while critics cite studies showing a lack of evidence of effectiveness.


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Comments (21)

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    For one it leads to respiratory infections and looks exactly like covid19 because the symptoms are the same. The trouble is that this type of infection might require targeted medications. If they are called a covid case the doctors will not continue to do proper testing such as taking lung cultures. Covid19 is a hoax.


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    Peter Harris


    Two points, firstly, this website I think is just a dog-whistle for the far-right “libertarians.”
    What would you prefer, poor dental hygiene (if indeed poor dental hygiene is a direct result of wearing a mask) that or catch Covid?
    I can guarantee, someone’s going to come along and try and correct me, and say masks are useless.

    And secondly, this website criticises mainstream medicine / science, and I get that, but this website makes the same mistakes as the mainstream science is trying to criticize.

    We just have some anecdotal evidence from 2 dentists in NY, and not corroborated by others around the world.
    Secondly, we need some serious studies to see if there is a direct link between poor dental hygiene and wearing face masks.
    Again, correlation is not always causation.


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      What do you mean “catch covid”? The gaps between fabric of the masks are gigantic, compared to the size of the virus. They can’t possibly stop anything, and study after study demonstrates it. If anything, they actually increase the spread of disease.


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        Peter Harris


        Really now?

        And where’s your evidence in support that ludicrous statement?


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    John O'Sullivan


    Peter, two words: bacterial pneumonia.


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      Peter Harris


      John, one word, proof.


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        Some medical pros have filed a lawsuit in Kansas City over this. Watch for the Proof.. Not to mention Lockdowns are interfering with all types of medical appointments. Scared of the Corona Virus? Stay Home. Social Distance. You realize the CDC listed close to 450,000 tobacco product deaths in an average year and they are still legal? Why not upset about that?


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          Peter Harris


          Why am I not upset about that?Because it’s a ridiculous and inane argument.
          Road deaths, tobacco, obesity, all these non-sequiturs have nothing to do with the discussion around Covid.


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    Ja ja


    Prove covid even exists, seriously show me proof of the virus. I can show you using public health canadas own data that it almost exclusively kills seniors in long term care.. thats not suspicious at all.. in canadas the vast majority are over 80 and sick, average lifespan of Canadian’s is 82 so Im calling bullshit.. its just influenza renamed and not even a virulent strain at that.. a large part of seniors RECOVERED from the virus, old frail people recover from it.. those are facts from PHAC every 2 weeks..


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    this website I think is just a dog-whistle for the far-right “libertarians”. –
    -Peter Harris

    Libertarianism is not on the left/right scale, it advocates no or little government rather than communist, socialist, conservative, authoritarian, etc.

    Referring to a website or its readers in an attempt to insult means that no argument on the case-in-point is made.

    “Which would you prefer..” This is a false dichotomy. (A nonsense choice)
    Good dental hygiene does not lead to infection.

    “..we need some serious studies to see if there is a direct link between poor dental hygiene and wearing face masks”.
    There have been several studies on mask wearing, none of them have found clear evidence that they protect against catching this virus. So, given the proposition that masks do not work (quite likely), there is no need for studying masks and dental hygiene.


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      Peter Harris


      The hardcore libertarians, mostly fall on the right of politics, in fact, the extreme right.
      People like Noam Chomsky, refer to themselves as a social libertarian.
      The hardcore libertarians on the far-right reject that notion, regarding it as an oxymoron.

      Can you show me a study that refutes the benefit of a facial mask during the covid-19 pandemic?
      You deniers are off your trolley, fair dinkum!
      Don’t you accept that Covid-19 is spread through aerosol transmission?


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        Swiss policy research,they have many studies listed on the benefits of face masks. There simply are not any masks held together with paper and elastic that will stop a .1 micron virion from getting into your lungs or eyes. Cloth is in in the 10 to 20 micron size or 100 hundred to two hundred times bigger than a virus particle. This is the equivalent of chain link fence keeping out mosquitoes.


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          Peter Harris


          Barry, do acknowledge that Covid-19 is transmitted via aerosol?


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            Yes as far as I know that is the most common way.

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          Peter Harris


          So Barry, don’t think it’s common sense you wear some type of mask, and not just for your nose and mouth, but your eyes too?


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            Herb Rose


            Hi Peter,
            Viruses gain entrance through eyes, nose, mouth because they stick to moisture. Does common sense tell you to put a covering over your mouth and nose that not only does not stop the virus but gets moist and collects them so you can spread them with your hands?

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            I’m not sure what the point of wearing a mask that won’t stop arrosols is to stop a virus that is transmitted on aerosols. As I stated above a virus particle is tiny compared to the holes in cloth or paper and plastic masks. I do a lot of spraying of coatings and chemicals and have to wear a respirator for extended periods. These have particle filters and canisters to purify the air and remove what ever toxin is in that particular product. So no wearing a piece of cloth over your face to keep out a virus is not common sense.

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          Peter Harris


          @Herb… I get it now, you’re the Class Clown of this so-called scientific website.
          And your reply is so inane and idiotic, i can only conclude that you’re joking.
          But I think you’re serious, which is worse.

          And Barry…

          “I’m not sure what the point of wearing a mask that won’t stop arrosols is to stop a virus that is transmitted on aerosols.”


          Are you in competition to take over Herb’s mantle?

          Seriously, this website has not much, if anything to say in regards to science, mainstream or alternative.


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      Peter Harris


      ““Which would you prefer..” This is a false dichotomy. (A nonsense choice)
      Good dental hygiene does not lead to infection.”

      Then you would have to agree that this whole article is a complete dichotomy… oops.

      Wearing a face mask does not lead to poor dental hygiene.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    Anyone who suggests or enforces the use of mask must first provide scientific/experimental proof that masks protect from the coronavirus. No yada yada, please!


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      Quite so.
      It is a matter of onus-of-proof, those who want to force others to perform some action should provide evidence, and compulsion is not evidence. I have seen a fair number of studies on masks, there is no strong conclusion, it is very hard to define what the requirement is and the data are poor and erratic, not unusual in science.
      The position so far is- there is no scientific/experimental proof that masks protect wearers from this virus.

      On the subject of this particular paper, there is some evidence that mask wearing is detrimental to dental/mouth health.

      So, mask wearing has no proven advantage, but some likely disadvantage.


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