Delinquent, Welching Fraudster: Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann
James Delingpole pens a half decent (‘lukewarm’) attack piece on climate criminal, Michael E Mann of Climategate infamy.
But Mr D fails to tell readers that scummy Mann is an absconder from court debts, a defeated serial litigator, big time loser and welcher on a massive money judgment.
Over at Breitbart, Delingpole rightly attacks Dr Mann’s shoddy new book and starts off on point by discerning that Dr Mann was:
“intimately involved in the Climategate – a dump of emails which showed the climate science Establishment in a highly dubious light – I can certify that Mann is talking utter nonsense here.”
But not a word anywhere in his piece about Mann’s humiliating legal calamity losing the ‘climate science trial of the century’ against our very own Dr Tim Ball in which the judge awarded full costs to Ball.
Mann faked his notorious ‘hockey stick’ graph, the showpiece of the Third UN IPCC Climate Report and linchpin for governments worldwide to impose stringent, job-killing climate taxes. Shonky science screwed us then over our ‘carbon footprints’ just like is screws us now with COVID19 virus fakery killing more jobs and lives.
As Climate Depot reported at the time, the high level of the court award to compensate Dr Ball was for Mann’s misuse of the legal process. Mann’s multi-million-dollar gambit was a cynical attempt to chill dissent among honest scientists who were exposing the fakery embedded within the cornerstone of climate alarm – the utterly anti-science greenhouse gas effect (GHE).
Selfless Champion Against Climate Fraud Now Forgotten
No advocate against climate alarm stands taller for their achievements in the science debate than Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball who made the undeniable link between globalist eugenicists carrying out their satanic schemes via the dysfunctional and corrupt UN, in cahoots with the Club of Rome, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, Maurice Strong, George Soros et al – these same Malthusian miscreants who today are implementing mass population control via poisonous vaccines, lockdown tyranny and mad mask mandates.
But in 2011, when Dr Ball was lead author of our groundbreaking book, ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory,’ he had firmly aligned himself among us ‘deniers’ (Principia Scientific International and the ‘Slayers’) of the nonsensical GHE; which asininely claims carbon dioxide is our climate’s control knob.
But so doing, Ball set himself apart from the lukewarmist circle jerkers who still persist in their cretinous claims that CO2 ‘must’ cause some warming/delayed cooling/heat trapping in the atmosphere.
Lukewarmers, just like crooked Dr Mann and his ilk, still make these claims despite the scientifically proven, empirically cast iron fact that CO2 is a supreme COOLANT gas and used as such for over a century. Carbon dioxide is a most reliable refrigerant and used worldwide today by applied scientists and in industry in countless processes to eliminate heat quickly and efficiently.
Yet, only within the rigged computer models of corrupt, incompetent academics and the minds of deluded, midwit lukewarmers does carbon dioxide do what Mother Nature shows it cannot.
Like other lukewarmers, we know James is firmly up his own rectum when he then tries to claim credit for the dubious honor of being the first journalist (i.e. mainstream hack) to coin the term ‘Climategate.’ Likewise, our own Joseph A Olson PE was the first science writer to coin the term ‘Lukewarmer’ in his own literary battles a decade ago.
And it is hard to deny that lukewarmers have been attempting to hijack the narrative on behalf of midwit skepticism; for it believed a ‘middle way’ is often the safer, wiser way when your own cognitive powers are lukewarm at adducing truth.
As such, the lukewarmer crowd copy the antics of the climate alarmists with endless appeals to their own authority (i.e. they prop up each other by mutual back slapping among middle of the road midwits) and not to substance and logical reasoning. For further proof, have you ever seen a lukewarmer have the cahones to want to debate a ‘Slayer’ on the science? Just see how the lukewarmers’ top scientist, Dr Roy Spencer fled from astrophysicist and Slayer Joe Postma when Postma threw down the gauntlet.
Us ‘deniers’ at the extreme end of denouncing the entire fake science of the greenhouse gas theory have seen this self-sustaining bravura for over a decade in our contretemps with Dr Roy ‘Cold Makes Warm Even Warmer‘ Spencer and Christopher ‘I’m a Lord’ Monckton.
Though we must concede that Delingpole has our full endorsement in his fair characterization of the bigger enemies of science: the UN-loving, globalist-promoting, eugenicist climate alarmists that Dr Mann epitomizes.
Moreover, in fairly delineating the battle lines, we are clear that the lukewarmers are mostly correct when they point out the utter triviality of humanity’s impact on earth’s temperature. They just don’t go far enough. But that’s the midwit mindset for you.
So, we have no qualms when Delingpole succinctly calls it right by describing our mutual enemies as possessed by:
“a ‘concatenation of mutual interests’ in the vast and well-funded climate alarmism machine, which ranges from shyster politicians eager to virtue-signal their greenery, to green/left NGOs trying to boost donations by ramping up the scare narrative, to dodgy scientists producing fashionable junk in return for grants, to crony capitalists on the renewables bandwagon.”
But Delingpole et al. are remiss in not giving credit to those of us fellow digital soldiers fighting those corporate corrupters who go the whole way.
If we are to finally slay the NGO’s, the swampy politicians, the media propagandists then everyone should wake up and recognize that in any war the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
It’s high time that Mr Delingpole pens an article about the forgotten Dr Tim Ball who proved his words that Dr Mann ‘belongs in the state penn, not Penn. State’ were entirely apt, as endorsed by the ruling of a British Columbia Supreme Court judge in August 2019.
Those courts costs – now well in excess of a million dollars due to interest – have still not been paid by Mann to Dr Ball, a now seriously ill forgotten warrior, a selfless champion of truth in science.
So, come on, Mr Delingpole. Stop blowing your own trumpet and show some respect to an actual climatologist who walked the walk, not just does the talk like you do!
About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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Heretic Jones
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Breitbart, like Gateway Pundit, is most certainly controlled opposition. When commenting at these sites, try to strike the root by using the word jew or zionist or Khazarian in your comment and see what happens.
Joseph Olson
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“Hockey Stickery Doc” and “Penn Panel Limbos Under the Hockey Stick” both at CanadaFreePress
I attended the Heartland ICCC-9 and Heritage Summit Lukewarmist Love Fests in 2014, where I sat for three days in a room of 650 in Las Vegas and 350 in Houston, listening to FAKE skeptics rantings. Disinformation Delingpole, Misinformation Morano, Tony BlogBully Watts, Stuntman Moncton, Sorcerer Spencer and Clueless Curry are all delusional demagogues.
I again challenge ANY Warmist, or ANY Lukewarmist to debate Carbon climate forcing.
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” a now seriously ill forgotten warrior,”
I am sorry to hear Dr Tim is unwell.
My prayers and gratitude go out to him.
Robert Beatty
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It would be a nice thought if Dr Tim Ball had his legal entitlements secured in a trust account so his passing would not let Mann off the hook.
Andy Rowlands
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It is most unfortunate that Delingpole could not spare a few lines for Tim Ball, he stood up and was counted like no-one else had the courage to do.