Definition Of A Woman A Scientific Or Political Crisis?

man women symbols

Sky News host Chris Kenny says we seemed to have reached peak devolution, as the world is “getting dumber by the year” after a room of health bureaucrats couldn’t define what a woman is during a senate hearing.

Secretary of the Department of Health Brendan Murphy was asked by Senator Alex Antic, what constitutes a man and a woman? Murphy said he would have to get back to the Senate with an answer, pulling a Ketanji Brown Jackson in the Australian senate.

“This pathetic dancing around biological facts is a worldwide trend,” Mr. Kenny said. “This is the absurdity of the modern condition, where the virtue-signaling and self-regard of the media/political class are so important to them that they would rather deny basic biology than risk being called out as transphobic.

“The twisted logic, the denial of reality … is embarrassing and frankly shows you just how enfeebled the Western world has become.”

h/t Joseph O.

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    Mark Tapley


    What can be expected in the “democracies” run by Jews. Just like the Soviet Appartachiks with their endless praise of the worker’s paradise, these puppet actors know that like the sacred holohoax, fake viruses and climate change, the LBGTQ agenda is the only way to suck their way up the ladder.
    The following 27 Jews are in Creepy Joe’s Cabinet and most important Administrative positions.

    1) Doug Emhoff, Jewish Husband of Kamala Devil Harris
    2) Janet Yellin, Jewish Secretary Treasury
    3) Anthony Blinken, Jewish Secretary of State
    4) Ron Klain, Jewish Chief of Staff
    5) Merrick Garland, Jewish Attorney General
    6) David Cohen, Jewish Deputy Director CIA
    7) Alejandro Mayorkas, Jewish Secretary Homeland Security
    8) Avril Haines, Jewish Director National Intelligence
    9) Rochelle P. Walensky, Jewish CDC Director
    10) Victoria Nuland, Jewish Secretary State Political Affairs
    11) Eric Lander, Jewish Office of Science Technology
    12) Jeffry Zeints, Jewish Covid Czar
    13) Rachel Levine, Jewish Assistant Health Secretary
    14) and 15) Cass Sunstein, Jewish Senior Counselor at the Department of Homeland Security, and his wife, Samantha Power, Head of USAID
    16) Dana Stroul, Jewish Pentagon Senior Policy Official on the Middle East
    17) Wendy Sherman, Jewish Deputy Secretary of State
    18) Anne Neuberger, Jewish Director of Cybersecurity at NSA
    19) Chanan Weissman, Jewish Director of Technology at National Security Council
    20) Avril Haines, Jewish Director of National Intelligence
    21) Polly Trottenberg, Jewish Deputy Secretary of Transportation
    22) Jessica Rosenworce,l Jewish Acting Chairwoman FCC
    23) Jennifer Klein, Jewish Co-Chair of the Gender Policy Council
    24) Jared Bernstein, Jewish Member of Council of Economic Advisers
    25) David Kessler, Jewish Chief Science Officer of COVID Response
    26) Stephanie Pollack, Jewish Deputy Administrator Federal Highway Administration
    27) Gary Gensler, Jewish Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission

    You may ask yourself, what is the likelihood of this happening?

    The chance of these 27 Jews to be in the most important positions in the United States government, well, that’s impossible. But yet it has happened through a coup d’etat. With a blatantly stolen election, these 27 conniving Jews, have now seized positions of incredible power within the United States government. World War Three is here folks. All without a shot yet to be fired, that is except for the billions of mRNA shots being pushed around the world to the immensely inculcated and dumbed down masses. Now is the time to remember what the Jews did to the Christians in Russia when they gained power. They murdered 66,000,000 of them.

    Then you may ask yourself, how many of these 27 Jews that are in Creepy Joe’s Cabinet and most important Administrative positions, are also dual citizens with Israel? Since they don’t want you to know this answer to this important question, I would say most, or possibly all of them. In the words of the most traitorous spy in the history of the United States, “We’re Jews… We Will Always Have Dual Loyalty” Jonathan Pollard

    “Ownership of the media [and everything else] is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
    Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn


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    You are an Anti-Semite who thinks Jews rule the world. Methinks you are a secret admired of the Final Solution.


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    The main difference between XX and XY chromosomes is that XX chromosomes are the chromosomes in females whereas XY chromosomes are the chromosomes in males, specifically in organisms with the XY sex-determination system. Furthermore, XX chromosomes occur in homogametic sex while XY chromosomes occur in the heterogametic sex.

    XX and XY chromosomes are two types of sex chromosome combinations in humans, mammals, some snakes, some insects, and some plants.

    Copied and pasted from somewhere.


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      I’d mention something about me 45 and 47 address (lkinda ike 46, twice) but I’ve only got 47 YYY jokes. Guess what I’m looking for (or at)?


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        Hi Frank.

        As you say you are chaste it may be prudent to keep things dignified. Your choice of course.

        Regards. Matt.


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          Well, the thing is, I’m a man and I like woman…so.

          Every morning I wake up with my heart going insane and I’ve also got some glory. So you gotta be real careful. I might get inappropriate.


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    You got a (non-synthetic) vagina?


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    Since I have a penis and testicles, I’m gonna mention something (probably not the first time)…

    Hey, what do fluoridated, chlorinated water/air (in general excessive fluorine and chlorine), in general polluted air, supposed “food”, chemtrails (very broad btw), toothpaste, PFOs, PFOAs, cosmetics, low sun exposure, low iodine, sunblock, detergents/sanitation products, an enormous amount of “medications”, shit like ddt, atrazine, glyphosate, the toxic shit with it (and that roundup which includes an ingredient which massively increases the toxicity of that glyphosate, coz it’s fucking toxic being about an order of magnitude more cytotoxic with “background” radiation) , other herbicides, pesticides, homogenized GMO soy and such, EMF, pthalates, BPA, vaccines, shit in toys, packaging, clothing, etc have in common?

    Oh that’s right, they’re all super common, even glamourized, super marketed (or imposed), they’re all toxic and have very majorly enormous amounts of endocrine disruption and dysfunction effects! Physical, immune, developmental, mental, hormonal, behavioural, reproductive, etc damage! Things like faggotry, diabetes, RTIs, “viruses”, cancers, retardation, etc. You know, the good stuff. Because they want a nice mentally retarded, sickened sort of “metrosexual” slave class, the zombiedronerobosheepclones. Zombiedronerobosheepclones can’t recognize or consider things though, so they’ll forever be clueless.


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      Do you know why? Because “freemasonry” is itself faggotry, trying to degenerate you! Isn’t that neat?


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