December’s Masters of Health Magazine Now Available

What a year this has been! Most of us will be glad to see the back of it. But, with so much uncertainty still ahead and nonstop fear and war-mongering going on, it is hard to remain calm and composed or even function. There is real cause for concern because the survival of humanity is at risk like never before.

That is why we do what we do at Masters of Health magazine. We are divinely guided and immensely thankful for the inspiration and support we derive from all our readers, subscribers, and contributors. We love you all!

Selecting the person of the year is not easy. There are so many worthy champions and masters out there doing their part brilliantly to help make our world better, safer, and healthier. The person of the year is unique and goes out on a limb and beyond the call of duty.

And, they have been doing it for a long time, despite the challenges, risks, attacks, and lonely journey. They do it passionately with strong convictions about right and wrong. They care deeply about our world, humanity, and their mission. They are compelled and divinely guided and protected.

Dane Wigington, from Geoengineering Watch, is our 2022 Person of the Year. His feature and website say it all.

Read the December issue today!

A few sentences would not do justice. So, read Dane’s feature, watch and listen to his videos, and learn from his profound documentary, The Dimming! Share it with your friends, family, Representatives, and Senators.

Pay attention to what is being sprayed in the sky and demand that your Representative immediately stop funding this insane climate geoengineering! This is the most dire issue facing humanity. Survival time is rapidly diminishing.

In addition to the sky above, explore the soil beneath your feet. Read what Dr. Michelle Perro and Dr. André Leu have uncovered. Soil is where our food is grown!

ENJOY all the fascinating articles, meditations, music, birds songs, photography, interesting sound bites, Ki Train method, and vital activist pages from our unique and talented contributors.

Be sure to get plenty of sunshine and vitamin D and protect your humanity. Last but not least, ENJOY the beauty and marvels of Madagascar’s birds on page 67.

NOURISHING BEST WISHES and MANY BLESSINGS to all! We will see you again in the New Year with more exciting MOH features and surprises.

Read the December issue today!

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    “survival of humanity is at risk like never before.”
    Divinely guided… Then why do you say humanity is at risk like never before? Civilization has been wiped from the planet quite a few times allready. Isn’t this natural restoration of order? Isn’t the sweeping hand of God here to clear way for the new?

    “worthy champions and masters”
    Are you aware of ‘the fool’, the Divine child? I just wondered why such a high profile recipient, when the ‘meek’, the humble, are working in the background?

    Sorry to be a dampener, but I had to ask.


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