De-frazzling the Frizzler’s Frazzle using Cubes and Cuboids

When a climate alarmist, here-in and hence forth known as the Frizzler’s, try to bedazzle you with blinding science, telling you that harmful back radiation rays are going to frazzle the Earth, leaving everything asunder and barren you need to be able to provide examples which show how utterly ridiculous they are.

And these are examples in that vein on how to do that. You should be aware that this illumination is a bit more brain busting than the previous ones, if you have read the previous ones you should still be able to cope.

In this Illumination I will show:-

  1. The temperature of three stand-alone cubes in space.

  1. Imagine touching these cubes.

  1. I form rectangular cuboids and show the temperatures.

  1. I show how emissivity is the dominant factor in lowering temperatures, not increasing temperatures.

  1. I show the view factor effects of separated cubes using view factor maths.

5.1 The Temperatures of Three Stand Alone Cubes

Imagine three stand-alone cubes in space, no-where near each other and so un-able to affect each other all at Earth orbit distance from the Sun.

One a perfect black body A / E ratio 1, another with a very high A / E ratio 43.3 (the red cube) and then another with a very low A / E ratio 0.02 (the blue cube).

The temperature data is all shown in the Table 5.1 and on Figure 5.1

What we see is the black body cube maintains steady state temperatures of 252K, the high A / E Cube maintains temperatures of 646 K and the low A / E cube maintains temperatures of just 95K.

What am I trying to prove here?

5.2 Imagine Touching These

If you were flying around space on your Black space dragon and you happened to come across these three cubes, you would get very different results if you decided to touch them.

Cube 1 has the highest rate of absorption, absorbing all the energy and the highest rate of emission, as it emits it all back out again yet it maintains a temperature of only 252K. The red cube however maintains the highest temperature, yet absorbs much less energy and so also emits out much less energy. If we looked at this cube through an infra-red device, it would look cold because of its low emissivity, despite being very hot. This phenomenon is known as “APPARENT TEMPERATURE” and this can cause a lot of confusion to people whom are unaware of it. Imagine touching this cube, it would burn you. Apparent temperature is when something, appears to be one temperature via an IR camera, but it actually is another, usually much higher temperature.

A lot of people confuse energy, temperature and heat as all being the same thing they are not. As you can see with these easy to follow clear cut examples, the hot red cube, emits less energy than the black body but it is much hotter. Don’t let Frizzlers, “Frazzle” your brain with non-sense. Remember this, bodies do not contain heat, but think of heat as something that flows from system boundaries. Heat is how we change the energy of a system, because of the temperature differences produced by the system. I.e. Hot body to cold body, allows heat transfer from the hot to cold, equalizing the temperature in both bodies.

The third and final cube, the blue cube, not surprisingly is the coldest at a mere 94.68 Kelvin or -178.32 Celsius. It has the lowest solar absorption powers and so has little energy to excite the atoms of the cube. It also has a much higher level of emissivity compared to the red cube and so the little energy that it does absorb is thrown away. This means that it is very cold. If you touched this, the rate of heat transmission from your warm hand would be so fast that you would risk freezing it altogether. In space, without some sort of protective gear, this is something you would not want to handle.

Imagine having a business partner, the red cube would represent a partner that was very good with money. Most of the money you would give it, it would save and it would keep saving until it had a big balance, before spending the money, whereas the blue cube would represent a partner that was very bad with money and spent everything almost as quickly as they got it and so would result in a very low bank balance.

In these examples, the hot cube is a symbol of representation for a non-emissive gas and the cold cube is a symbol of representation for an emissive gas. We can clearly see that when something is more emissive, it results in colder temperatures. This is the reason why pipework insulation is usually wrapped in aluminium, because its low emissivity helps keep in the heat. Has building engineering the whole world over really been getting it so wrong for all this time? I think not.

5.3 Rectangular Cuboid with both boxes absorbing sunlight

Now it’s time to start making things more interesting.

In this comparison I am going to compare, three cuboids all of the same dimensions. Cuboid 1 is a pure-blackbody cuboid, Cuboid 2 is a combination of a black cube and a red cube and Cuboid 3 is a combination of a black cube and a blue cube.

What effect would this have on the expected temperature’s? In order to make these Cuboids Isothermic, I have assumed a very high conductance, of 2000 w/mk. You could also assume a full vacuum, this would have the same effect. This high rate of conductance will mean large quantities of heat, at a rate even greater than radiation can transmit through the material.

Starting with the blackbody cuboid, we can see that T = 263.51K. This is because it has a higher ratio of absorption area compared to its emission area, than just a stand-alone cube. So for a cube, the absorption area was 1m2 and the emission area was 6m2, this gives a ratio of 1:6 or 0.167. Now that the absorption area has increased to 2m2 and the emission area has increased to 10m2 the ratio is now 1:5 or 0.20. What this means is as a proportion of the surface area of the body, more is devoted to absorption than before, this is why higher temperatures can be maintained.

You can see with this cuboid the solar energy in is 2734 Watts with each half emitting exactly 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the energy. This is exactly what you would expect for an isothermal blackbody cuboid of the dimensions shown in Figure 5.3.1 Cuboids receiving light comparison.

Now with the red combo cuboid, you can see that the actual amount of energy being absorbed is now less than blackbody cuboid. However, because half of this cuboid is made of a low emissivity material, the equilibrium temperature is higher than the blackbody. Here T = 271.48K or thereabouts.

Again, as in the first example, the blue combo cuboid, because half of this cuboid has less absorption powers but stronger emission powers, it maintains the lowest steady state temperatures at approximately T = 254.65K.

You should start to see, that no matter how we arrange things, the presence of the low A / E ratio body, exerts a cooling influence and that increasing emissivity causes lower temperatures, not higher ones as “Frizzlers” would have us believe.

A point to note, if you look on Fig 5.3.2 Cuboid 1 Separated, if I separate the cuboid by a distance of 1mm, the temperature of the two single cubes stays the same at 263.51. There is no back-radiation warming occurring because the temperature difference is 0, there is no increase in temperature. No “Frazzling” occurs, despite what “Frizzlers” would have us believe. Combining the two stand-alone cubes caused an increase in temperature from 252K each, to 263.51K for the cuboid as a result of increasing the absorption to emissive surface area ratios, enabling a greater amount of energy to be stored within the object.

5.4 Rectangular Cuboids with one half in the shade

In this comparison, we can see that the blackbody maintains equilibrium temperature T= 221.58 K, the red combo cuboid T = 263.32K and the blue combo cuboid T = 254.47 K. Here we see the relationship holds again, the object with the highest emissivity, maintained the lowest temperatures and the object with the lowest emissivity maintained the highest temperatures. The blue combo cuboid, is warmer than the black body, because as an object it has a higher A / E ratio than the pure black body.

If you look at Table 5.4.1 Cuboid Comparison half shaded and Diagram 5.4.1 you can see what I have done is combined the effects of two cubes, with each cube being capable of radiating from 5 sides, with the internal side not being able to radiate to space. The first half of the cube is the same in all circumstances, the second back cube I have shown the range of temperatures for differing emissivity’s for this second cube. At an emissivity of zero, if such a material were to exist, it would never lose any heat by radiation. Therefore all heat lost from the cuboid can only be lost from the first half of the cube from its emitting 5 sides. This effectively acts as a brilliant insulator to the cube and is nothing but a store of heat. As you can see, if I start to increase the emissivity of the second cube, temperatures reduce as its insulating properties reduce, as this part of the cuboid is now losing heat. This extra heat loss, means that steady state temperatures lower as emissivity increases. You can see for example that at an emissivity of 0.5 from the second cube, it emits from 5 sides into space a total of 455.64 watts of heat and is responsible for a third of the heat emissions of the cuboid.

This is clearly the complete reverse of what “Frizzlers” would have us believe, that increasing emissivity of the atmosphere results in warmer temperatures of the planet.

The act of rotating the body and reducing the amount of sunlight received by the object can cause vastly different temperatures on the object.

The only reason the blue combo object is warmer than the blackbody, is because it has a comparatively lower emissivity than the full black body.

If I started to make the cube act more like an atmosphere, by introducing transparency of infra-red radiation to the second half of the cube I get interesting results as shown on Table 5.4.2 Cuboid comparison half shaded, with full transparency of rear cube.

In this table, I have made transparency to IR radiation, inverse to the cubes emissivity.

So for example an emissivity of 0, would be full transparency and an emissivity of 1, would be full absorption of radiation emitted from the 1st half of the cuboid.

Allowing for transparency, means that the 1st half of the cube can now lose IR radiation from all 6 sides. This is why we can see that the maximum temperature, which occurs at an emissivity of zero for the second cube is 11.74 K less than the non-transparent cuboid. This is because the first half, reaches steady state conditions whilst losing heat from 6 sides instead of 5. Again, as the second half of the cube has no emissions, it acts as a perfect insulator and is nothing but a store of heat, allowing only IR radiation through it.

Again, we see that the red-Combo cuboid is warmer than the blue-Combo cuboid, despite the blue-Combo having the ability to absorb the emitted radiation. The amount of radiation lost through it is clearly less at 176.08 Watts, with red combo losing 226.72 through it. But, because this is gain of radiation energy, is more than offset by the fact that the second half of the cuboid emits out radiation to space. In the blue Combo example, the first cube emits a total of 1242.92 Watts at (e=0.15) with 5 sides emitting a total of 1035.77 watts into space and the 6th side emitting 207.15 Watts a total of 1,242.92. Of the 207.15 only 31.07 Watts is absorbed by the second cube and the remaining 176.08 is lost out into space. Steady state conditions therefore occur at roughly T = 245.85 whereby the second half cube with an (e=0.15) emits out a total of 155.15 Watts from all 5 sides exposed to space. The cuboid exactly emits 1367 watts with one half of the cube being able to emit at 6 sides with blackbody emissivity and the second half only being able to emit at 0.15 emissivity.

We see that, as with the solid cuboid, the temperature reduces as we increase the emissivity of the second half of the cuboid. The cuboid reaches a minimum temperature which exactly matches the non-transparent cuboid of 221.58, if the second half absorbs all outgoing radiation from the sixth side of the first cube.

What happens if I also factor in the Frizzly back-radiation from the second half of the cuboid, to the first half of the cuboid to steady state conditions? Absolutely nothing. This is because the rate of emission from the cuboid, must match the rate of heat input into the cuboid. If one side of the cuboid gets warmer, the other side must get cooler for steady state conditions to exist and if one side is warmer than the other, then heat transfer occurs until temperature equilibrium is achieved. What does happen however, if I introduce thermal capacity into the cuboid, is that the first cube warms up more quickly, reaching its steady state temperature fractionally earlier than the second half of the cuboid and that’s about it.

So in these examples, we can clearly see, increasing the emissivity of the second half of the cuboid, despite being in receipt of ever greater rates of surface emitted infra-red radiation, results in lower temperatures.

Not exactly a convincing and compelling argument for global warming now is it? So when Frizzlers, tell you CO2 causes global warming because of its radiation forcing effect, you know that can’t possibly be the case. An atmosphere envelope’s a planet, thus increasing the surface area for emission into space and the conductive, convective and latent heat transfers will overwhelm radiation transfer processes and render them irrelevant in determining steady state temperature, except as to reduce it due increased emissions out to space.

Take home point here? CO2 does not cause global warming in any fashion. It can only act to reduce atmospheric temperatures.

The main equation they use to get 255 K Earth temperatures used by Frizzlers, worldwide to convince everyone of the non-existent greenhouse effect and the supposed warming effects of greenhouse gases is completely wrong, something I will elaborate more on another time.


All our energy comes from the Sun, this is the ultimate source of our energy. Objects, including gases, with high emissivity’s throw away their energy readily. This results in colder temperatures. We can see with Cubes and cuboids, that increasing emissivity decreases temperatures. So if we start to add more emissive gases into our atmosphere, it would be a complete non-sense to then say that this is something that would cause a warming to occur.

The fact that it is such a small constituent part of the atmosphere renders its effect completely negligible when compared to all the other gases and vapours present.

Touching the blue cube in space would clearly freeze our hands, and so the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere has a cooling influence, albeit an incredibly small one due to its presence in very small quantities.

Freezing is a far cry from being Frazzled to death as the Frizzler’s deadly Frazzling back rays supposedly does to us. I for one am not scared of their back ray guns, their back ray maths or their back ray science and have clearly shown it to be a complete irrelevance. The supposed “greenhouse effect” just does not exist. It is time for the adults of this planet to grow out of this fancy, fad phase Frazzle fairy tale and enter into the real world and stop wasting resources trying to present solutions to a problem that doesn’t even exist.

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