Davos/WEF/UN “Great Reset” to be announced at COP26?

Letter to the Scottish Parliament. The title of this email is actually pure speculation on my part but it could well turn out to be true based on the madness of current climate change and Covid policies. 

To explain, I recently published an open online email The Futility of Net Zero sent to leading proponents of the Net Zero climate change endeavour. It also exposed how the global politics of climate change and Covid appear to be converging.  

I have now had a response on behalf of the Scottish Government which I have appended to the online article as Postscript 1, annotated with my own commentary. It is also copied below for convenience (without the Scottish Government logo). 

This Scottish Government’s Net Zero plan would be horrendously damaging to the Scottish people, economy and national energy infrastructure if it were ever carried through, which Nicola Sturgeon seems intent on doing despite energy not even being a devolved issue. The same applies to Boris Johnson’s marginally less damaging Net Zero plan for the rest of the UK.  

This unfathomable madness strongly suggests that there must be an ulterior motive to Net Zero.

My original article and my commentary on the Scottish Government response both make a strong argument that the authoritarian Davos/World Economic Forum/UN Great Reset is liable to be sprung on the unsuspecting general public at any time. I strongly advise all political recipients of this email to study this material to understand the imminent possibility of this global establishment political coup and try to do something to prevent it happening, to preserve our hard-won freedoms and democracy. 

A list of leading politicians affiliated to the WEF is given here (authenticity unknown but seemingly confirmed by the replies), including Johnson, Merkel, Macron and Biden. It is noticeable that all the politicians in this rogues gallery strongly support provenly-ineffectual lockdowns and pointless mandatory vaccine passports.

It seems clear that the unlamented Matt Hancock and Devi Shridhar (medically unqualified health advisor to Nicola Sturgeon) are Davos/WEF disciples, which could explain why they did their utmost to prolong the misery and fear by contriving to spin out the pandemic (cf. minimal lockdown apolitical Sweden). 

The online article also includes a Postscript 2 on the very disappointing response from the UK government. 

Even if I am wrong about the Great Reset, you should study this material to understand the chaos which will undoubtedly unfold if the political class persists in pushing through Net Zero.

The Futility of Net Zero – the response of the Scottish Government 

The shockingly irresponsible, intelligence-insulting Scottish Government response to my above main article The Futility of Net Zero is reproduced below (with corrected faulty link address) with my added commentary for history to judge who is right.  

As is typical for such a “fobbing-off”, it makes no attempt to address the points raised in the main article. Instead it resorts to appealing to the dubious authority of the UN IPCC and the UK Committee on Climate Change, both provenly untrustworthy.  

For many years the charlatans who speak for these organisations have dishonestly asserted that, as far as climate change research is concerned, “the science is settled”, in itself an unscientific assertion which any questioning member of the public can easily see is blatantly untrue. This is because the UN IPCC is only mandated to cover alleged “human-induced climate change“, not climate change in the round, betrayed by the contrived attribution chart from their AR5 report but never admitted to the general public.  

In other words, the UN IPCC simply ignores the natural climate variability which caused spikes of far higher temperatures than now prior to any man-made CO2 from fossil fuels, making a mockery of the claims that we are in a “climate emergency”. As there has been hardly any net change in global temperatures over the past 20 years and there can be no climate change without temperature change, their fearmongering is feebly dependent on the provenly-exaggerated computer climate modelling of the alleged effect of demonised CO2, strikingly analogous to the exaggerated Covid computer modelling based on provenly-wrong assumptions. 

As further evidence of skulduggery, the recent success of a fiercely-resisted GWPF Freedom of Information campaign proves that the Committee on Climate Change “grossly misled Parliament” two years ago over the true cost of Net Zero. Heads need to roll. 

The Scottish Government compounds their unreasonably pessimistic climate assumptions with their seeming inability (or is it simply head-in-the-sand reluctance to face up to reality?) to undertake the logical reasoning and simple arithmetic calculations – as given in the main article – which show that their climate change decarbonisation plans are totally infeasible and pointless.

This farrago of fictions has led the Scottish Government to plan a manic, impossible Net Zero schedule which is doomed to humiliating failure for the obvious reasons given in the main article, unfortunately probably not before they have done grievous harm to the Scottish people, economy and national energy infrastructure. 

Are these politicians really as thick as two short planks that they can’t understand this? Or might there be some ulterior motive to their climate machinations? We may soon find out (see below), but who can fathom the blinkered thinking of zealous climate ideologues who resolutely refuse to debate the issues, as done yet again in this dogma-driven Scottish Government response? 

It is an affront to democracy that all of the establishment political parties have for years connived together to impose this sleepwalking roadmap to disaster on the disenfranchised general public, coupled with their relentless climate change brainwashing of the electorate with false propaganda, e.g. Boris Johnson’s absurd rhetoric to the UN about “a world on fire“. 

The following are some choice extracts from the Scottish Government’s 240+ page Net Zero plan, some as direct quotes, my annotations in square brackets. It is inconceivable that the Scottish people will willingly cooperate with this self-harming and pointless endeavour when its ruinous, hitherto hidden implications become obvious for all to see.

“The Scottish Government remains absolutely committed to ending Scotland’s contribution to climate change by 2045”. Note the show-boating (in reality hair-shirted) date of 2045 rather than UN-adopted 2050 and the wording which implies that they intend to press ahead unilaterally regardless of whether or not the rest of the world follows suit, which it undoubtedly will not, rendering the SNP’s self-flagellating, preeningly self-righteous Net Zero endeavour totally pointless before it even starts.  

It is deeply ironic that this plan comes at a time when the green chickens are coming home to roost on our many years of madcap climate change energy policies, with energy bills skyrocketing, more industries being damaged and fuel poverty in chilly Scotland reported to be a shocking 27%, a figure which will only get much worse as the demented Net Zero strivings intensify. 

“As Scotland emerges from COVID-19 we have a chance to rebuild our economy in a way that delivers a greener, fairer and more equal society”. This reflects the weird political convergence between Covid and climate change, with the totally implausible claim that these very different issues can both be “tackled” by the same revolutionary political “solution”, namely the conspiracy in plain view Davos/WEF/UN “Build Back Better” agenda, aka “The Great Reset”. 

The long-planned Great Reset involves the undemocratic imposition of a global technocratic dystopia of police state digital IDs (introduced via the Trojan horse of vaccine passports, which explains the obscene coercion of young people to take the provenly-dangerous, medically-unjustified vaccine which does not substantially hinder infection or transmission of the disease), a strait-jacketing digital currency, nanny-state Universal Basic Income, controls such as personal carbon allowances and an authoritarian world governance. Will they try to spring this on us as a “last-minute breakthrough” at COP26 ending 12th November? 

That would be adding insult to injury as the economy only needs to be rebuilt because our puppet politicians tried their best to deliberately wrecked it through their complicit, globally-coordinated approach to supposedly “tackle Covid”, all done to give the Davos establishment a pretext to come sweeping in to “save the day” with their supposedly marvelous Great Reset.

As to the details of the plan on electricity, the Scottish Government foolishly think they can do without dispatchable gas-fired (or even “cheating” biomass-fired) power stations for grid balancing and baseload supply. Needless to say emissions-free nuclear power is absolutely taboo, only mentioned once in the context of replacing existing plant with [less reliable] emissions-free alternatives.  

They do not acknowledge their current reliance on insecure imported electricity to perform these essential grid functions when the wind isn’t blowing, nor of the UK payment of subsidies on Scotland-located renewables and interconnectors. 

Unbelievably, they plan to rely on unreliable wind power to perform a boot-strapping “black start” after a collapse of the national grid, doubly misguided given that fickle wind power is most liable to cause such a collapse in the first place. 

“The Carbon Trust’s Floating Wind Joint Industry Project … forecast that as much as 70 GW of [hugely expensive] floating wind could be installed by 2040”. Back in the real world, Britain is turning into the Venezuela of wind as green jobs are exported to Asia. 

On buildings [according to Google there are around 2.6 million houses in Scotland], “Our interim statutory target of a 75 percent emissions reduction by 2030 [compared with 1990, excluding the rising emissions from imports] means we must rapidly accelerate heating system conversions during this decade [overwhelmingly from user-friendly natural gas which for many years past has been about five times cheaper than electricity per unit of energy, converting towards expensive, electricity-hungry, inefficient, noisy, bulky heat pumps which work best with underfloor ducting, otherwise requiring enormous radiators, costly pipework upgrading and costly building insulation, or hydrogen or heat networks], from the current rate of around 0.1 percent of homes [~2,600] converting per year to a rate in the region of 5-10 percent (over a hundred thousand) homes per year”. [Pure pie in the sky!]

On transport, “By 2032 our roads will contain no new petrol and diesel cars and vans [only expensive, user-unfriendly BEVs which need to be driven for at least 50,000 miles to offset their excess system-wide manufacturing emissions before they are greener than petrol vehicles, also disregarding the probably insurmountable problem of sourcing sufficient raw materials]; we will have almost completely decarbonised our passenger railways; and we will have begun to work to decarbonise challenging transport modes, such as HGVs, ferries and aviation”. 

“Our strategy … will be built around our support for a flexible and adaptable [hugely expensive] Carbon Capture and Storage system in Scotland, capable of transporting carbon [dioxide] from industrial or electricity generation sites in Scotland to storage in the North Sea”. 

“Another significant opportunity is the use of [hugely expensive] hydrogen to displace fossil fuels in industry, requiring development of regional hydrogen production facilities, and also servicing hydrogen demand for other sectors such as heat, transport and electricity.

The Acorn Hydrogen project, developing in parallel to Acorn CCS, will reform North Sea natural gas [so not planning to forego this supply] into clean-burning [so-called blue] hydrogen. It is expected to be operational in 2025.”

Finally, a topic which predictably is not mentioned in the Scottish Government’s Net Zero plan is fracking, a potential bonanza of “free” natural gas which could have saved us from today’s energy crisis. Fracking was enthusiastically supported by Boris Johnson in 2012 but for some muddle-headed reason he now prefers to put himself at the mercy of potential foreign enemies for our supply of essential natural gas, like the Scottish Government.

There is also no mention of the huge Cambo oil field off the Shetlands which climate cult zealot Nicola Sturgeon now wants to forego. 

Here is my colleague’s take on misguided Green Thinking. His bottom-line climate change suggestion to politicians: “rescind all Green oriented policies and do nothing”. 

My own message is that we need to push back against the approaching tyranny before it is too late. See the unreported London demonstrations. Think George Orwell’s 1984. Think post-truth. Think fascist Australia today.

Response of the Scottish Government to Mr Brodie’s letter:

Our Reference: 202100233527 

Your Reference: The Futility of Net Zero  

22 September 2021 

Dear Mr Brodie, 

Thank you for your correspondence of 24 August to Scottish Ministers expressing doubts regarding the scientific basis for our current emission reduction targets. I have been asked to reply.  

The Scottish Government’s response to climate change is informed by the best available evidence. This includes the consensus view of the expert international science community as synthesised in reports by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the independent expert advice of the UK Climate Change Committee (CCC), which in turn draws from the global evidence provided by the IPCC.  

The latest report from the IPCC shows the very real threat and heightened risk the climate emergency poses to the planet. It also makes clear that with immediate, concerted international action to reduce emissions, global temperature rise can still be limited in line with the global temperature goals set out in the 2015 UN Paris Agreement. In direct response to the Paris Agreement, our landmark Climate Change Act is the toughest, most ambitious legislative framework in the world. This legislation requires that the level of Scotland’s statutory emissions targets are kept under regular review, in light of CCC advice on a range of factors – including any developments in scientific knowledge.  

Our evidence-based approach is reflected in the recent update to our Climate Change Plan, available at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/securing-green-recovery-path-net-zero-update-climate-change-plan-20182032/. The policy package outlined in the updated Plan provides a clear and credible pathway to meeting targets out to 2032, with over 200 policies to accelerate emissions reductions and create good, green jobs as part of a green recovery from COVID-19. 

I hope this information is useful, and helps to clarify the Scottish Government’s evidence-based approach to responding to the global climate emergency.  

Yours sincerely 

Gxxxxx Axxx [redacted] 

DCCD: Transition Policy Unit

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Comments (2)

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    Geraint Hughes


    In essence, the government is not the government, we do what the external committee tells us to do.


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    Graeme McMillan


    Orkney – Scotland
    100% renewable energy
    Highest fuel poverty rate in the country


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