Data Reveals Disturbing Trend From COVID Jab

Coronavirus-COVID-19 GDELT Project

After mining the Department of Defense database (one of the best in the United States) and comparing 2021 data gathered before the COVID shots, three whistleblowers are sounding the alarm about a 10x to 20x increase in malignancy post-jab, as well as other alarming early warning signs.

Part 1 Part 2

I hope you enjoy this two-part interview of two intellectual giants by Candace Owens with Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology. They discuss some of the most important issues facing humanity today. In their nearly four-hour discussion, they touch on everything from COVID-19 shots’ effects on fertility to the “red line” that’s been crossed — referring to targeting children with social pressure and coercion to get jabbed.

Malone has been thrust into the spotlight for speaking out about the risks of COVID-19 shots, with his words going viral before quickly being erased from YouTube and Twitter. It doesn’t matter if what he’s saying is true; if it creates “vaccine hesitancy,” it will be censored. Toward that end, Malone has been targeted by the media and labeled an “anti-vaxxer,” which is ironic since he’s received COVID-19 shots.

That fact should make it all the more apparent that he’s speaking out not due to a predetermined agenda or because he’s getting rich — to the contrary, his reputation is constantly under attack — but because he believes it’s the right thing to do, and he feels morally obliged to help anyone he can.

COVID-19 Shots Are Affecting Fertility

Anecdotal reports of alterations in women’s menstrual cycles following COVID-19 shots have poured in around the globe. Changes include heavier and more painful periods and changes in menses length, as well as unexpected breakthrough bleeding or spotting among women on long-acting contraception or those who are postmenopausal and haven’t had a period in years or even decades.

Health officials have tried to brush off the reports, and doctors have told women that it’s just a result of stress — something dubbed “hysteria” in earlier times. Upon hearing that so many women’s concerns were brushed off as hysteria, Malone said:

“Is this the 1950s? Have I just gone back a century? This whole thing that women are being histrionic is so mid-century. But that’s how they rolled it out. And it’s not just younger women. It’s post-menopausal women that start having menstruation. That’s another big one, which is, for pathologists, which is part of my background, that’s a red flag for cancer.”

Sure enough, a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in January 2022 — funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women’s Health — confirmed an association between menstrual cycle length and COVID-19 shots.

Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances go in the body, also showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.

A Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab also found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs. Malone explained:

“The thing that drives menstruation is the ovary. We know that the lipids — the synthetic, positively charged fats that wrap the RNA to get it to slip into cells — have never been administered to humans before. We know from the Pfizer data package that came out of Japan that these lipids go to the ovary … your children, your girls are born with all the eggs that they will ever have in their entire lives.

And we don’t know yet what the reproductive harm is going to be, but we do know that in young women, reproductive age women, we are seeing this phenotype, this characteristic.

And not only am I very worried about it, I did testimony — as did many others — with the Orthodox Jewish community … they made the determination and sent out a formal statement to their community that these vaccines should not be used in children and strongly discourage their use in adults.

And one of the reasons is they are very focused on reproductive health. What we’re talking about is a deep issue that is not treatable at all … I think we can say this with confidence that if we’re having menstrual irregularities, we are having alterations in fertility.”

DOD Whistleblowers Warn of Spike in Adverse Events

Thomas Renz, a lawyer that Malone knows personally, had three Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers come forward. They had datamined the DOD health database, which Malone states is one of the best in the U.S.

They looked through data from 2015 to 2020, establishing a baseline of the number of cases of miscarriage, cancer, neurological disease and stillbirths. Then, they compared it to 2021, after the COVID-19 shots rolled out. Renz showed Malone some of the disturbing data:

“I just skimmed the data. Thomas had his laptop open and showed me some of the things that are popping up. They pulled a massive amount of data out of the DOD databases and then did a whistleblower complaint. Ron Johnson has now extended Senate protection to them formally as whistleblowers.

So they came to Thomas Renz with this information, and from what I saw — now this is preliminary, we haven’t dissected it yet — but at the top level, I thought it was mind-blowing. The information about miscarriages, the information about cancers, which is validating what Ryan Cole has been concerned about, neurologic disease and the stillbirths is there.

And apparently, according to Thomas, these brave whistleblowers have captured examples and information, with the cardiac events, for instance, of the Department of Defense — whoever is doing this, the data management — is actually going in and deleting cases, manipulating the database.”

Owens also saw the data and said the lowest category increase was 248%, while others increased by 1,000%. “It’s not subtle,” Malone said.

Read rest at The Epoch Times

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