Danny Carroll on German New Medicine

I’ve avoided covering this idea for a while due to, I suppose, my own misunderstandings.

Additionally, very few people know much about it and, those who do, have declined my podcast invitations, which didn’t help.

But there’s something profoundly intriguing about this topic, so I eventually found someone willing to demystify it for me.

Danny Carroll is a practitioner and author who didn’t decline.

He has been studying this for over 20 years and has published several related books, one of which, about cancer, caught my attention.

Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis (almost five stars on Amazon) takes a look at the medical discoveries of Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German doctor.

After his 19-year-old son died in 1978, Dr Hamer developed testicular and stomach cancer. Given a slim chance of survival, he beat the odds and believed there was a link between his son’s death and his cancer.

Over nearly four decades, Dr Hamer worked with over 50,000 patients, concluding that cancer is a ‘survival’ biological programme and predicting that 95% of current treatments would become obsolete, posing a threat to the medical industry.

Dr Hamer’s work has become known as German New Medicine (or Germanic New Medicine).

German New Medicine

In a nutshell, German New Medicine (GNM) is a very interesting theory developed by Dr Hamer. He argued that diseases, including cancer, are triggered by unresolved psychological conflicts and that understanding these conflicts can aid in healing.

Dr Hamer

In other words, most sickness is caused by the mind.

It’s quite complex so I suggest looking into it rather than me butchering it here. Dr Hamer’s biography is quite a rollercoaster ride, from cancer to being arrested to dying in 2017. I recommend reading about it at learninggnm.com.

Five Biological Laws

Essentially, there are five core principles (or laws) to GNM.

  1. The Iron Rule of Cancer: Every disease originates from a sudden, unexpected conflict shock (a biological conflict) that impacts a specific area of the brain, leading to changes in the corresponding organ. The nature of the conflict determines which part of the brain and which organ are affected.
  2. The Law of Two Phases: Diseases have a biphasic nature, meaning they consist of two phases if the conflict is resolved.
  3. The Ontogenetic System of Tumours and Cancer-equivalent Diseases: The type of disease (whether it is a tumour, necrosis or functional loss) depends on which germ layer (endoderm, mesoderm or ectoderm) the affected organ originates from during embryonic development.
  4. The Ontogenetic System of Microbes: Microbes such as bacteria, fungi and ‘viruses‘ are not the primary causes of disease but rather play a supportive role in the healing phase. They help to break down or rebuild tissue as needed based on the type of conflict and the organ involved.
  5. The Quintessence: Diseases are not meaningless or malicious malfunctions but are instead significant biological special programmes of nature. They are meaningful responses to conflict situations that have evolved over time to help organisms survive.


While Danny chatted about German New Medicine, he mostly covered cancer in the context of GNM and it being a ‘survival programme’ triggered by a life crisis with symptoms resulting from signals sent from the brain.

He explained why addressing only the symptoms is ineffective because the root cause lies in the mind.

The subconscious mind, he says, stores traumas and triggers symptoms as a form of protection, linking collective illnesses and seasonal changes to shared conflicts and fears.

It’s a huge paradigm shift.

Some things covered in our conversation are:

  • Danny’s journey into healthcare
  • Understanding the mind-body connection
  • The concept of illness and disease
  • The role of the subconscious mind
  • Emotional trauma and illness
  • Addressing the cause of problems
  • Nature and tumours

“Every disease is caused by a conflict shock that catches us completely off guard.”

– Dr Ryke Hamer

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