Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group is an annual conference that brings together influential individuals from the fields of politics, finance, business, academia and media.

They meet in a different luxurious hotel or resort each year, usually in Europe or North America.

It’s like the World Economic Forum but older, more secretive and way more impactful (for all the wrong reasons).

“The true goal of the Bilderberg Group is to create a world government, devoid of national borders, which is ruled by an elitist group of powerful men whose goal is to control the world’s resources and its people.”

– Gerald Celente, trend forecaster

Quick overview

The conference is held under Chatham House Rule, which means that participants are free to use the information they receive but they are not allowed to disclose the identity or affiliation of the speakers outside the conference.

The idea for the conference came from Polish political emigre Joseph Retinger and Belgian Prime Minister Paul van Zeeland, who wanted closer cooperation between Europe and North America in the wake of World War II.

The Group was established in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands, hence the name.

Its first meeting brought together prominent figures such as Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, David Rockefeller (surprise surprise) and various important European political and business leaders.

For many decades, the Group operated in secrecy, leading to speculation about its true nature and intentions. It denied its existence until the 1990s and, as far as I can tell, created its first website in 2010.

It invites approximately 130-140 participants each year. The list of attendees is not publicly disclosed.

Huge influence

And yes, the Group has massive international clout.

  • It helped create the European Union.
  • It helped create the North American Free Trade Agreement.
  • It helped create the Euro currency.
  • It influences US foreign policy.
The Bilderberg Group’s web of influence

“The world is being controlled by a handful of elites who manipulate global events through secret organisations like the Bilderberg Group, which prioritises profit and control over the well-being of humanity.”

– Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defence


Daniel Estulin has written extensively on the meetings, including his book The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group.

Make no mistake, he knows his stuff, thanks to internal sources and by physically endangering his life by going to the locations where the secret meetings are held.

Bilderberg meeting, circa 1954

“The Bilderbergers are planning the creation of a total dictatorship controlled by big bankers, corporations, and the global elite to enslave mankind.”

– Daniel Estulin

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Comments (3)

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    Frank S.


    God is more powerful. He will wait until ‘their sins are complete’.


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      Well that is comforting ……..
      in the meantime we all get to suffer because your god is waiting for what?


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        Frank S.


        Everyone has been given the freedom to choose their own path and own their decisions. As ‘the rain falls on the just and the unjust’, anyone may become a victim. The righteous are asked to ‘turn the other cheek’, not to condone sin, but to allow for the sinner to repent. But don’t worry, our God is a just God and will recompense our losses.


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