German site has compared the figures for adverse events of COVID mRNA vaccines with other vaccines. The results are nothing less than frightening
Citing the figures in the current safety report of Germany’s renowned Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) from December 23, 2021, found “frightening” results:
“In the last eleven months, four times as many suspected adverse reaction reports and four times as many deaths in absolute numbers were reported for COVID vaccines alone than in the last 20 years for the totality of all vaccines used in Germany.”
Using the PEI’s latest updated figures, a total of 123,347,849 doses of COVID mRNA vaccine had been administered in Germany up to November 30th, 2021. Correspondingly 196,974 adverse drug reactions (ADR) were reported, of which 1,919 were deaths.
Meanwhile during the period of 2000-2020, some 625,500,000 doses of all other vaccines were given, of which there were only 54,448 ADRs, of which 456 were deaths.
18 times more ADRs per million
When one compares the ADRs per million doses, there were 18 times more ADRs per million doses for COVID mRNA vaccines than for all the other vaccines:
Comparison of ADRs per million vaccine doses in Germany. Red = COVID mRNA vaccines up to November 30, 2021; blue = all other vaccines total 2000-2020. There’s an 18-fold more suspected cases with COVID vaccines compared to all other vaccines from 2000-2020. Chart:
Shocking ADR reports for deaths
When it comes to deaths from the mRNA vaccines, the results compared to all other vaccines are astonishingly shocking.
The following chart compares the COVID mRNA vaccine deaths per million doses in Germany to all other vaccines administered from 2000-2020:
Using the raw data from the December 23, 2021 PEI safety report, DB-UAW database, the above chart is a comparison of COVID mRNA vaccinations up to 30 Nov 2021 (black) vs all vaccines 2000-2020 (gray) in deaths per 1,000,000 vaccine doses. Chart:
In terms of presumed deaths per 1,000,000 vaccine doses, there are 21 times as many deaths with COVID vaccines as with all other vaccines vaccinated in Germany in the period 2000-2020. Expressed as a percentage, that is 2,200 percent.
Huge underreporting
A meta-study by Hazell et. al suggested that the average of “underreporting” in ADR databases was 94 percent. And according to a PEI report, the rate of reported suspected cases may be as low as five percent.
Moreover, according to the FDA and CDC-operated VAERS vaccination database, the rate of reported cases is only one percent. The number of unreported cases is thus estimated at 99 percent. Deaths and injuries are extremely likely far more widespread.
Using the 95 percent figure for underreporting, Germany’s deaths from COVID mRNA vaccines thus would be 38,380 deaths. Note: this figure is only an estimate and an extrapolation based on underreporting.
Every booster more potentially lethal
Also extremely worrisome is that data show how the rate of ADRs rises with each COVID booster shot. The more boosters a patient takes, the greater the risk of suffering an ADR becomes. also produced a chart showing the higher risk after a triple vaccination (booster), depending on the vaccination dose. What follows is a comparison of ADR reports: Deaths per 1,000,000 vaccine doses after triple vaccination (booster), raw data PEI safety report December 23, 2021, DB-UAW database. Comparison COVID mRNA vaccination (black) vs all vaccines 2000-2020 (gray) in deaths per 1,000,000 vaccine doses after triple vaccination, (booster). Chart:
The results are frightening. The difference factor to the other vaccinations increases by a factor of 43. With each additional vaccination dose (booster 4 / 5), the ratio worsens accordingly, or the risk of side effects resulting in death increases. The same applies, of course, to all other side effects.”
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The mob asks for “someone”
The elite eventually responds with a pre-selected “someone”
What has changed?
The anger of the mob is being stoked on purpose, so that they clamour for a solution, and dissolve the very structures put in place for their benefit because they no longer trust them. Solva et coagula.
I am asking that, why not calculate the death rate for ALL causes over the last decade.
If Covid is a killer then the recent death rate should reveal this fact.
Surely this would eliminate any reporting controversy, wrt vaxxed and unvaxxed. NO??
well, don’t have time to go back a decade, but lets looks at some close data
2019 – the top 10 deaths (not including accident, drug od, suicide, or homocide) 1.876M
2020 – same data – 1.3M, and if you include Covide underlying, 1.67M
So, Covid SAVED 200,000 lives !
Hi Readers.
I found this comment on a fox news article about Fauci claiming he is science interesting.
8 January, 2022
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo.
Who by chance, owns Pfizer. (the one who produces the vaccine)
Which by chance, is managed by Black Rock Finances.
Who by chance, manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (SOROS FOUNDATION)
Which by chance, serves as the French AXA.
Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterthur.
Who by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan.
Accidentally bought by the German Allianz.
Which incidentally has Vanguard as a shareholder.
Which is a shareholder of Black Rock.
Which controls the central banks and manages about ONE THIRD of the global investment capital.
Which, incidentally is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT.
The property of Bill Gates, who happens to be a shareholder of PFIZER (which sells the miracle vaccine) and is currently the first sponsor of WHO.
Starting to make sense yet?
Yes, perfect sense. The agenda is, was, and always has been depopulation. And with depopulation, the supposed global warming problem is solved. With less population comes lower emissions, until the truth comes out that population actually doesn’t affect climate at all, but by then it won’t matter because depopulation will already have been achieved. Citizens of the world are starting to unite and revolt. I believe these elites are becoming very afraid.
The only issue I have is that the numbers would need to be run through population types. Many older people have gotten the shot than have not. I would say they are more prone to have adverse reactions. It would lower the overall death ratio, but it would be more accurate.
The only issue I have is that the numbers would need to be run through population types. Many older people have gotten the shot than have not. I would say they are more prone to have adverse reactions. It would lower the overall death ratio, but it would be more accurate. Also, this is short term deaths.
Dave Huff
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This is a crime! When will someone be held accountable?
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The mob asks for “someone”
The elite eventually responds with a pre-selected “someone”
What has changed?
The anger of the mob is being stoked on purpose, so that they clamour for a solution, and dissolve the very structures put in place for their benefit because they no longer trust them. Solva et coagula.
Allan Shelton
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I am asking that, why not calculate the death rate for ALL causes over the last decade.
If Covid is a killer then the recent death rate should reveal this fact.
Surely this would eliminate any reporting controversy, wrt vaxxed and unvaxxed. NO??
Larry Richardson
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well, don’t have time to go back a decade, but lets looks at some close data
2019 – the top 10 deaths (not including accident, drug od, suicide, or homocide) 1.876M
2020 – same data – 1.3M, and if you include Covide underlying, 1.67M
So, Covid SAVED 200,000 lives !
dave taylor
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So why did the death rate from 2019 to 2020 fall by approx 1/2m excluding covid that seems one hell of a fall.
very old white guy
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Death rate 2018, 2019, 2020, .76% every year, no change. We will have to see what 2021 has brought us after the vax.
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Don’t hold your breath–The socialists/communists are in control!!
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Hi Readers.
I found this comment on a fox news article about Fauci claiming he is science interesting.
8 January, 2022
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo.
Who by chance, owns Pfizer. (the one who produces the vaccine)
Which by chance, is managed by Black Rock Finances.
Who by chance, manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (SOROS FOUNDATION)
Which by chance, serves as the French AXA.
Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterthur.
Who by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan.
Accidentally bought by the German Allianz.
Which incidentally has Vanguard as a shareholder.
Which is a shareholder of Black Rock.
Which controls the central banks and manages about ONE THIRD of the global investment capital.
Which, incidentally is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT.
The property of Bill Gates, who happens to be a shareholder of PFIZER (which sells the miracle vaccine) and is currently the first sponsor of WHO.
Starting to make sense yet?
very old white guy
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It is starting to look like we need to be building gallows.
ellie mae
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Yes, perfect sense. The agenda is, was, and always has been depopulation. And with depopulation, the supposed global warming problem is solved. With less population comes lower emissions, until the truth comes out that population actually doesn’t affect climate at all, but by then it won’t matter because depopulation will already have been achieved. Citizens of the world are starting to unite and revolt. I believe these elites are becoming very afraid.
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Wait a bit…
The real problems from the jabs are yet to come…
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The only issue I have is that the numbers would need to be run through population types. Many older people have gotten the shot than have not. I would say they are more prone to have adverse reactions. It would lower the overall death ratio, but it would be more accurate.
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The only issue I have is that the numbers would need to be run through population types. Many older people have gotten the shot than have not. I would say they are more prone to have adverse reactions. It would lower the overall death ratio, but it would be more accurate. Also, this is short term deaths.