Covid ‘Vaccines’ Causing Immune System Damage & Chronic Fatigue?

Scientists from Yale University have discovered a syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines that damages the immune system and causes chronic fatigue with spike protein persisting in the blood for up to two years

The Mail has more.

The previously-unknown condition – dubbed ‘post-vaccination syndrome’ – appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.

Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.

The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.

The full results of the small study have not yet been published, and the Yale experts emphasised the results “are still a work in progress”.

Yet the findings, from a well-respected institution, suggest more research on post-vaccination syndrome is needed, independent experts said.

The next phase of the research will be to ascertain how widespread the condition is and who is most at risk.

Thousands of people have said that Covid vaccines injured them since the shots were rolled out in 2021.

But the fragmented nature of the US healthcare system makes it challenging to identify rare side effects.

Larger studies have failed to separate the symptoms suffered after Covid vaccination from unrelated illnesses that would have occurred regardless.

Dr Akiko Iwasaki, study author and immunologist at Yale University, said: “This work is still in its early stages, and we need to validate these findings.

“But this is giving us some hope that there may be something that we can use for diagnosis and treatment of PVS down the road.” …

In the new study, Iwasaki’s team collected blood samples from 42 people with post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) and 22 people without it between December 2022 and November 2023.

When they analysed the patients’ immune systems, those with PVS had different proportions of some immune cells. It’s unclear what these differences might mean as the researchers couldn’t link them to specific symptoms.

The team also looked at 134 people with long Covid, as PVS symptoms overlap with it, as well as 134 healthy vaccine recipients.

Both people with long Covid and those with PVS seemed to have reactivated Epstein-Barr syndrome.

More than nine in 10 adults have had Epstein-Barr at some point in their lives, a common infection spread through bodily fluids like saliva or semen.

It causes symptoms like fatigue, fever and rashes, and once symptoms disappear, the virus remains dormant in the body, where it can be reactivated when the immune system is low.

People with PVS also had elevated levels of Covid spike proteins.

The levels in PMS patients were even greater than those found in patients with Long Covid, a condition with similar symptoms linked to the virus itself.

Persistent spike proteins in the body are thought to cause some of Long Covid’s symptoms, by keeping the body in a constant state of inflammation.

This was true in patients who received their vaccines between 36 and 709 days prior.

Dr Iwasaki said: “That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point.

“We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms, because there were other participants with PVS who didn’t have any measurable spike protein.

“‘But it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome.” …

Dr Harlan Krumholz, co-senior study author and Harold H. Hines, Jr. Professor of Medicine at Yale, said: “It’s clear that some individuals are experiencing significant challenges after vaccination.

“Our responsibility as scientists and clinicians is to listen to their experiences, rigorously investigate the underlying causes, and seek ways to help.”

Worth reading in full.

The story has been covered by (unusually) the New York Times , and also by Alex Berenson, Peter McCullough and A Mid-Western Doctor.

According to Steve Kirsch, all the mainstream medical journals the researchers tried to submit the paper to refused to consider publishing it.

Which, if true, is utterly shameful and a betrayal of science and the trusting public.

Berenson provides some further details on the immune system damage:

The study found that patients with post-vaccine syndrome had low levels of crucial CD4 ‘helper’ T-cells, and some of their CD8 ‘killer’ T-cells showed evidence of what immunologists call exhaustion.

He says the new study has additional credibility because the authors had previously been dismissive of problems with the vaccines:

The new findings are particularly credible and concerning because LISTEN’s Co-Chair, Dr Akiko Iwasaki, is a former President of the American Association of Immunologists who in 2021 called concerns about the mRNA shots “absurd”.

In a press release announcing the preprint’s findings this morning, Dr Iwasaki struck a different tone. “That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point,” she said. “We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms… but it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome.”

Nicolas Hulscher, writing on Dr Peter McCullough’s Courageous Discourse Substack, notes that the findings “help to explain delayed adverse events and long-term harms from COVID-19 mRNA injections, especially given that 320 peer-reviewed scientific studies confirm that the spike protein is highly pathogenic on its own”.

It comes amid reports that Covid vaccines “could be suspended for all age groups in America under radical new plans backed by key health figures in the Trump Administration” – though this story appears to be largely pinned on Jay Bhattacharya’s previous support for the Hope Accord rather than any clear new developments.

Persistence of post-vaccination spike protein in the blood and its association with Long Covid-type symptoms was discovered way back in summer 2022 by a team of US researchers – though it doesn’t appear that that study ever made it into a peer-reviewed journal (why not?).

A study in early 2023 published in Circulation found an association between persisting blood spike protein and myocarditis (heart inflammation) in young adults and adolescents.

So the latest results should not have come as a surprise to anyone paying attention. The work should also have been done way before now, of course.

Such as, for example, before the vaccines were injected into billions of arms.

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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