Covid Vaccines Cause far More Myocarditis than The Virus

When the Springer Nature CUREUS Journal of Biomedical Sciences retracted one of the most comprehensive and valid risk-benefit analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines, they probably had no idea the message would be greatly amplified and now fully published in a pair of papers in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research

This manuscript evaluated all of the published data and has completely overturned a false narrative held by government agencies and the American College of Cardiology who erroneously assert that SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a greater risk of heart damage than vaccination.

Mead et al importantly conclude the vaccines cause actual adjudicated and oftentimes fatal myocarditis while the infection remains a theoretical risk without adjudicated, autopsy proven cases.

COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Part 2. (2024). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 3(2), 1246-1315.

The paper goes into great depth to enumerate harms from the shot along the lines of six domains where observed adverse events greatly outweigh claimed, theoretical benefits:

“We then categorize the principal adverse events associated with the modmRNA products with a brief systems-based synopsis of each of the six domains of potential harms: (1) cardiovascular, (2) neurological, (3) hematologic; (4) immunological, (5) oncological, and (6) reproductive.

We conclude with a discussion of the primary public health and regulatory issues arising from this evidence-informed synthesis of the literature and reiterate the urgency of imposing a global moratorium on the modmRNA-LNP-based platform.”

The final call is clear, the Covid mass indiscriminate vaccination campaign should come to an end and with it, the four-year long false “safe and effective” narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

See more here

Header image: Reuters / Henry Nichols

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Comments (4)

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    Corona Hotspot


    Bullshitia Scientific

    !Covid Vaccines Cause far More Myocarditis than The Virus” – THAT DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Jamie Cronin


    Okay, very good try but, unfortunately for these charlatans most people now realize thanks to Denis Rancourt’s team, that there was no pandemic and hence no covid.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    @ “… the four-year long false “safe and effective” narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.”


    The “Safe and effective” narrative is not from the Bio-Pharmaceuticals Complex (BPC) but from the physicians and their Medical Experts Complex (MEC). BPC provided the “service” (treatment/vaccines) the MEC requested and “approved” (CDC/FDA, physicians). The BPC did not create the virus and its pandemic. It is “created” and promoted by the MEC, with their “science” or following their “science” to which the author is also compliant.

    Please be brave and honest, accept that MEC made a colossal error in judgment, and retract all the claims about the virus’s existence and its (fraudulent) “scientific” research. (

    All the viruses and related vaccines are examples of certified BS’ (


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    Charles Higley


    As the jabs are designed to induce the body to make spike proteins, the form that is most toxic to tissue, the question is why they would select such a terrible protein to encourage. Corona Hotspot is completely wrong (unless it was sarcasm). The promotion of spike proteins is like adding a corrosive acid to the blood and explains the myocarditis as the heart gets the most exposure to the spike protein load, duh.


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