Covid Vaccine Harms: What and When BC Public Health Knew
In April 2023, Lee Turner, of Doak Shireff Lawyers LLP, took over conduct of the defence of Dr. Charles Hoffe vs. the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
Mr. Turner subsequently filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request (F23-1799) with the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) to obtain data on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). FOI F23-1799 can be accessed at this link.
FOI F23-1799 was released in June 2024 and comprised over 1,300 pages of internal emails between BC CDC staff, Bonnie Henry, Reka Gustafson, and Monika Naus (then head of BC CDC), along with dozens of AEFI reports.
Upon reviewing FOI F23-1799, I noted key elements: discussions of AEFIs in emails, screenshots of non-public AEFI reports available through an intranet, and public-facing AEFI reports presented in chronological order.
This arrangement made it possible to determine what BC public health officials like Bonnie Henry, the BC CDC and all 50+ medical health officers scattered over BC health authorities knew and when they knew it.
I reached an unsettling conclusion: BC CDC had manipulated the definition of Serious Adverse Events Following Immunization to lower the reported rates of Serious AEFIs in public-facing reports, thereby concealing the true risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
I publicly shared this finding on June 14, 2024, in a comment on Byram Bridle’s post titled Breaking News: BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying and Withholding Important Public Health Data.
While my expertise is not in medical science, I specialize in detecting and documenting corporate and institutional misconduct. My background is in financial statement analysis. I worked as a hedge fund research analyst and compliance officer for a boutique investment firm.
I have about 15 years of independent financial research and analysis experience. My focus is uncovering white-collar fraud. I’m not a forensic accountant by any measure; I’m just someone with somewhat odd proclivities for large sets of unstructured data and enjoy immersing myself in new topics.
The Case Against Dr. Hoffe
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC cancelled its February 11, 2022 citation against Dr. Hoffe on February 5, 2025. According to one media outlet, this was done because of a “material change of circumstances.”
The College accused Dr. Hoffe of professional misconduct; specifically spreading ‘misinformation’ about COVID-19 vaccines.
Here’s an excerpt of the College’s accusations:
“… publicly expressing that the COVID-19 vaccinations cause microscopic blood clots that cause serious neurological harm, female infertility, and a high number of deaths that is not recognized by public health; …”
Many other doctors were publicly denouncing the COVID-19 vaccines and were persecuted by the College. However, the level of persecution against Dr. Charles Hoffe is particular. The College retained eight experts against Dr. Hoffe. Why is that?
In early 2021, Dr. Hoffe submitted a temporally- and vaccine lot-associated cluster of 11 AEFI reports to Interior Health, 10 of which involved Moderna lot #300042698, administered between January 18 and February 5, 2021.
As Dr. Hoffe began filing AEFI reports in early 2021—most notably in April and May— and went on public tours in BC warning the public about the harms of COVID-19 vaccines his actions posed a direct threat to a state narrative that sought to suppress information about vaccine-related harm.
His findings challenged the political and ideological foundation underpinning the mass vaccination program and the totalitarian controls over the population that came along with it.
The evidence in FOI F23-1799 suggests that Bonnie Henry, the BC CDC, all health authorities, and all 50+ Medical Health Officers in BC were fully aware of these issues. Dr. Hoffe’s real “offence” was exposing what the BC government concealed from the public since early 2021.
Dr. Hoffe’s AEFI reports constituted a cluster of AEFI associated with unexpected harms which required public health authorities to investigate and disclose to the public.
This post, and a few more to come, will cover my findings and analysis of how BC public authorities handled the COVID-19 vaccine AEFIs.
BC Public Health Officials Early Knowledge of Harms Associated with the COVID-19 Vaccines
Higher AEFI Rates Associated with Higher mRNA Content
January 28th, 2021 – P. 18, FOI F23-1799:
Above, is the upper half of an email to Bonnie Henry where Monika Naus, Medical Director of the BC CDC, states:
“A history of anaphylaxis to a dose of the vaccine is a contraindication to receipt of future doses.”
This is important to keep in mind as I will relate that statement to data in non-public AEFI reports further down.
Monika Naus, briefed Bonnie Henry and Martin Lavoie, Chief Medical Health Officer of Interior Health, on the observation that ‘cellulitis’ events occurred at “an appreciably higher rate” with the Moderna vaccine compared to Pfizer.
However, she seems to downplay the significance of these reported cases.
Monika Naus explained that the higher rate of AEFIs associated with Moderna was consistent with its higher mRNA content. Her statements indicate an awareness that, since Pfizer and Moderna vaccines share similar structures, the key difference lies in mRNA dosage.
Below is the lower half of Monika Naus’ email to Bonnie Henry.
Above, Monika Naus reports to Bonnie Henry the death of an inmate and two temporally associated thrombocytopenia reports. A few months later, the BC CDC will deny in public-facing AEFI reports that they received thrombocytopenia cases.
Monika Naus stresses with capital letters that this is NOT being seen in the US analytic data comparing rates, indicating that she’s worried and that these findings in BC were unexpected. The link at the bottom of the above email is to slide deck containing V-Safe data.
Misleading Public Reporting of Thrombocytopenia and Serious AEFI’s
In the above email of January 28th, 2021 to Bonnie Henry, Monika Naus refers to two cases of temporally associated thrombocytopenia. Later, on p. 206 of F23-1799, the non-public AEFI report of March 25th, 2021, showed 3 cases of thrombocytopenia.
May 1st, 2021 – P. 287, FOI F23-1799:
Below, the public-facing BC CDC AEFI report from December 13th, 2020, to May 1st, 2021 stated:
- “No safety signals have been identified in the reports received in BC to date”
- “Serious events have not been reported at rates higher than expected compared to background rates.”
- “There have been no reports of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) reported in BC to date;”
The above-highlighted statements from the public-facing BC CDC AEFI report of May 1st, 2021, are misleading when compared to the non-public BC CDC AEFI reports.
March 25th, 2021 – P. 205, FOI F23-1799:
- The non-public BC CDC AEFI report shows 523 Total AEFI, 144 Serious AEFI, 94 Anaphylaxis AEFI and their respective rate per 100,000 doses are 84.37, 23.23, and 15.16.
- Serious AEFI represent 27.5 percent of Total AEFI.
- The COVID-19 vaccine Serious AEFI rate is unexpectedly 15.7 times greater than the historic flu vaccine Serious AEFI rate (background rate). This is an obvious safety signal.
- The total AEFI rate of the historic flu is 6.5 per 100,000 doses
- The Serious AEFI rate of the historic flu is 1.48 per 100,000 doses
Pandemic of the Newly Injected
In the Monika Naus email of January 28th, 2021, there’s a link to a CDC slide deck that is no longer available for some reason. I managed to recover it.
Its 7th slide shows AEFI from the V-Safe database that took New York Attorney Aaron Siri 18 months to obtain via the US courts. The slide shows US AEFI data as of January 14th, 2021, and the slide deck was published on January 27th, 2021.
Above is the sample size, which makes the numbers below extremely significant. The “All vaccines” red rectangle in the table below means All COVID-19 vaccines.
The above statistics were compiled from self-reporting recipients of the COVID-19 vaccines within 7 days after receipt of the vaccine. This is what you can expect within 7 days. I wonder if this is why Public Health Officials in BC and around the globe required you to wait between 14 days and 21 days before they would categorize you as being vaccinated?
*** The V-Safe data in the table above was in the possession of Bonnie Henry and the BC CDC since January 27th, 2021. ***
Comparing the AEFI rates between the first and second doses of Pfizer, it is evident that toxicity and harms increase with additional doses. We also see that when comparing dose 1 of Pfizer and Moderna, Moderna is more toxic than Pfizer.
If the above level of risks had been disclosed to the public, it would have likely caused massive vaccine hesitancy in most sane people.
You can imagine that a large percentage of the population started having one or more of these very common reactions very early in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and, believing the vaccines to be safe, attributed them to COVID-19 itself.
*** The COVID-19 vaccines caused a massive immediate surge in demand for healthcare. MASS INJURIES ***
The works of Denis Rancourt and Ed Dowd are what immediately come to my mind in support of mass injuries. Ed Dowd pointed out that the US Department of Labor maintained statistics on disabled people. Coinciding with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout we see a massive surge of people self-reporting as disabled.
Here are the monthly year-over-year changes in disabilities observed by Ed Dowd.
The purpose of the non-sensical requirement that people needed to wait 14-21 days to be considered vaccinated was to shift the origin of the sudden massive demand for healthcare from the newly injected to the remaining unvaccinated and support propaganda designed to cause the public to demand and embrace restrictions on their personal freedom.
This massive sudden surge in demand for healthcare was propagandized as the pandemic of the unvaccinated. There never was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, it was a pandemic of the newly injected.
Proof of mRNA Toxicity and Harmfulness
Above, I highlighted the evidence that supports the conclusion that Monika Naus was aware in January 2021 that the AEFI rates increased with increased mMRA content. Below, we see data that was in the possession of BC public health officials demonstrating the mRNA toxicity and harmfulness.
February 4th, 2021 – P. 42, F23-1799:
As explained by Monika Naus, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines differ mainly by their mRNA content, 30 and 100 micrograms respectively. We can now think of Pfizer as a control for Moderna. Let’s crunch some ratios:
mRNA content of Moderna vs. Pfizer: 100 / 30 = 3.3
Total AEFI rate of Moderna vs. Pfizer: 315.40 / 73.54 = 4.3
Serious AEFI rate of Moderna vs. Pfizer: 75.79 / 23.22 = 3.3
This evidence suggests that mRNA is indeed a harmful substance.
I first uncovered evidence to support this conclusion in 2021 when I calculated excess mortality from Canadian obituary data in the How I Became an Anti-Vaxxer in Q3 2021 post.
Monika Naus Warned Bonnie Henry Twice on March 11th, 2021
On March 11th, 2021, Monika Naus sent at least two emails to Bonnie Henry warning of her concern over serious AEFIs.
March 11th, 2021 – P. 151, F23-1799:
Monika Naus briefed Bonnie Henry that there was a safety signal for Bell’s Palsy, noting 4 cases vs. 2 expected relative to the flu vaccine. Monika announces that she is working on producing a report to be shared with the public.
Monika’s email shows that MHOs (Medical Health Officers) also have access to the non-public BC CDC AEFI reports.
Monika Naus Warned Bonnie Henry of a Toxic Lot
March 11th, 2021 – P. 43, HTH-2021-14817:
Monika Naus briefed Bonnie Henry on a toxic lot that affected 12 percent of distributed vaccines in BC as of March 11th, 2021.
The 11 anaphylaxis AEFI per million dose rate (1.1 per 100,000) Monika Naus cites to Bonnie Henry is a benchmark of what can be expected.
This email shows knowledge of a toxic Pfizer lot (EP6017) distributed throughout BC that has a calculated anaphylaxis AEFI rate of 40 per 100,000 doses.
On March 11th, 2021, 294849 Pfizer doses had been distributed in BC.1 This affected 35,382 people in BC (12 percent).
Also, note that 15 of the 18 anaphylaxis cases were female which clearly shows a disproportionate risk to females of working age.
The depth of the evidence demonstrating that BC public health officials were aware of the disproportionate COVID-19 vaccine harm to females will likely be covered in a future post.
See more here
Some bold emphasis added
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