Covid ‘Vaccine’ Contents Examined

We know the contents of Covid injections are inconsistent and vary from batch to batch.  However, there is debate among independent researchers about some of the ingredients being found in “vaccine” vials, for example, graphene oxide and nanotechnology

This week (Ep. 297) on The Highwire, Del Bigtree made a special visit to Cole Diagnostics to get under the microscope to try and answer a very important question — what exactly is in these shots?

• “Here’s How Graphene Oxide in All Covid ‘Vaccines’ is Slowly Killing the Vaccinated

• “Scientists worldwide claim all Covid-19 Vaccines contain Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide

• “Here’s one of the PARASITES found in the #Moderna Vaxx, analysed under microscopy…”

That’s where we refer to the expertise of Dr. Ryan Cole, who has spent many thousands of hours throughout his career looking under the microscope.

Graphene Oxide

Del and Dr. Cole ran into these objects inside the COVID shots that looked like rods.

But when they turned on their sides, they appeared as flat plates. Is this graphene oxide — or something else?

“These are cholesterol crystals,” attested Dr. Cole.

“That spike protein is incredibly inflammatory to the lining of our blood vessels. All of us have a little cholesterol plaque on the walls of our vessels. But when you get that inflammatory process going, now, those cholesterol crystals, due to inflammation, are broken loose. So, they get cast off,” explained Dr. Cole.


“So, look at this,” directed Cole. “Well, doesn’t that look like microcircuitry and a self-assembling nanochip?” he asked.

“No, it’s just stacked-layered cholesterol.”


“Okay, are there contaminants?” asked Dr. Cole. “Sure,” he answered. “Are there metallic particles in these? Yes, aluminum, silicon, magnesium, sodium chloride, calcium, titanium, iron, etc.”

He also explains, “A small study was done that showed if you took some fluid out of the vials with a pipette, took some out with a needle, some of these metals are actually coming from rapidly-manufactured needles.”

Polyethylene Glycol

Is there polyethylene glycol in these shots? You bet. But “it’s not antifreeze from your car,” clarified Dr. Cole. And what it does is preserve and protect the nanoparticle at cold temperatures.

Take note that many people are allergic to this material — which accounted for many of the incidents of acute anaphylactic shock — and often death — directly after the shot.

But the main takeaway, according to Dr. Cole, is that polyethylene glycol is a harmful molecule that inhibits the ability of macrophages to present an antigen and stimulate an immune response. And the amount in each shot was “all over the map.”

So, the million-dollar question

“Over 100 vials [have] gone through mass spec. Really the burning question for me — did we find graphene oxide in any of the vaccines?” asked Del Bigtree.

“Absolutely not,” answered Dr. Cole. “Zippo, zero, nada — none.”

“And so, those little flakes that we were seeing — those little lines and floating things, those are three things — those cholesterol crystals we saw. And there’s a cholesterol-cholesterin spike on some of these mass spec graphs. And Pfizer has a lot of salt and some sugars. Moderna has more sugar — a little less salt. And we’re also seeing those little plates are also salt flakes and salt crystals, these cholesterol crystals, and sugar crystals as well,” summarized Cole.

“And so, at the end of the day, the mass spec showed that that’s what it was. These vials have lipid content. They have polyethylene glycol content in varying ratios. They have salts. They have sugars. They do have genetic material. And that’s what was in the vials. And then, some lots had some contaminants.”

So, that’s a no from Dr. Ryan Cole on graphene oxide, nanotech, and parasites

But what’s important is that we know ample harmful mechanisms of the shot — and the evidence against them is damning as is.

“We’ve already shown you enough mechanisms,” emphasized Del Bigtree. “The toll-like receptors being shut down, the potential to have cancers, the antibody-dependent enhancement issues, the spike protein. It is toxic! It causes clotting all by itself … So with all of that, yes, there may be other things, but I was saying let’s be sure that we are not overstating something we can’t prove when there is so much right now that is in the scientific literature that [we] can.”

Well said, Del.

Are the inconsistencies in the contents of vials due to a rushed pharmaceutical manufacturing process or by design in order to gaslight the masses and in particular the real, ethical, moral scientists and medics with integrity and all those in general who are awake and who have questioned and opposed these shots?

See more here and here

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (8)

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    Dr. Cole is false dissent. We are not in 2021, we are at the end of 2022.
    Exists a lot of scientits who prove the presence of rGO & Microtech in vaccs.
    That “hydra” are graphene microtubules.
    How to deal with the evidence from scientists around the world…
    Please review the content of these links carefully and tell me if they don’t get a poker face.
    Draw your own conclusions:
    Work from La Quinta Columna, Dr. Pablo Campra’s & more analysis (global neurocontrol agenda) Studies:
    Dr. Nixon NZ:
    Dr. Robert Young:
    NZ Team:
    Dra. Ana Mihalcea: (Patents)
    PEG for funcionalize rGO
    Barcelona Start Up (Neuromodulation using rGO patented)
    Thanks to scientifics such as Rafael Yuste, Josep Miquel Jornet i Muntanyés, new Neurocontrol Oppenheimers…


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    Frank S.


    Beware the WEF “operatives”. The most subtle form of psy-ops makes use of “plants” (either installed or indoctrinated) to act “as one of us” for a long time. Then, slowly, incrementally “re-educate” the pliable few, until they’re brainwashed. Several have reared their hidden agendas of late. The Truth Seekers among us recognize these ‘enemies within’.


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    Michele Baillie


    Done to gaslight and discredit those investigating the bioweapon shots…..while the Genocide effort continues.

    All the earmarks of a military operation- by the type of people whom most (experts too; I should think) would describe as psychopaths; or “monsters,” -Totally ruthless; and cruel….. to me at least.

    “Are the inconsistencies in the contents of vials due to a rushed pharmaceutical manufacturing process or by design in order to gaslight the masses and in particular the real, ethical, moral scientists and medics with integrity and all those in general who are awake and who have questioned and opposed these shots?”
    End Quote


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    Larry Kugelman


    Oh, you mean people like Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Kaufmann and many others who have gaslighted millions, including me, into trusting them as being the rare “Truthteller” and “Whistleblower”. You can add Del Bigtree to that growing list as he just showed his true colors.

    What’s confusing me is why would Cole post links to studies by U.K. researchers who say the complete opposite, clearly stating that they DID FIND graphene oxide in all 4 vaccines? Those articles sure do make Cole and Bigtree look like incompetent fools. They’re not even attempting to explain the discrepancies and defend their position.

    I mean, come on. Is the graphene physically present or not? This isn’t even a debatable issue. There’s no grey area. Either you see it, or you don’t.

    Since Cole contends that there’s no graphene whatsoever, nada, zip, then what’s causing all the sudden deaths after getting the jab? That subject wasn’t even addressed. Why exactly would the U.K. scientists say they saw graphene if they didn’t? All the deaths sure do mimic the effects of graphene poisoning, not side effects of cholesterol crystals.

    So, why isn’t Bigtree holding Cole’s feet to the fire? Why is he so lackadaisically siding with Cole going, “Okey Dokey, duh, no graphene. My man, Cole, said so. And there ya have it, folks. Nothing to see here. Move along.”


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    Michele Baillie


    The inconsistencies in the vials is quite deliberate; I think. It obscures the issue of whether or not the harm ( and deaths) from the mRNA injections were deliberate or not.

    The “red herring” of graphene oxide/ nano tech- cellular trans- humanism (“borg”- colloquially speaking ) and look like gaslighting being applied to deflect, discredit while the effort to murder ( fast or slow) as many as possible by the deliberately inimical mRNA injections

    (every animal species in the mRNA trials DIED from the Anti Body Dependent Enhancement reaction)

    There should be No Reconciliation with the Monsters who created this- and forced it on us.

    There can NEVER be Peace with Psychopaths- particularly those as evil ( there is no other word for it) as those who applied ALL EIGHT Biderman’s Chart of Coercion (UN 1972 or 1973) to get us to take these deadly/ maiming mRNA bioweapon injections.

    Janet Ossebard’s Fall of the Cabal part’s 25 and 25 detail; quite succinctly; the tactics used to genocide us with the mRNA injections called “covid- 19 vaccines.”

    Are the inconsistencies in the contents of vials due to a rushed pharmaceutical manufacturing process or by design in order to gaslight the masses and in particular the real, ethical, moral scientists and medics with integrity and all those in general who are awake and who have questioned and opposed these shots?


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    Arie Nieuwenhuizen


    #ClownsWorld is open again ?
    “It Has Gone Missing”: Israeli Government Claims to Have Lost the Agreement with Pfizer for COVID-19 Vaccines
    ???@COVID19Up: The Israeli government has just admitted in court that it can’t find the contracts under which the experimental COVID-19 mRNA injections operated.
    Israeli’s Ministry of Health quietly revealed in court on Wednesday (Dec. 14): “We cannot locate the signed agreement with Pfizer. It has gone missing.” “We didn’t find the signed agreement. We looked everywhere.”
    “Due to government change, we are not sure if an agreement was signed or not.”


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    Zent B.


    A research was published back in 2018, scientists have discovered that long term memory is stored in the RNA. I think the endgame here is memory transfer via RNA injections, disguised as covid shots. Search for: Snails, memory, RNA.


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