COVID-vaccinated can ‘shed’ spike protein, harming unvaccinated
Image: Harvard University
In their latest issue brief, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) warned how spike proteins resulting from experimental COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines have the capacity to 1.) pass through the “blood-brain barrier” causing neurological damage, 2.) be “shed” by the vaccinated, bringing about sickness in unvaccinated children and adults, and 3.) cause irregular vaginal bleeding in women.
Released last week and titled “Identifying Post-vaccination Complications & Their Causes: an Analysis of Covid-19 Patient Data,” the stated purpose of the document is “to provide additional information for concerned citizens, health experts, and policymakers about adverse events and other post-vaccination issues resulting from the three experimental COVID-19 vaccines currently administered under EUA (emergency use authorization)” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The non-profit organization highlighted the thousands of adverse events which are related to these “vaccines” and captured by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). “Yet these complications have received a fraction of the attention paid to J&J’s blood-clotting controversy,” they lamented with dismay, asking, “Why?”
In taking a closer look at this data, AFLDS presents “some major categories of concern as-yet publicly unaddressed by either the FDA or CDC,” asserting that failure of these regulators “to consider these and other ‘known unknowns’ is a dereliction of basic medical research.”
They breakout their general categories of concern as shown below:
First, there are significant fears regarding the wide distribution of these new vaccines, which employ a new technology and remain only experimental without full approval from the FDA. Instead of employing an attenuated antigen response – as happens with conventional vaccines – these experimental agents introduce something called a “spike protein” into one’s system.
“It takes years to be sure something new is safe,” the AFLDS document confirms. “No one knows definitively the long-term health implications for the body and brain, especially among the young, related to this spike protein. In addition, if documented problems with the protein do arise, there will never be any way to reverse the adverse effects in those already vaccinated.”
Second, unlike conventional vaccines, these spike proteins, along with “lipid nanoparticles” have the capacity to pass through the “blood-brain barrier” which provides special protection for these sensitive areas of the body.
“There simply has not been enough time to know what brain problems and how often a brain problem will develop from that,” the document warns.
Risks from such penetration include “chronic inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) in the neurological system, contributing to tremors, chronic lethargy, stroke, Bell’s Palsy and ALS-type symptoms. The lipid nanoparticles can potentially fuse with brain cells, resulting in delayed neuro-degenerative disease. And the mRNA-induced spike protein can bind to brain tissue 10 to 20 times stronger than the spike proteins that are (naturally) part of the original virus.”
Third, as these experimental vaccines produce many trillions of spike proteins in their recipients, these vaccinated individuals “can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts,” causing disease in them.
In an email correspondence with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of AFLDS, directed this writer to an April 29 tweet where she posted a document from Pfizer’s experimental trials in which the pharmaceutical giant “acknowledges this mechanism” of potential shedding, she wrote.
As the document states, one can be “exposed to [the] study intervention due to environmental exposure,” including “by inhalation or skin contact” with someone involved in the study, or with another who has been exposed in the same way.
And this, according to AFLDS, can be dangerous. As the issues brief continues, “the spike proteins are pathogenic (‘disease causing’) just like the full virus.” Furthermore, these “spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus” and thus cases around the world of “pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated.” Such shedding also “appears to be causing wide variety of autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons.”
In addition, other more serious dangers to even the unvaccinated are possible due to the fact that these “spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines.”
Fourth, such shedding leaves children vulnerable if they are in proximity to parents and teachers who have received these experimental vaccines. While the threat of COVID-19 to the young is rightly described as “irrelevant,” including a 99.997% survival rate for those under 20 years of age, AFLDS is concerned some children may become symptomatic due to such proximity to the vaccinated.
At such point there is a danger that “public health bureaucrats” might use such cases to “speculate that a child’s illness is related to a SARS-CoV-2 ‘variant,’” when it is a result of contact with vaccinated adults.
“Our other concern is that children could develop long-term chronic autoimmune disease including neurological problems due to the fact that children have decades ahead of them and trillions of the spike proteins mentioned above.”
Fifth, “AFLDS is aware of thousands of reports involving vaginal bleeding, post-menopausal vaginal bleeding, and miscarriages following COVID-19 vaccination as well as anecdotal reports of similar adverse events among those in close contact with the vaccinated.” While at this point the independent physicians organization “cannot comment definitively on the close contacts” other than to mention they “have heard reports of this worldwide,” the many reported incidents of post-vaccination vaginal bleeding establishes a clear “connection between the vaccine and irregular bleeding.”
“Despite this clear-cut evidence, menstrual-cycle changes were not listed among the FDA’s common side effects in its phase-three clinical participants. Women’s reproductive health needs to be taken seriously rather than waved away by agenda-driven public health officials,” the brief reads.
Finally, acknowledging the “irrepressible economic incentive among pharmaceutical companies” to market unnecessary and dangerous childhood COVID vaccines, boosters, and the like, AFLDS insists “Public health experts should stop and assess data on possible vaccine side effects and related post-vaccination questions before it is too late.”
See more here: lifesitenews-com
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If viral or antigen sloughing occurs as this article suggests and it causes an immune response and/or harm to an individual who is unvaccinated and did not agree to be vaccinated, there may be a legal argument to be made that the manufacturers vaccine immunity does not apply to that individual. The manufacturer has an implicit responsibility to warn and provide a cure to protect such persons, one would think. I’m haven’t heard of any provision in the vaccine immunity statues that provides legal protection to vaccine manufacturers if they harm persons not taking their vaccine but are harmed by its distribution. May be children of pregnant women are covered I don’t know. Someone with vaccine ligitation experience needs to provide an article on what the immunity limits are to manufacturers because of adverse effects of their vaccine on innocent unvaccinated individuals. I wouldn’t think manufacturers could pass that off to vaccine receiptents their requirements to warn and cure. I would be surprised if the Congress ever thought the FDA would approve a vaccine even on an emergency basis that could transmit adverse health effects to the general population. Isn’t the transmission of adverse health effects by a biologically based agent called a disease?
Terry Jacks
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It’s not a vaccination. It’s a bio-weapon, designed to kill or cripple a large number of people on the earth. The virus isn’t the weapon, the vaccine is.
Gus Banter
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Friend, you did a wonderful job of articulating the truth, but remember that even the most simple-minded of the righteous see through all the BS, while even the most high-IQ of secular progressives choose to believe every lie. Therefore, you need not convince people of the truth, but only need to remind them of the truth.
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A replicating RNA spike protein that never stops multiplying because these gene altering therapies turn the immune system into a factory that runs 24/7/forever…sounds like the prescription for a full blown medically induce holocaust in the future. If these proteins never stop building up in your body, then what happens to your immune system? It would seem that with billions of these foreign spike critters, some of them will be ejected from the body. Then what? Does the murderous FDA, CDC and pharma have any answers? Could any of them, even one time, tell the truth about what they and gates and fauci have unleashed upon the planet?
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The host dies, not after the painful internal destruction of the organs, neurological system and rogue sepsis of the blood.
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Cada país debe tener una Constitución Política o algún documento que proteja los derechos fundamentales de la vida, la salud, la seguridad física, psicológica y de la descendencia, bajo un concepto jurídico de “evitación de un daño y perjuicio irremediable”. En lugar de estar divagando, ¿por qué no se ha procedido a entablar las acciones legales para detener estas inoculaciones ilegales, antiéticas y violatorias de los Códigos de Ética y de Bioética?
Hace rato todos en nuestros países debíamos haber denunciado y puesto bajo investigación a los gobernantes corruptos y vendidos que no están protegiendo la vida ni el futuro de la humanidad, que somos nosotros y nuestros descendientes. Personalmente, desde agosto de 2020 he estado bastante ocupado en ese menester, de Presidente, Ministro de Salud, dirección de la agencia de control de medicamentos, hacia abajo, con denuncias y solicitud de investigación penal, ética y administrativa.
Hemos perdido mucho tiempo en contra de nuestros niños, ancianos y mujeres gestantes, nuestros jóvenes y adultos en edad reproductiva.
Corte Penal Internacional y Juicios de Nuremberg para Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, CEOS de las multinacionales de las “vacunas”, directores de los CDC, de la FDA, Fauci y todos los que resulten implicados en algo que cada vez es más profundo y oscuro como la compra de fetos y los experimentos fetos humanos-animales (creación de quimeras)-
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The whole idea is depopulation.Read about the Georgia Guidestones. They tell the plan of the globalists and the NWO. About 5 years ago, we were traveling through GA and stopped to check them out. Gates did a talk where he mentioned that the way to save the planet was depopulation and vaccines are the perfect vehicle. That is exactly what they have done!
Sierra Leone
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This article is excellent, well thought out and written. I now understand exactly what the problem is with the spiked protein aspect of the injections. It’s different and separate from the problem with the mRNA altering the genome.
Mark Tapley
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All of the reports involving shedding are anecdotal. First of all pathogens have never been shown to be transmitted from one host to another. This was tried using several methods in the Boston study during the Rockefeller flu of 1918, including the injections of body fluids from one person to another. This “germ theory” started with the con man Pasteur who over 40 years of fraud never was able to transmit pathogens except by simulating transmission using toxins, usually mercury or arsenic. Indeed viruses have been shown to be nonexistent as a pathogen but are merely the break down of cells or protein debris.
It is well known that proteins or toxic chemicals can go through the animals system in the urine but this is not shedding. Dr. Tom Cowan points out that the nature of proteins is such that they tend to lose structure in the air and not be affective. this is why the snake has to inject the venom in the target not just spit at it. Cowan also points out that in a normal situation the production of mRNA to DNA or reverse only last for a microsecond. The body is no supposed to maintain this protein as is supposedly done by the drug co’s. with the coating of poly ethylene glycol. Everything the big Pharma criminals do is detrimental to the body as the vaccine scam has always been. The primary key to a long and healthy life is to keep inflammation in the body down. The artificial manufacture of proteins (if that is actually happening) is very likely inflammatory and all a fraud perpetrated by MSM induced fear over an imaginary virus. If the livestock don’t figure this out they are destined for a very bleak and austere future.
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So youre saying that shedding is not valid, just a scare tactic? Because ive been around vaccinated people and im not sure if they gave me anything man this is all confusing just how they want it. So i dont have spike proteins now due to being around the vaccinated?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Petros:
From the evidence presented by microbiologist Stephan Lanka, and Dr.’s Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan, unless you let them inject the blood toxin into your blood stream, you need not worry. Viruses have never been shown to exist and all attempts at transmission over the years have failed. Cowan has described that by the very nature of proteins, air born transmission is highly unlikely.
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What about if there is skin to skin contact? What about transmission in that case?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Laura:
From what Cowan has stated it would seem very unlikely to be a problem. The outer layer is a natural barrier so unless their is some type of toxin breaking the skin and contacting the capillaries think it is highly improbable.
The “vaccine” blood toxins have never worked. The idea of injecting tissue samples with aborted fetal tissue, monkey kidney substrate, neurotoxic aluminum metal particles and other foreign proteins along with a supposed pathogen that has never been shown to be transmissible is another allopathic lie to generate profits for the insiders while reinforcing the germ theory fake narrative. I recommend Suzanne Humphries MD book
“Dissolving Illusions” for the truth about the so called vaccines . Dr.s Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman are posted on Bit Chute frequently as they are de platformed from Jew Tube.
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Hi Mark,
Did you catch Dr. Cowan’s recent stream “Vaccine Shedding Webinar” where he said they found lipid particles in rat feces from the vax, which means it could be likely that it can transmit to an unvaxxed person from their bodily fluids/saliva?
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All I know is ,I have not had a cold, flu or a cough of any kind, but since I got a caretaker who has been giving the jab, I developed a cough, that just won’t go away.
Suzanne Moxon
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I personally know someone who hugged and possibly kissed a vaccinated male. She is now bleeding from the vagina.
Pam Farris
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So are you saying if someone has gotten the jab, they do not shed the virus? Do they shed the proteins with the virus? Or ‘natural’ viruses do not shed, but the pharmas put a coating on the vax, so now they do shed? I’m really confused now. If someone got the vax, can they shed or transmit the virus or spike proteins to others? If they do shed, are you saying it does not stay active long enough to affect anyone around them? KISS for this simple mind, please. Ok to be around others who have been vaccinated or not? What is your background? Are you a Dr. or researcher? Doesn’t the above article say those who have been vaccinated do or can shed the covid virus?
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I am 73 and I am bleeding as in “having a mostly light period” – for the last 3 weeks. I am not vaccinated and do not plan to. I work in a profession where I come into close contact therapeutically with people, skin to skin and I am around a mother who has been vaccinated and a sister. I live in a building with other people who have been vaccinated. It is curious that I am bleeding. Maybe there will come to light another cause. I am looking into all possibilities. Just wanted to share this “for the record”.
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Carol I’m having the same issues. I’m 53 no period for past 10 years. Now spotting past few days. I work at hospital around lots of vaccinated people. Not sure what is going on.
Laurence Warburton
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My sister did’nt have a period for 4 months after coming into contact with her friends who were vaccinated. She isn’t.
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Mark I’m very worried about this shedding you really think it’s not true hope your right. I live with vaccinated people and it’s masking insane worrying my sisters bf vaccinated was spiteful and put his vaxxed arm against mine and hugged me knowing I’m worrying about the spike proteins. I’m worried now he shed on me now I’m a wreck
Mark Tapley
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Hello Nila:
The Zionists need to generate as much fear with their fake vaccine hoax as possible. CIA director William Colby stated:
“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False”
Everything they do is a lie and a fraud. They also know and doctors know that at least a third of patients are afflicted only with psychogenic illnesses which if well entrenched, often manifest physical symptoms. Look back at the phony AIDS epidemic that was exposed by PCR inventor Mullis. Just as today, there was never any real pathogen but people everywhere were worried about contacting it.
Any shedding would be the consequence of a protein. Dr. Cowan has explained that unless injected they tend to lose structure and break down in the air. Snake venom can even be drank with no problem as the protein is broken down by the stomach.
The fake virus hoax depends on a continuous stream of fake stories from bat soup, Wuhan lab, new variants, and shedding. This medical fraud of the so called vaccines is just another gov. psyop used to rake in billions for the insiders while fleecing the people and conditioning them to give up all of their natural rights so they can be totally plundered.
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Thank you
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Thank you for your comments and input. Do you think the vaccine spike proteins/shedding can be spread from kissing or sex with a vaxxed person? I have watched Dr. Cowan and Kaufman’s videos but haven’t seen them directly address those 2 instances.
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Can being around vaccinated people cause nose bleeds? Does HCQ and zinc help stop it?
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It’s not the so called ”virus” we need to Worry about shedding because it doesn’t exist. What is frightening is the spike proteins from the injection. Even Pfizer’s own study shows this. Those do not break down because they’re covered in protective envelope of terrible stuff.
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Or is that shedding of the shot also untrue? I’m drinking pine ? needle tea just in case. Look that up…very healthy.
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I am so worried for myself!!! My partner took the vaccine today so he can travel !! What the hell without thinking No brain … told him to stay away from me.. it’s over for good!! I don’t understand how some people got brainwashed by this fake pandemic …. And they running to get Thier vaccines!! Good luck to all the brainwashed ..