Covid Scam Falls Apart; It’s Over
Since the beginning, I’ve been producing the evidence COVID is a scam. Now, official agencies are virtually admitting it.
On December 29, the head of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, announced, in a White House press briefing, that the PCR test can register positive (meaning the person is “infected”) long after infection is over.
Here’s Walensky’s money quote:
“…people can remain PCR positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious.”
That means MILLIONS of FALSE positive test results have been logged as REAL, in the past two years.
If you can’t trace the implications of THAT, I can’t help you.
Recall the old Zen Koan: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
The new version is: What was the sound of the White House press corps and the media after Walensky’s admission?
Nothing. Zero. Silence.
No shouting. No furor. No questions.
“Dear Mr. Smith, We here at the CDC wish to inform to you that your positive PCR COVID test, administered in the spring of 2020, was misleading. There was no proof it meant you were infected. Therefore, your isolation, your hospitalization, during which your business closed and went into bankruptcy, your wife left home taking up residence with the children at her mother’s, your business partner committed suicide—all that was unnecessary. Thank you for your understanding.”
Of course, the blind following the blind following Fauci will say, “But…but…the CDC couldn’t have made a mistake that big…there must be some explanation…”
And yes, there is an explanation.
The CDC and other public health officials have known all along they were running a scam.
Committing a crime. A Nuremberg-type crime.
See more here:
Header image: Reuters
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Kary Mullis warned that PCR should not be used for diagnosis of disease. So what do they do?
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I agree ?% ..We have been lied to, they don’t know what to do with the plunder they’ve gathered in this world. They are playing dirty games with the lifes. Their real moment shall come very soon.
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So did Dr Malone, stating that PCR testing was not designed to diagnosis any diseases.
Saeed Qureshi
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Agree 100% with the view, and as I have been saying that the testing is a fraud. There cannot be a test without a reference (gold) standard – the virus, which is not available (
On the other hand, the failure of the test is undeniable evidence that the virus does not exist. Therefore, people should recognize that it is not the testing story alone, but the story of the (fake) virus and its “science” are falling apart. (
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and running it at between 35-45 cycles positives meant nothing.
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Bastille Day cometh!
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The testing isn’t used to detect anything specific. The test package inserts openly say that the test is incapable of telling you that you have covid, or any of its fake variants.
The trick is taking the test in the first place. The Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers, supplied with every test, says that negative results are “presumptive” and should not be used to end isolation and monitoring (camps).
Next, the Factsheet tells us the real reason for testing:
“risks to patients could include the following: a recommendation for isolation of the patient, monitoring of household or other close contacts for symptoms, ”
That statement tells us that our friends and family members can be hauled off to camps simply because we took a test. One person tests, and 10 get rounded up into camps.
Why is this important?
Because they plan for everyone to get chipped and connected to the grid (it will be prison), owned under intellectual property rights, and unable to reproduce without medical assistance. That last one is why they say that women “will exercise their right to reproduce”.
These things can’t happen without biosensors and gene mutations through repeated injections.
They know that people will reject it and that laws prevent them forcing it. However, if you’re under medical isolation, you have no rights and they can do as they wish to you. Hence, camps and useless tests that give everyone a positive result. Now they can target people who didn’t even take the test.
The people lose their protections under martial law as well, so expect them to drive up rebellions and riots.
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The Gates of HELL will not prevail against the church.
Mormonism is imploding too since evidence proves book of Abraham was not a translation from the papyrus but something the false prophet pulled out of his ass.
Boris Badenov
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Mormonism is built on sand, Islam is build on a huge pile of shit. That said, I will give the LDS some props for some of the things they do.
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I take it you’ve read the Koran and the book of Mormon no?
Looks like your “opinion” is built from the same 2 things. Come on this comment board is for thinking adults not mindless Left vs. Right fake paradigm believing twiddles.
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The Socsheviks in the state of Washington plainly knew what was coming.
C-19 was planned and executed by Red China and their lackeys.
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Who else says and PROVES that the Covid Virus doesn’t exist?
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A negative can not be proven
Don’t be insipid
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They say the covid virus does exist:
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Yup “they” say a lot so I guess if they say so it must be true
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Yeah, they think we are puppets