COVID Questions: Our Concerned Readers Need Answers
The vast number of messages we receive prove there is great concern about the scientific and medical claims being made by politicians and so called ‘experts’ all too keen to keep us lockdown and pump ”vaccine’ potions into our bodies.
We are working hard to provide our readers with up to date information, though it feels we can barely keep up. Herein is a good example of one of the heartfelt messages we have been getting.
Hi John,
Thank you so much for reaching back and contacting me. I read an article you published about the “covid swabs” and asking the question IF the PCR tests were secret vaccines??
Your article was fascinating and kind of freaked me out, as we don’t want the covid vaccine nor do we want to be manipulated into receiving it! I have been reading and listening to Doctors over this past year on the topic of covid (and all the absolute crazy, that goes along with it)
I was following the recent death of BOTH “covid test” inventor Doctors,
Kary Mullis (PCR test) and Andrews Brooks (covid spit test)
I was fortunate enough to have some foreign- non main stream media websites to tap into for covid updates.
My father was a Physician and my mother a nurse. My parents were lovely organic farmers who believed in alternative medicines, so I grew up quite mindful of medicine, Big Pharma and the truths behind vaccines. Now that said, I’m not “an anti-vaxer” against all vaccines. I did vaccinate my children, we were simply minimalists.
However, I DO NOT want my college-age kid getting swabbed over & over to be able to enter campus. It seems with regards to “covid” this seems to be the University’s current MO. I am extremely concerned something sinister is going on with the “custom covid swabs” and Universities are taking advantage of unsuspecting young people. (kids) I’m wondering IF they are Harvesting DNA plus wondering IF they indeed are being Nano chipped or vaccinated!
I called my son’s University and visited with a nurse in their “covid testing center” He let me know they have two types of covid tests/swabs. He couldn’t explain why?
One was a swab and lab for “testing” via a simple nasal swab if someone believe they did not have the virus or it was random test -and it was handled by AVERO labs. If a student felt they were sick or “some other testing” was being administered, meaning the qualifying to begin classes, the more intrusive “back of the sinuses test” was handled by “SteriPack Group”
When I visited the Steripack Group website, I was horrified to read the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “donated” a huge sum of money for development of the covid “Classic Q Swabs”
Now, doesn’t this seem really ODD to you?
I’m intelligent, of rational sound mind, and I feel I’ve educated myself significantly on this covid topic.. However, I feel like a crazy person taking about this “Intranasal Nanoemulsion” based brain targeting direct delivery system as it relates to ~ the covid swabs.. (felt crazy until I read your article)
I wondered if you would have a few moments to call me and visit.I’m just a deeply concerned mother doing her own personal due-diligence & research. I’m very stressed about my children being “covid tested” at their Universities. Please see links below.
I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and a few minutes of your time visiting on the topic of these “covid swabs”, anytime convenient.
Kindest Regards,
L. R.
Austin, Texas Yes, They can vaccinate us (unknowingly) through NASAL SWABS and Target the Brain-
SteriPack Group announces global rollout of sterile swabs to help combat Covid-19. | SteriPack Contract Manufacturing Production of “ClassicQSwabs” covid Swabs receive a grant from the BILL and Malinda GATES Foundation per CEO, Garry Moore.
Sterile Swabs Manufacturing | SteriPack Contract Manufacturing ( Swabs are INDEVIDUALLY numbered.. why? Expire in a year apparently.. Why? scroll down to video please- Infecting w/ Covid Swabs, the RNA vaccine, Intranasal Nanoemulsion Artificial Intelligence – scroll down to “Once were the Living” VIDEO
Emails, like the above from L.R. in Texas, typify the intelligent, well-researched pleas that expose how much so-called mainstream journalists and scientific institutions have been failing the public.
It is abhorrent to us that unpaid researchers and concerned citizens now have had to take over the job of those we once relied on to be the sentinels for the greater good.
Unless and until we all hold to account all the sold out media, elected officials, their ‘experts’ and the moneyed elite who have all abandoned us (and even wish us harm) matters will only get worse.
As to answering L.R.’s questions; we are an open source, grassroots scientific body and make it a priority that we actively engage with our 60,000+ readers. Our unpaid researchers and loyal members will to try to give L.R. some answers to this excellent questions. We will, of course, be aiming to publish a follow up article once we have reliable and robust answers.
Thanks to all who take time to make comments below our articles, which help further enrich the discussion and advance our shared understanding. Please add any tips/links/information below that you believe may assist us.
About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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