COVID Medication, Not the Virus, Triggers 250 Percent Death Rare Spurt
In this compelling video a British funeral undertaker speaks to an independent journalist giving first-hand testimony revealing what has really been happening with the dead from care homes and hospitals.
Undertaker, John O’Looney talks of the lies and shenanigans spun by corrupt politicians and media to brainwash the public into believing there exists a ‘deadly virus’. Lindie Naughton interviews this candid funeral director to learn that due to medication given during the pandemic “Deaths jumped 250 percent when injections began.”
“As part of my work I visit hospitals routinely. During the pandemic I got to speak to many medical staff. We all understood we were being lied to and this was fraud,” says O’Looney.
The undertaker explains it is routine that when collecting the dead for burial/cremation they keep a mortuary register (a kind of ‘guest book’) this shows a record of any usual events. The undertakers explains that he saw, during the pandemic, unusual patterns of high deaths at care homes where the vast majority deaths were known by staff not to be from COVID19 but more likely due to the medication given to the elderly.
“Terminal cancer patients are routinely being recorded as COVID deaths.”
To many independent analysts there appears to be a correlation between the supposed new variants and vaccine breakthrough cases. New variants are suspected to be nothing of the sort and are actually adverse reactions to the experimental jabs.
Any and all deaths are glibly and dishonestly (and likely criminally, too!) being certified as from “COVID” and such “variants” and this is masking what some observers believe is mass genocide.
As concern grows about the misrepresentations keen-eyed observers are asking why no “journalists” in the mainstream media have sought to investigate the true cause of the massive ‘delta wave’ that hit India in mid-2021 following their mass vaccination campaign, which began in January 2021. Only independent online citizen journalists and heroic whistleblowers seem to want to save us all from tyranny.
As we have identified in many articles here on Principia Scientific International, the pandemic is a coordinated international ploy based on allopathic germ theory, increasing seen as a scam pushed by the major pharmaceuticals companies – a litany of costly and unnecessary procedures and fake vaccines.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Hola Calumniadores. Para su información y por si a alguien le sirve: aproximadamente 50 miembros de mi familia, siendo yo profesional de salud, salvaron su vida gracias a la IVERMECTINA, incluida la vida de mi hijo y cinco de mis hermanas y hermanos mayores de entre 75 y 85 años. Mi propio hijo y mis sobrinos maestros fueron obligados a “vacunarse” y, de no hacerlo, deberían retirarse de sus trabajos en Colombia.
Las reacciones que presentaron con SINOVAC y con JANSSEN, fueron muy violentas, estuvieron en grave estado de salud, con PRUEBA COVID19 POSITIVA, cuando una semana antes de ser inoculados se habían hecho control de Antígenos y estaban NEGATIVOS.
Mi hijo estuvo a punto de morir, tuvo que ser inyectado con 500 mg de Hidrocortisona venosa, antihistamínicos, antinflamatorios, analgésicos, antiarrítmicos y betabloqueadores, anticoagulado durante un mes. Se le suministró Ivermectina, al igual que a todos los “vacunados” de la familia y su mejoría fue inmediata. EL MANEJO DE TODOS SE HIZO EN CASA, PARA NO SER ETIQUETADOS COMO COVID POSIITIVO Y TERMINAR MUERTOS EN UNA UCI.
CONCLUSIÓN: se demuestra que el estallido de muertos y enfermos luego de iniciadas las “vacunaciones” se debieron a la inoculación del verdadero virus, ocultado como “variantes” y cremando las evidencias.
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I’m not gonna bother with that peddling bullshit.
I can see what you’re doing and I don’t even understand argentinian.
So ivermectin is something that tries to hide the damage of common industrial factors, those common industrial factors (toxins, in general, herbicides, pesticides)…happen to sort of disable specific functions in your body, so you then have resulting lack of bacterial function (IKR, you actually have to understand those bacterial functions are contextual results based on your systemic status).
What ivermectin (an industrial big pharma product, btw) does is changes the resulting damage signature, ignorant of your gut function, to address a non-existent construct to mess with your electrical function, blood brain barrier and such.
Shit, you can spray some nitric oxide into your nose, and similarly, that chemically reacts with the material used to classify the false covid bullshit in PCR extrpolation made up shit, so it interferes with their covid classifications.
THE THING IS, ivermectin isn’t necessary and based on addressing a resulting projection from fundamental fraud and a trojan component to degenerate you further. But you’re too clever for that.
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This where all the women are like “Oh shit, I chose the wrong guy,,,”
So the nitric oxide is associated with your internal energy, mitochondrial function, ATP sort of stuff. When there’s dysfunction associated with that, your genetic material breaks.
That’s why saying NO up your nose makes you know what’s going on. Your cellular material is broken, it results in what they call “viruses”.
They also, additionally attack the means for repair, which is why the covid virus description demonizes your body as a pathogen. So they might say, attack proteolytic enzyme function, the capacity of cytokine, or antibody responses, etc.
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Listen, ivermectin (an industrial toxin) is to supposedly address a fundamentally fraudulent thing to avoid addressing inherent dysfunction in your body due to industrial toxins.
Absolutely EVERY pharmaceutical, is similar. Toxic unnecessary shit that avoid causation, and with conflation attempts to attack a result as causative. Most often, damaging your repair mechanisms. Because they need you to be a sick, absolutely indoctrinated MORON to believe in their bullshit, otherwise you’re healthy and they’re obsolete.
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“This where all the women are like “Oh shit, I chose the wrong guy,,,””
Seriously. I mean, sure, some guys can make you feel like your value is $50, but I can actually make you feel like you’re worth something. Perhaps not quite $50 though.
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So far there are 8 comments. 1 is possibly Argentinian and 7 are just as incomprehensible. Could we please stop the self indulgence and get back to making relevant comments about the article ?
Twila Tharp
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The quality of material you publish is demeaned via this “Slanderman” who obviously has a problem with drugs or alcohol. His posts are offensive and he should be banned. He has nothing of value to offer.
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This Slanderman person does have a problem expressing himself, not only by the choice of his words, but in the way he mixes his lines of reasoning, as he draws to an (non) conclusion. He seems very qualified to replace faltering Joe, in the White House. Too bad he has to soil what could otherwise be an intelligent exchange of thoughts.
Karma Singh
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Not only did many of we independent news services notice the correlation between “vaccines” and “Delta” (originally called “Indian variant”, you may recall) but the Indian Health ministry put out an open letter stating that there is no “Indian variant” and, until and unless such is found, those pushing the concept should shut up.
Later, I was given by whistle-blower, a list of “variants” which are going to appear, according to the schedule from the Bankers’ “World Economic Forum”, until February 2023.
What brand of chrystal ball do YOU think the pharma cartel is using?
Blessed be
Karma Singh
Karma Singh
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The most effective way of dealing with SlamDunkman is to simply ignore every comment he makes. His ego will soon get fed up of not receiving the attention he craves.
Blessed be
Karma Singh
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Slander is so boring.
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“If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930s Germany, now you know.” (Banner of a Covid-19 protester)
The saying goes “SEEK the truth and you shall find it” –and NOT that you find the truth by passively ACCEPTING what authorities tell you is the “truth” like herd animals unthinkingly obey their shepherd’s orders. Yet almost nobody ACTIVELY SEEKS the truth, they only PASSIVELY ACCEPT as “truth” what the authorities tell them and so become UNthinking members of “herd stupidity.”
Do YOU actually SEEK the truth or are you a mindless member of “herd stupidity”?
Find out at “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at
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“If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930s Germany, now you know.” (Banner of a Covid-19 protester)
The saying goes “SEEK the truth and you shall find it” –and NOT that you find the truth by passively ACCEPTING what authorities tell you is the “truth” like herd animals unthinkingly obey their shepherd’s orders. Yet almost nobody ACTIVELY SEEKS the truth, they only PASSIVELY ACCEPT as “truth” what the authorities tell them and so become UNthinking members of “herd stupidity.”
Do YOU actually SEEK the truth or are you a mindless member of “herd stupidity”?
Find out at “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at www dot CovidTruthBeKnown dot com