Covid internment camps announced in America

Tennessee governor signs Executive Order authorizing National Guard to carry out covid medical kidnappings.

The vast majority of (oblivious) Americans have dismissed all this as a “conspiracy theory,” and now they’re shocked and frightened by the realization that covid internment camps are being actively deployed across America.

On Friday, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed Executive Order 83, which authorizes National Guard and State Guard troops to break into peoples’ homes, kidnap them at gunpoint, and take them to covid internment camps, all without any due process or respect for civil rights. Individuals can be targeted for this medical kidnapping by armed troops via “telephone assessments,” and the medical kidnapping of American citizens is being labeled “involuntary commitment” to “temporary quarantine and isolation facilities.”

In other words, FEMA-style concentration camps are here, and covid is the excuse for mass arrests and executions of Americans.

These are, of course, death camps being constructed and operated under the cover of the covid plandemic, which we have exhaustively shown is rooted in junk science fraud and media psychological operations.

The Tennessee EO is on top of the CDC’s announcement that covid camps will be set up on a nationwide basis, with people being medically kidnapped and taken to “humanitarian settings” where they will be forced into labor pools, just like a scene ripped right out of Nazi Germany.

The average American, upon learning that concentration camps are now being authorized in the United States, is expressing shock and disbelief that this so-called “conspiracy theory” turns out to be official government policy. As reported by, social media users are responding with comments like:

Wow! The guard will be utilized? Involuntary commitment? And construction of quarantine and isolation facilities? Thought all of that was just a silly conspiracy theory.

The pieces add up to a very scary picture!! People need to wake up…

Covid internment camps follow the pattern of Japanese internment camps across America during World War II.

See more here:

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Comments (36)

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    There is a reason that US citizens own lots of guns… ?


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      very old white guy


      I am thinking people are going to start getting shot and not by a needle.


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      yadda, yadda, yadda

      where are these brave gun owners that are gonna save us????
      masked-up and isolated??


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        Carbon Bigfoot


        Come to my property and find out.


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        Since the Deep State is pulling out all stops on the WWII game book … Aaron, have you ever heard of the Resistance” or was that the history lesson you goofed off at??
        Edmund Burke — ‘Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.’


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    It may be wise for the Tennessee Governor to moderate his intemperate language somewhat.
    Currently there are considerable numbers of vaccinated people showing neurological and vascular ailments or dying, attributed to the fake vaccine. If these and more are the consequence over coming years for most of those that have been inoculated with the gene altering mRNA chemicals, they will be needing to be cared for the those who chose to not be inoculated and that could include the Governor.


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      You really think they weren’t fully aware of the damage the genocide jab was going to cause from the very beginning? This entire Plandemic has been designed for exactly that purpose from day one. Premeditated genocide.
      You probably also think the Governor actually got the real shot, instead of saline.


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      Tom O


      Here’s a reverse logic thought for you. What if the plan of the internment camps is to isolate the non-vaxxed from the vaxxed so there would be a future population? That way, after the worst of the dying is over, there would be people to carry on. Naw. I don’t believe it either.


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      Bevan…do you really think the Deep State even cares what will happen to those vaccinated people or will even try to ease their suffering?? Their attitude is “Let them die and good riddance. Get rid of the unvaccinated people before the mandated vaccinated National Guard is decimated by the vaccine..”


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      Imagine that virus, nor any other exists or functions as claimed.

      So it’s literally just a dose of unnecessary toxins for conflated and made up “problems”.


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        Charles Higley


        Better yet, remdemisvir was prescribed to many people by doctors following the early recommendations of the CDC and Faustus Fauci. It turns out to attack the kidneys which leads to the lung infusion that was blamed on Covid-19. This drug was known to be a failure and toxic, as are all cancer drugs, but the prescribed it anyhow. Chalk up a large chunk of deaths to remdemisvir and the doctors.


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    It is just a matter of time before ‘covid gulags’ became a reality. Healthy unvaccinated people are being demonised for refusing to take the experimental vaccines. So they must be identified, shamed and isolated in special colonies.

    It would be easier if these criminal authorities simply made us wear a yellow Star of David on our clothing.


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    Dershowitz of the Zionist Dershowitz’s, is a despicable, vile shill. He’s going to find we have an inviolable right, to hunt and execute tyrants.


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      Terry Shipman


      I clicked on the link you provided and I agree with you that this thing is blown way out of proportion. Of course we do know what has happened in Canada and Australia so it does good to be aware of this thing. We know that certain governors have become tyrants. If it gets to the point where an out of control government starts arresting unvaccinated people then we know our country is done for. That will be the time to bring out the firepower and resist a tyrannical government to the death. We are not there-yet.


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        Like 99% of the people wear masks and toxify themselves from protection, thanks to good avice from authorities.

        Definitely exaggerated. Except, no


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          Sorry I misspelled both advice and avarice there.


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        You don’t understand. When I say they’re Qlippothic, I really mean that.

        What sort of worthless piece of shit, too ignorant to do 30 minutes of research…suggests a child should be masked and injected with toxins?

        I have a hammer hey.


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          I think Mike Adams recently mentioned it. Not sure.


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      Tom O


      Downloaded the PDF. You are right, the title and tone of this article in no way matches what is written in the EO. It really is a shame that someone would write such a sham piece.


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    This is where the retroactive sunlight tax comes into play.

    Gl bribing Sol.


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    tibor barna




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      Tom O


      No, the article is not fake, but what it says is. The article exists, sadly. It is unfortunate that things like this can see the light of day, BUT at least we gained one thing – not much sense in ever going to look at if this is the quality of their output.


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      ” I am going to fight for everybody’s rights, no matter who they are.” Alan Dershowitz.


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