COVID Face Masks Cause Cancer

A woman was getting on a bus. Suddenly, she stopped. I’ve forgotten my mask,’ she said.You can’t come on without a mask,’ said the driver officiously.

A woman who was leaving the bus removed her mask and offered it to the stranger. Here you are,’ she said,have mine’.

And although I still find it difficult to believe this, the maskless woman accepted the gift and put it on – offering her thanks as she wrapped the dirty, used mask around her face.

It’s madness, of course.

Britons are currently getting through 3 billion face masks a month. If people changed their masks as regularly as they should then the figure would be much higher.

Even when the rules about wearing masks were softened, many people continued to wear them – encouraged by politicians and others insisting that masks should be worn in some public places. The supermarkets and other establishments I’ve visited since so-called Freedom Day have been as full as ever of mask wearers. Very few shops have staff who are brave enough to show their faces. I would estimate that at least a third wear masks outdoors and ninety per cent wear them in shops and so on.

I have previously documented the risks associated with wearing a mask, and my small book entitled Proof that masks do more harm than good is available free on and

You can download the book and you can email it free of charge to those who still believe the official lies.

The book is filled with scientific evidence proving beyond doubt that wearing a mask does far more harm than good. The incidence of disorders such as bacterial pneumonia is soaring because of the wearing of masks, and many of these deaths will doubtless be inaccurately described as being covid related. It is no exaggeration to say that the people pushing masks are responsible for thousands of deaths.

Commentators in the mainstream media invariably stick to the official line – that masks are valuable – and they rarely if ever even mention the clear and present dangers of covering your mouth and nose.

And there is one hazard associated with mask wearing which has been totally ignored by the mainstream media: cancer.

We know, without a shadow of doubt, that mask wearing results in low blood oxygen levels – hypoxia. Experiments have been done proving this to be true. And we also know that cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment.

And so the inescapable conclusion is that people who wear masks – particularly those who wear them for hours at a time – will be more likely to develop cancer. Moreover, individuals who have had cancer are more likely to suffer from metastases – a spread of their disease – if they wear a mask.

This isn’t a theory or a suggestion – it’s an unarguable fact. Just check it out if you don’t believe me. Just type `cancer and oxygen levels’ into a search engine.

And then show the results to anyone you know who insists that wearing a mask is sensible. It is clear that mask wearing isn’t just part of the training programme – it’s also part of the culling process. Drug companies will benefit, of course, as the demand for chemotherapy drugs rises.

UK Government advice is that individuals don’t have to wear a mask if doing so would endanger or damage their health. The precise wording is that you don’t need to wear a face covering if you wish to avoid harm or injury.

So that’s pretty clear.

If you want to reduce your cancer risk then you should think hard before wearing a mask.

Finally, here’s another reason that masks are harmful.

Babies need to see human faces as part of their development. It isn’t good for them to see masked faces all day long. Anyone who wears a mask is being cruel to babies.

Here’s a slogan for you to put on a T-shirt: `Babies need to see smiles – take off your mask’.

Copyright Vernon Coleman August 2021

Vernon Coleman’s book `Proof that masks do more harm than good’ is one of several books available free of charge on and

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Comments (6)

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    You can’t fault the Good Doctor for his efforts and not least for his cutting wit.


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      denis dombas


      That is known fact since 1930’s for cancer from Otto Warburg for which he got Nobel price,
      but these shysters that are peddling this scamdemic want more people to die not to save lives as they claim.Every day 7000 children die from hunger and easy to fix with better food distribution!


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    I can’t find it now but Edinburg Uni had a report on the potential of nano particles in face masks to cause cancer as the particles are shaped like asbestos.


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Thank you, Dr. Coleman, greatly appreciated. Let’s see how the dreaded FB Fact Checkers deal with a link from here. They really don’t seem to appreciate you and your indepth work, quite as much as the rest of us, for some reason? 🙂
    I’ve now analysed 3 of those Cheap and Free NHS Muzzles to date, under my cheap little microscope and I am far from happy with the House of Commons reply from our local Tory MP regarding their sheer disregard for the contaminants I was drawing his attention to. Infact, reading between the lines, I sense Ridicule, as opposed to objective reasoning.
    I’ve uploaded the analyses and the MP letter to my “Roo63” accounts on BNT, Odysee and BitChute, should you be interested? I won’t share URL’s, Doctor. They are easy enough to find on my channels.
    Point being, our Government seem more than happy for people to wear these day in, day out despite concerns raised over these contaminants, a fair few of which, will undoubtedly break off to lodge in the Lungs etc., of the wearer.
    The last NHS mask I analysed, which was Free, from a local Hospital, had well over 50 contaminants at least, some responsive and some fixed, eitherway, I find this unacceptably hazardous to health on those grounds alone.
    The Police don’t even want to know, on the 2 occasions I “almost” had a chance to point out your take on things, Doctor, and my findings. Infact, I recently “briefly” spoke to a Detective Constable, as he was donning his Muzzle to enter to a building for a chat with someone and besides his initial “I don’t give a shit” reply, he added “I”Choose” to wear it”. That’s his choice, so I took it no further.
    WTH? They are Exempt if they interfere with their ability to perform their duties, which they certainly do, as far as I’m concerned.
    Personally, I’d have thought they would have the Brains to take Every opportunity to keep the damned things off their face as much as possible, but obviously I am wrong.
    Staff at a Local NHS Hospital were as bad. None of them give a damn, Doctor.

    Please don’t give up, Doctor. You’re a bloody Inspiration to us all. Thank you 🙂


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      Andrew Pilkington


      You’re video about “that Woman” in Scotland and our Kids, was sent to the email address of every Headmaster I could find, in the Darlington, Lancaster, Carnforth and Morecambe areas, but it was right before the School Holidays and there have been no replies at all, not that I’d expect any.
      At least they had a chance to know.


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