COVID Crimes Set to Bring Down Big Pharma

Alex Jones breaks down the MSM establishment propaganda pushing toxic chemicals on the public while lying to them about their safety and effectiveness.

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Comments (11)

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    oh please
    alex jones?


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      I feel like I’m watching an MSM Bill OReilly show when I watch him.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Wisenox:
        Both of them are MSM right wing operatives that only tell part of the truth while leading people to a dead end. They often blame Iran or the Arabs but never the Zionist elite or the sacred Israelis and their Mossad whom many of the retired top Pentagon brass work for indirectly through their hi tech companies.

        Jones gives the usual misinformation, declaring “it’s real.” Yeah that why they have to have the fake test. Alex of course fails to mention that Coumo is tied to The Jew run Black Rock that will pick up millions of real estate bargains as a result of the fake covid mandates that Coumo is issuing. The Zionists always create favorable conditions to profit off the plunder as they did in the bailout for billionaires program in 08.

        Don’t know why he got off on Glyphosate. I don’t see how using it to kill weeds could be a problem. I have used it extensively for many years. The problem if there is one would be with the practice of desiccation where it is sprayed on grains to speed ripening. Jones attributes the increase in cancer rates in Brazil to Round Up when cancer has dramatically increased everywhere the modern processed diet is consumed. Cultures that consume foods with the vitamin B17 in them have little or no cancer. Read G.Edward Griffin’s “World Without Cancer.”


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          The land grabs you mention are a big problem coming. Its good that you point that out.


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          Butterfly 317


          Well said Mark. Alex is one of them. He throws in some truth with distortions to keep people confused. He is full of himself and one of their puppets. More people are waking up to his lies. They will always feign to lead our revolutions like a trojan horse. Surprised that PSI falls for his sophistry.


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    yes, the same difference
    just another talking head babbling on
    bla bla bla …..


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    You are 3 decades to late as pharma drugs have murdered millions over the last 30 years.


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    Excellent presentation by Alex Jones. Thanks for posting this!


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    Denise Hargan


    It’s so important to voice the truth. Thanks to Alex and Principia for the work you do.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Denise:
      Read my other post here. Alex Jew Jones like all the MSM and most of the alternative only reveal part of the truth. It’s always much more effective to mix a little truth in with the big lie. as Lenin said “the best way to control the opposition is to lead them. Thats why he declares “the virus is real” in his mission of dissimulation and outright lies. He has always been a right wing deception artist for the Zionist syndicate and basically a crook on the take. PSI would do better by leaving him with the rest of the disinformation.


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