COVID Con: Loss of Taste/Smell is Actually a COLD Symptom!

At Principia Scientific International we get hundreds of emails each week about COVID19. Among the questions is: “Does loss of smell/taste mean I’ve got COVID?” Our answer: No. It is a known symptom of an ordinary cold. Don’t believe the media hype.

Since the early months of the pandemic corrupt mainstream media has been fooling the gullible that a loss of smell and taste is a key symptom that you have caught COVID19 and not an ordinary infection. Typical of the fake news peddling is the article below from April 2020.

A “key symptom”? So, the uniformed and gullible have been put on notice to be scared of this right from the get-go.

Referring to a downloadable app geared to fool the scientifically illiterate, the above article typifies hundreds of misinformation pieces that sprang up at the time.  It told those who are weak of mind that

“Data from the COVID Symptom Tracker app suggests anosmia is a common symptom.”

But anyone possessing an ounce of critical reasoning skills spots the trick here: the use of the sciency-sounding term ‘anosmia.’  While anosmia is, indeed, a precise medical term it simply means you’ve lost your sense of smell.

What most people do not understand too, is that your sense of smell is the bigger part of your sensation of taste because together both senses give you the full ‘flavor’ of something. Indeed, “80% of food’s flavor comes from its smell, so that meals become little more than joyless refuelling stops.”

What causes anosmia?

“The most common cause is chronic sinusitis; another is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, especially in older people, notably women over 50; current thinking is that catching colds over the years causes repeated damage to receptor cells. Less commonly, anosmia can be linked to liver disease, diabetes or an underactive thyroid. In a tiny number of cases it can be an early warning sign of diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. ” [1]

But during the fake pandemic umpteen unethical doctors and medical researchers trying to cash in on the COVID bonanza have been spinning endless misinformation and half truths about anosmia.

Take for example, the phone app mentioned above, which was developed by a King’s College London team in association with the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and a healthcare start-up ZOE Global LTD, asks users to log their symptoms (or lack thereof) daily.

Lead researcher of the above, Professor Tim Spector said:

“When combined with other symptoms, people with loss of smell and taste appear to be 3 times more likely to have contracted COVID-19 according to our data, and should therefore self-isolate for seven days to reduce the spread of the disease.”

Do you see how the professor cleverly amplified a common cold symptom to a cause of great concern?

Rather than tell you that anosmia is merely a generic symptom of any common cold or flu these ‘experts’ want you to believe you may have contracted the ‘deadly COVID.‘  This is how snake oil salesmen exploit the less educated in society – prey on ignorance and be economical with the truth.  It is frankly a lie by omission. Wholly, unethical among doctors.

Now go back in time before the pandemic and see how anosmia was more routinely reported. From 2016 here is a an article from

The article tells us:

“There are nearly 100 rhinoviruses that cause more than half of colds, says Dr Marvin Hsiao, medical virologist at the University of Cape Town’s Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences. He remarks that typical signs of a cold include nasal stuffiness, sore throat, sneezing, headache, cough and mild body aches.”

It goes on to emphasis that:

“Still, what sucks with both colds and flu (aside from feeling ghastly) is that you can’t even enjoy the flavour of that yummy chicken soup you thought would make you feel better. Of course, it’s because you’ve lost your sense of taste along with your sense of humour.  But ever wondered why you can’t taste properly with a cold or stuffy nose?

Dr Hsiao explains that ‘white blood cells in your body produce chemicals to kill virus-infected cells. This causes increased mucous secretions as well as nasal swelling and inflammation.’”

Do you get it? Loss of smell/taste is a generic symptom of any infection when your body’s own immune system is doing it’s job properly!

How Did A Disease With No Symptoms Take Over The World?

But let’s be even more clear about this nonsense: no government has a purified and isolated a ‘gold standard’ of the COVID19 virus (SARS-CoV-2). In empirical science terms, it simply does not exist. No pathology lab anywhere in the world has identified ANYONE who has died due to this ‘deadly’ virus. It simply is a chimera, a money-spinning unicorn of the globalist elite bent on getting everyone scared and willing to be poisoned by an experimental gene therapy which has more chance of killing you than any mere cold or flu.


About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (4)

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    Mark Tapley


    Every year in the U.S. there is ap. a 1% or over 3 million deaths. Thats a lot of deaths that can be tagged covid 19 by the medical racket. They get paid lots more for doing so. These victims of the fake covid 19 have included many with unusual symptoms such as gun shot wounds to the head and motor cycle fatalities. covid 19 truly works in mysterious ways.

    People have been so brainwashed by the allopathic germ theory pumped out by the Rockefeller CDC, Gates WHO, NIH, big Pharma and the MSM that most of them believe whatever fear porn they are told.


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    Every covid symptom could be associated with dozens of other diseases and inflictions. That is why it was so easy to create a fake covid virus…it really could be almost anything.


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    “Graphene Oxide in Jabs, Masks and Swabs”

    “The symptoms of “COVID-19” are, in fact the symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and that the graphene oxide nanoparticles discovered in the Pfizer vials by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid at the University of Almería are also found in surgical masks, thus confirming of the suspicions of a British doctor, featured here last April. Surgical masks produced by Shandong Shenquan New Materials were taken off the market in Spain by the national health authority, Sanidad last April, due to the discovery of graphene oxide. […] In addition, the 5th Column confirms other videos posted here last March, that graphene oxide is found in the testing swabs used in both the PCR and the antigen tests, as well as in all the flu shots after 2019. In other words, everybody using Chinese surgical masks and taking COVID tests has been getting hit with graphene oxide – not just the vaccinated people! […] This video also mentions that that NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), an antioxidant food supplement that is a precursor to glutathione, counters the toxic effects of graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is particularly tuned to absorb electronic frequencies in the same bandwidth of the 5G network, which excites and oxidizes this material very rapidly.  This has the effect of attacking our bodies’ natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Interestingly enough, Amazon just de-platformed – stopped selling – NAC! I saw Clif High tweet about that a week or two ago. […] TRANSLATED TRANSCRIPT: The Fifth Column is providing information that is vital to your health, physical integrity and of your environment. The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the testing swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles. All of the major COVID vaccines, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc. also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. These findings are the result of analyses by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used at various public universities in Spain. The anti-flu vaccine contains graphene oxide nanoparticles, as do the new anti-flu vaccines, as well as the new intranasal anti-COVID vaccines that they are soon to be released. All contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. […] Graphene oxide is a poison that causes blood clots. Graphene oxide coagulates the blood. Graphene oxide alters the immune system by disrupting the oxidative balance in the body’s glutathione reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route, it provokes immune system collapse. And subsequent cytokine storm. Graphene oxide accumulates in the lungs and causes bilateral pneumonia by means of its uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste in the mouth. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you. Inhalation of graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and as a result, the loss of the sense of taste and partial or complete loss of the sense of smell. Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the body. This explains the magnetic phenomenon that millions of people around the world have already experienced, after various routes of administration of graphene oxide, of which the vaccine is but one. In short, graphene oxide is the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the “novel coronavirus” that supposedly caused the disease known as COVID-19. (cont’d) […] The 5th Column estimates that tens of thousands of people will die every day, in Spain alone when the government implements the switch to 5G technology.”(cont’d) […]


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    Leonard Winokur


    That a blocked nose from a cold can dull one’s sense of taste and smell has been common knowledge for decades. I’ve known this ever since I was a child in the ’60s.


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