COVID-19 & The Eco-Dystopia That Greens Keep Pushing
Greens just can’t help themselves. As the rest of us do what we can to tackle or withstand the COVID-19 crisis, they treat it as a sign, a warning from nature, a telling-off to hubristic, destructive mankind.
The speed with which they have folded this pandemic into their misanthropic narrative about humanity being a pox on the planet has been shocking, but not surprising.
Right from the top of the UN, they have been promoting their backward belief that this virus is a reprimand from nature.
Inger Andersen, executive director of the UN Environment Programme, says ‘nature is sending us a message’ with this pandemic and other recent disasters, including bushfires in Australia and locust invasions in Kenya.
Of course, nature is doing no such thing because nature is not a sentient being, however much the new religion of environmentalism might fantasize that it is.
The Guardian reports that Andersen thinks humanity’s ‘destruction of the natural world for farming, housing, and mining’ is making pandemics more likely.
In short, human growth, modern society itself, is now getting its comeuppance. We think we can farm and mine and, erm, build houses as we see fit, but here comes nature with her punishment: a terrible disease.
This is positively Biblical. Gaia is God in this scenario, coming to punish us for our sins.
A group of scientists agrees with Andersen. They describe COVID-19 as a ‘clear warning shot’ from nature, telling human civilization that it is ‘playing with fire’.
This is the political exploitation of a horrible disease to the end of winding back human industry: what a low trick.
Britain’s chief bourgeois misanthrope, George Monbiot, was hot on the heels of the UN’s eco-medievalists. He says COVID-19 has shattered humanity’s self-serving myth that it has achieved ‘insulation from natural hazards’.
There is a grotesque glee in the way Monbiot describes what COVID-19 has unleashed – ‘the membrane has ruptured’, he says, and ‘we find ourselves naked and outraged, as the biology, we appeared to have banished storms through our lives’.
Monbiot also views this pandemic as a lesson from nature. The headline to his piece says:
‘COVID-19 is nature’s wake-up call to our complacent civilization.’
And what is the content of nature’s violent lesson to disgusting mankind? It is to remind us that, for all our arrogance, we are actually ‘governed by biology and physics.’
There is something profoundly ugly in this. Monbiot and other greens seem to view COVID-19 as a disaster that will have an upside: it might roll back the Enlightenment-era belief that humankind can exercise dominion over nature and remind us that actually we are at nature’s mercy.
They hope this disaster will restore nature’s power over the humanized world.
This is also why so many greens online have been sharing images of dolphins swimming near Venice or the absence of airplane trails over California.
Because to them, these are signs of a benefit from COVID-19: the humbling of humankind, the reining in of our industrial and technological activity, and the reassertion of nature’s awesome power.
If you see a disease as a political statement, as an opportunity to pursue your pre-existing misanthropic agendas, there is something very wrong with you.
Even though all of this is morally perverse, it is not surprising. For a long time, greens have viewed human beings as a pox, a virus in our own right, doing untold damage to the planet.
Green god David Attenborough has said humans are ‘a plague on the planet’. Even when greens don’t use such explicitly hateful language, they constantly promote a view of human production and development as toxic and destructive.
And they latch on to everything from bushfires to floods, from plagues of locusts to melting ice-caps, as signs from nature, lessons from a furious Gaia.
When religious crackpots blame floods on gay marriage, claiming God is punishing us for losing the moral plot, we rightly mock them. Yet greens offer merely a secular version of such backward, apocalyptic claptrap.
The truth is that if the COVID-19 crisis has shown us anything, it is how awful it would be to live in the kind of world greens dream about.
Right now, courtesy of a horrible new virus, our societies look not dissimilar to the kind of societies Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, green parties, and others have long been agitating for.
Fewer flights, industry halted, huge infrastructure projects put on hold. Less driving, less traveling, less human interaction.
Over the past few weeks, as a result of our response to COVID-19, the ‘human footprint’ will undoubtedly have shrunk. And what an awful world it has become: smaller, quieter, more atomized.
We are all happy to make some sacrifices during this crisis. We are staying home, observing social distancing, and of course, most of us are not working or traveling.
But we cannot wait to go back to a world in which factories crank back to life, airplanes scrawl their lines in the sky, and people can go anywhere and work, socialize, buy and eat to their heart’s content.
Greens really should be careful when they talk about COVID-19, because it won’t be long before more and more people realize that this unpleasant emergency we are living through is just like the warped dystopia greens want to build.
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Charles Higley
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It is becoming clear that the CDC-released Covid-19 test and those cobbled up by hospitals have no veracity for detecting this particular virus. Most likely these tests simply detect certain minimal levels of coronaviruses (covi’s) in a person. There are very many human covi’s that we have all year round and during the flu season.
It is quite interesting that the supposedly exponential rise in positive Covid-19 tests is best reflected by the exponential rise in testing. When the rate of positives versus testing is considered, the percentage is surprisingly constant and shows no exponential rise over time. This suggests quite strongly that these tests simply detect a minimal level of covi, which is to be expected from these poor quality tests. This also explains why there are so many positives in asymptomatic people, because the test is detecting their harmless covi levels.
Basically, it is entirely unknown if Covid-19 is a pathogen as the tests are basically crap and having it when you are ill only means you are ill and happen to have COvid-19, but you might also have another virus and/or a bacteria. The flu season is a salad of flu and covi and a person can easily have more than one at a time.
The supposed infectiveness to Covid-19 suggests low virulence as these features tend to be reciprocal. However, as there just was well not be a real Covid-19 out there, this observation is ephemeral.
So, lumping Covid-19 into the flu season, we so nothing unusual going on except an exceptional level of panic. They labeled it a pandemic, but it is more of a scamdemic. What has basically happened is that a supposedly specific test for Covid-19, that really only detects covi, has been weaponized to scare governments and peoples of the world into allowing huge changes in their enforced laws that they would not ordinarily allow. This is a very scary development as some governments now find it useful (claiming emergency) to extend their powers farther and longer.
We are on the downside of the flu season and nature will rule. The prediction and threat of a resurgence of deaths, that we all have to brace for, is mostly likely a ruse and, then, they will claim their Draconian efforts stopped the spike in deaths when it does not happen. The funny thing is the only correlation of the many restrictions and laws being imposed with decreased infections and deaths is the use of masks (as in Japan). All other combinations of restrictions have not caused differences among the other Western countries, who have very similar death curves.
The bottom line is that this flu season has been a mild one. Elderly with chronic conditions and people that are immunocompromised are at risk, as they are every flu season. The media has been hyping claims about one virus, based on a truly hokey test, and panicked the world into destroying economies and trashing freedoms.
As many people in my area (WV) were sick in January and February, before testing began, and we had all the described symptoms of whatever virus was making us sick (blaming it on a possibly innocent Covid-19), it is very likely that the virulent pathogen has already been through here and already covered the country by now. It is curious that our local and only hospital is dead quiet and empty. Pretending that this virulent virus has not reached in some US areas is only reflected in their penchant for suddenly increased testing in an area, which creates many more positive tests that they call cases. This is just bad science. It’s not a case unless you are sick, wow.
I will not even go into the stupid practice of claiming anyone who dies while having, supposedly, Covid-19 is a Covid death. This is fraud, unless an autopsy determines no underlying critical conditions. “Dying with Covid-19” is very different from “dying from COvid-19,” as the Italians have wisely pointed out.
John Doran
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So the raving Moonbat rages on, preaching his anti-progress, anti-human sermon to a fittingly ever-decreasing audience.
A rather good antidote to this frankly depressive loon is science writer Matt Ridley’s book The Rational Optimist, How Prosperity Evolves:
“Life is getting better – & at an accelerating rate. Food availability, income, & life span are up; disease, child mortality & violence are down – all across the globe.
A cheering read.
An examination of how life proceeds where the Malthusian & Darwininian people haters like the Moonbat prevail is nuclear PhD engineer Robert Zubrin’s Merchants of Despair. Our Grim Reality.