COVID-19 Masks Causing Rise in Bacterial Pneumonia

A group is suing Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum and Tulsa Health Department Executive Director Bruce Dart, saying the city’s mask mandate is harmful to healthy people, reports Activist Post.

The group includes business owners and two doctors who “are asking the city to immediately repeal the mask mandate which was passed by city council last month.”

At a press conference, optometrist Robert Zoellner said:

“…the fear factor has got to step back. This idea that I don’t want to give you something that I don’t even know that I have is almost at the point of ridiculous. Let’s use some common sense.”

Dr. James Meehan, MD followed by warning that mask wearing has..

“well-known risks that have been well-studied and they’re not being discussed in the risk analysis. I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise.

“Why might that be? Because untrained members of the public are wearing medical masks, repeatedly… in a non-sterile fashion… They’re becoming contaminated. They’re pulling them off of their car seat, off the rearview mirror, out of their pocket, from their countertop, and they’re reapplying a mask that should be worn fresh and sterile every single time.”

Dr. Meehan adds:

“New research is showing that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the SARS-COV-2 virus into the environment causing an increased transmission of the disease…”

In conclusion, Dr. Meehan states:

“In February and March we were told not to wear masks. What changed? The science didn’t change. The politics did. This is about compliance. It’s not about science… Our opposition is using low-level retrospective observational studies that should not be the basis for making a medical decision of this nature.”


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Comments (4)

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    Tom O


    The fact that masks are probably contributing to more sickness makes total sense. Most people cannot afford to put on “fresh, sterile” masks each time they go to a store. How do you do that when you are unemployed because your job was deemed nonessential, just like you must be, by association?

    But this statement stunned me –

    Dr. Meehan adds:

    “New research is showing that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the SARS-COV-2 virus into the environment causing an increased transmission of the disease…”

    I would love to see a link to that research.

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      Breathing in while wearing masks creates an acidic environment in the body.
      Acidic environment produces disease. None of this makes sense. Mask mandates are MAKING people sick that otherwise would not be. Tired of the LIES. #ENOUGH!

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    E. Nichols


    Great points, what about the people we supposedly infected because of some other stealth infection, prior to .CV-19. From the research available there is obviously a concerted effort to deceive the public. It stands to reason excessive mask wearing is causing problems due to hypoxia, hypercapnia, etc., which actually diminishes the immunological response to pathogens such CV-19, rhinoviruses, etc. It seems the efforts by the nations so far have been to cause more problems that will later require similar interventions.

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