Covid-19 – Big Pharma’s Moonshot
Image: Evening Standard
Another twist of the microscope lenses reveals that only part, albeit a big part, of the medical industrial complex benefitted from Covid. Two principal beneficiaries being: a) infectious disease agencies; and, b) pharmaceutical corporations.
The resumes of the likes of Dr. Fauci, or Canadian Chief Health Officer Dr. Tam, expose Covid to be not their first rodeo. As with thousands of infectious disease careerists they’ve seen AIDS, H1N1, SARS, Ebola and Avian Flu etc come and go.
A panorama of agencies comprise the international infectious disease consortium. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases is flanked by the US Army’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and by the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.
Every modern country hosts similar bureaucracies which convene across borders both directly and through a parallel array of academic institutions like Harvard’s Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
A myriad of well-tailored lab-jackets swarm these facilities where, admittedly, they perform essential services.
Just as every city needs trained teams of food poisoning detectives ready to track down and squelch the sale of tainted grub; so too must there be specialised bio-medical surveillance and analysis teams dedicated to detecting and isolating harmful contagions. The importance of their work is amplified by the threat of bio-weapons. Evidenced by scores of bio-horror flicks (Omega Man, Resident Evil), germ warfare has long been a deep state preoccupation.
Infectious disease agencies were top-shelf Cold Warriors. As the threat of hostile foreign powers declined, terrorist threats arose. As well, there exists an ever-present danger of virulent,
natural germs adapting to the human ecosystem. When our Dr. Faucis and Dr. Tams convene much time is devoted to modeling the Big One, i.e. a sudden, catastrophic pandemic. Apocalyptic scenarios invariably summon gargantuan government responses involving, among other things, battlefield promotions of infectious disease camarillas into the captains’ chairs of state power.
Bio-attack protocols aren’t rocket science. The disease must be identified and the pathogen isolated.
Quarantines, sweeping surveillance and round-the-clock propaganda must be imposed. Big Pharma must invent a cure and/or a vaccine. This remedy must be mass produced and distributed. The trillion dollar question: Can Big Pharma fill its boots? Covid answered this question with a resounding “A-OK.” Covid was Big Pharma’s Moonshot.
In late December, when Israel launched its vaccination program, Israel’s average daily new Covid case count exceeded 8,000. On May 7, 2021 their 7-day daily new case average was 41. (Israel had double-vaxxed 69% of its population; 74% had received at least one shot.)
Britain ushered in the New Year with daily new case counts averaging 55,000. By May 7 this figure had fallen to 2,100. (Over 26% of Brits had been double-jabbed; 56% had at least one dose.)
On January 10, 2021 California registered a 7-day daily new case average of 44,219. On May 7 the 7-day daily new case average hit 2,138. (31% of Californians had received both doses; 46% had received at least one.)
Of course, there’s jiggery-pokery with the number of tests conducted and with the definition of “case.” Nevertheless, drops in new cases of 94% to 99.5% prove vaccine effectiveness. Regarding adverse effects, Covid dissidents are hoist on their own petard. Hitherto, dissidents correctly accused governments of exaggerating Covid fatalities via the “post hoc ergo prompter hoc” fallacy i.e. just because someone died after testing positive for Sars-CoV-2 didn’t prove they died from Covid.
Infectious disease mandarins deployed this fallacy upon realising Sars-CoV-2 wasn’t the “Big One” of their dreams. Inflated Covid fatalities justified implementing bio-attack protocols.
Now, dissidents deploy this fallacy to hype post-vaccination deaths. Anti-vaxxers shout about thousands of post-injection fatalities; but hundreds of millions have been vaccinated and a random cohort this size should exhibit thousands of deaths per week. Vaccines aren’t killing these people. Both following statements are true and non-contradictory.
- Sars-Cov-2 was not the grave health crisis it was made out to be; and government over-response wrought vast, unnecessary harm.
- Covid vaccines are safe and effective and will soon irradiate the disease.
Unfortunately, few among either the infectious disease establishment or the Covid Dissident camp dare utter both statements.
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Over 26% of Brits had been double-jabbed
New Zealand considers you fully vaccinated after a single shot of Pfizer. That’s a bit suspicious, considering its based on the same gene editing principles.
Nonetheless, it has been shown that ““in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history.”
There it is in writing. Anyone pushing masks, jabs, or distancing is actively participating in this crime against humanity. This includes those who are complicit, even if through an abundance of caution. It is compliance that the crime is built on, compliance that allows it’s next step, and compliance that keeps it going.
William Walter Kay
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Thanks for the comment Wisenox. The increase VAERS death reports only reflects an increase in scrutiny and reporting. This sort of thing happens with crime statistics all the time. People can be lead to believe there is an increase in a certain type of crime (like a hate crime) when in reality there is merely an increase in the reporting of such crimes to police departments.
There is heightened scrutiny regarding Covid vaccines due to the vaccines experimental nature and to the surrounding publicity. This is causing dramatic increases in post-vaccination reporting.
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I have considered that, but think that the level of data suppression surrounding covid far exceeds the rise in scrutiny.
William Walter Kay
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There certainly was statistical manipulation regarding Covid fatalities. As for the vaccine side-effects we may have to agree to disagree, for now. 650 million have been given at least one dose so if there was a major problem it would have outed by now. Where I think we can agree is on the medium and long-term dangers of this mass vaccination. As you know, there was no long-term testing done do to the manufactured phony crisis environment.
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I’m not sure we can even trust the numbers. I read an article that said 200+ million received the jab in America. I don’t believe that many have taken it. I think they play with the numbers to sway the public into thinking the herd is moving in one direction. Hard to trust the numbers. Also, there is a measure of downgrading adverse reactions as well. For example, diminishing a reaction by listing it merely as non-severe when it really was severe.
In the end, none of the deaths or adverse reactions are necessary. Covid doesn’t exist, and none of the pandemic concerns have a legitimate base in reality. In fact, the vast majority of the digital definition of the virus was actually created by computer modeling. They found a handful of genes and used the modeling to fill in the rest. Nothing is trustworthy in the science they use.
Mark Tapley
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Fauci and friends had beat the dead horse of “cancer research” for 30 years and billions of dollars with zero results so they had to come up with a new scam. since the Zionist germ theory vaccination hoax had been going on since in the U.S. ever since started by the Rockefeller’s (Levinson) with Abraham and Simon Flexner in the early 2oth century it was only natural to build on all the previous lies to continue leading the goyim down the road to todays Zionist goal of sickness, sterility, disability and poverty for all the barnyard animals on the global plantation.
This new scourge of civilization took the form of the invisible and imaginary AIDS “pandemic.” This proved to be the medical salvation for all of those selfless scientists at the NIH, CDC and other big Pharma money pits. No matter how many new symptoms are thrown in the bucket and how many horror stories the Jew MSM churn out all good things must come to an end. But Oh Vey! There is always a new and deadly virus ready to fall from the sky and smite the lowly (and stupid) goyim. There was H1N1, Bird flu, Swine flu, Zika, Anthrax and now the magical Covid 19 with it’s own fake test. Of course all of them require their own blood toxin injection and having injured and killed millions are working very well.
It is indeed unfortunate that some of the doctors have lost out on performing some of the lucrative and worthless procedures they usually pedal such as stents, most heart surgeries, the epidemic of diabetes and the cut burn and poison cancer treatments.” But there never was much money in prevention. If they had stood up for the truth about the fake covid from the beginning, the entire medical fraud would been over with before it could get going. Now they are suffering the consequence of their cowardice.
William Walter Kay
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Interesting comments Mark, however, your valid points are discredited by the Jewish conspiracy spiel.
Much of the data analysts, such as yourself, try to squeeze into shoe-box conspiracies is better framed in terms of “industrial complexes” and “social movements.” Divining the truths of current affairs requires taking time to seriously explore and clearly define “complexes” and “movements.” Such are the dinosaurs crashing through the modern undergrowth.
Jews are but one of scores of ethno-religious collectivities in a crowded room. Their influence, cohesiveness and mendacity are often exaggerated thousand-fold.
Mark Tapley
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Hello William:
I never said that the Jews were responsible form everything and sometimes use the term as a generalization but really referring to the Zionist elite as a whole. Officially launched as the first Zionist convention in 1897 with primary focus initially in obtaining the bridgehead of Palestine as the worlds most strategic staging ground, this conspiracy involved many Anglo Zionists from the time of the Boer Wars up until today. To get a better picture of the massive planning over time I recommend Jerry docerty’s highly foot noted “Hidden History The Secret Origins of the first World War.” Also see video below Christopher Bollyn “Solving 911” , Rosa Kori on “Agenda 21” and for the origin of the current fake virus see the reporter that first exposed it in 2014 Harry Vox video below.
William Walter Kay
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Sure, I’ll take a peak at those vids Mark but I’m more of a book guy. As they say, one can find all about the best kept secrets of state on the shelves of the public library.
I’ve got 2 books of my own out – The Green Swastika & From Malthus to Mifepristone: A primer on the population control movement. There are brief promotional YouTube videos for each. (Currently working on book 3, but ‘nuf said.)
To evidence what a blockhead I am – I blame the Austrian aristocracy for World War One.
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I have no doubt that AIDS, H1N1, SARS, Ebola and Avian Flu and even Swine flu from the mid 1970’s and others were previous failed attempts to do what SARS CoV-2 has achieved. There were finally enough stooges, psychos, socialists, progressives and elite scumbags in power to pull of the giant fear-of-death from-a-virus crusade , the same fear of death that sells big pharma drugs like they were free Krugerrands.
Topping off the masterful fake pandemic is the fact that many more people are dumbed down so as to have never learned the art of questioning anything or critical thinking or thinking for themselves beyond what the TV news and the social media cranks tell them to believe. They are basically controlled by their smart phone virtual worlds which are now becoming very real, very fast.
All the forces of hatred for humanity and the love of evil came together in a swirling whirlpool that we can only hope will be eventually be flushed down the toilet. The corruption from all corners from pharma to government to tech to the insane elite is extremely massive.
If the pharma moonshot is successful, billions will perish and therefore pharma’s base of medical patients will diminish greatly. In a rather perverse sense, maybe pharma will kill itself off and that would be the best thing that ever happened in the history of mankind. Your goal is now to be a survivor somehow.
William Walter Kay
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To be clear, Tom, I’m not saying AIDS, SARS etc were “fake” pandemics; rather, they were real pandemics, but simply not as nearly as severe as advertised. AIDS, in particular, was exploited into a humongous (and ongoing) cash cow – an industry unto itself.
The terms “hatred of humanity and love of evil” are too poetic, too dramatic for my tastes. I see a sophisticated international industrial complex commandeering government funds and state imprimatur.
“If the pharma moonshot is successful…” – it has already been a resounding success. They were given a novel virus and one year later they came back with billions of doses of vaccines for that virus. Big Pharma captured tens of billions of dollars in research money and capital equipment. They will now harvest tens of billions more in clear profit. The danger is that – as with the military industrial complex – they’ll be back for more.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Tom:
Big Pharma is just an arm of the much bigger Zionist syndicate. You really need to go back to the founders of the Fabien Socialist Society that later merged with The Royal Ins. of International Affairs and its Amer. satellite CFR established in 1923 and Trilateral Commission in 1973 to grasp the overall network and planning. In the post industrial society these elite Eugenicists now want to cull the herd in order to facilitate better control. They already have the wealth and most of government power is already consolidated in their hands. They only need a few serfs to keep things running in their Neo feudal global system. See the video’s I posted in previous comment.