Courageous Aussie Nurse Speaks Out on COVID Tyranny
On The AJ Roberts Show Queensland Registered Nurse Carolyn Gaschk blows the whistle on medical apartheid, high levels of coercion, gagging orders and injuries from shots across hospitals and medical facilities in southern QLD.
This has lead her to taking a stand and speaking out and she’s here today, exclusively on The AJ Roberts Show to share the horrors that are now rife in QLD and across Australia.
AHPRA’s gagging order means doctors and nurses are banned from saying anything negative about the vaccines.
There have been many serious adverse events that the TGA is not reporting.
Doctors are not reporting adverse events to the TGA because they are fearful of losing their careers.
While the media is reporting 4000 nurses have walked out because they don’t want to have the jab, apparently it’s more like 7000-8000. Many who don’t want it have been told by their lawyers to take all their available leave, so these probably aren’t being counted.
Nurses are being bullied into having the jabs – not being given exemptions for any reason, even if they have had an adverse reaction to their first shot.
Doctors aren’t giving medical exemptions because of fear of being reprimanded. The interviewer said in the UK there have been many reports of serious reactions in children 12 and over.
Watch the full video below:
I have said many times over the last couple of months that the world MUST pay attention to what is happening in Australia right now. It is very reminiscent of Nazi Germany, something I, and many others would never have thought we’d see or say in our lifetime.
Please understand that what we are witnessing here can end up on our shores at any moment.
NOW is the time to stop burying heads in the sand and open your eyes to the seriousness of what we as humanity are facing head on.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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“It is very reminiscent of Nazi Germany, something I, and many others would never have thought we’d see or say in our lifetime.”
And yet we know why people in Nazi Germany followed orders blindly! Supposedly knowing that they were wrong and they were causing harm. And people still follow the orders, to this day in fact?
I can’t blame the tyrants, that’s too easy- evil does what evil does, it’s at-least obvious and in the open. I blame the plebs that are more concerned about affecting their quality of life so they agree to potentially kill another human being because their boss told them too- or else.. or else what? Or some jackboot LEO on a power trip might harass them.
So yeah… lets avoid all that hassle and just inject children with experiments and ignore possible treatments that large corporations can’t profit from instead. It’s disgusting that these “people” call themselves human. They will be weighed and judged soon for their part in obediently harming untold millions, because they were “told to”.
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A Website Exposing How Much Big Pharma Pays Doctors
(Collective Evolution) In 2014, Harvard University stated that prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death. North American culture practically worships the pharmaceutical industry and often fails to recognize many of the issues within it. Many Americans are completely unaware that new prescription drugs have a 1 in 5 chance of causing serious reactions, even after being approved.
Related Wait What? WHO Data Suggests It’s ‘Very Rare’ for COVID-19 to Spread Through Asymptomatic People
Source – Collective Evolution
by Staff Writer, May 16th, 2020
In fact, approximately 1.9 million people are hospitalized annually due to properly prescribed medication (not including any overdoses, self-prescriptions, or mis-prescribing). 128,000 people die every year in the U.S. from drugs prescribed to them, so why is this still happening? The reality is, drug companies make a lot of money from selling prescriptions, and they even pay doctors to do it for them.
If you’ve ever questioned this industry and your doctor’s motives, here is some good news: You can now find out how much your doctor is paid annually to prescribe any drug. In addition, you can also search any company name and find out how much they pay doctors in total every year.
The Database That’s Exposing Big Pharma’s Money Trail
The governmental website Open Payments Data
The two former options allow you to see how much doctors and hospitals are paid annually by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe drugs. If you search a specific company, on the other hand, you can see a detailed summary of their spendings. There’s specific information outlining which doctors are paid the highest amounts, how many doctors they pay nationwide, the nature of these payments, and then specific details of every single payment they made to doctors that year.
For example, when you type Big Pharma giant Gilead Science Inc. into the tool bar, you can see that the company spent $36,830,535.40 in Total General Payments and $45,394,349.76 in Total Research Payments in the year 2015 alone. 48.4% of payments were classified as “Compensation for services other than consulting, including serving as faculty or as a speaker at a venue other than a continuing education program.” The top paid physician made more than $600,000 in 2015 from simply prescribing drugs manufactured by Gilead Science Inc.
It doesn’t take much common sense to understand what this could mean, particularly since it’s hardly a secret that pharmaceutical companies essentially buy out the medical industry. Numerous pharmaceutical companies have paid doctors and researchers to understate the dangers of both drugs and their negative side effects, and to falsify research as well.
Arnold Relman, Harvard Professor and former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, put it perfectly when he said, “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. . . . The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
Doug Harrison
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What Dr Arnold Relman said in the above post is true as far as it goes but ignores the FACT that John D Rockefeller set this in train in the early 20th century. I don’t think he foresaw the current situation but the world economic (eugenicist) forum has jumped on the bandwagon to get momentum for its new world order. The only hope for mankind is if these strands of anti human evils fall out and cancel each other out. which is quite possible as these people are driven by hubris and arrogance.
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The jabs are more dangerous than covid 19 itself.
denis dombas
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would take “virus” any time over these frankenstein substances ,period!