Corruption of Modern Physics 3: Quantum Mechanics

Sabine Hossenfelder with her blog BackReAction is in trouble from expressing her opinion as physicist about particle physics as the central subject for contemporary physicists:

  • They don’t like to hear that their field urgently needs to change direction, so they attack me as the bearer of bad news. 
  • Everyone can see that nothing useful is coming out of particle physics, it’s just a sink of money. Lots of money. 
  • And soon enough governments are going to realize that particle physics is a good place to save money that they need for more urgent things. 

This is a tough message. No wonder that Sabine is in trouble and that particle physicists are angry. But does Sabine have something important to say? Let’s see.

In recent posts I have been seeking the origin of the present crisis of physics witnessed by (not only) Sabine, in the work of Einstein on particle nature of light (origin of particle physics) and special/general relativity as a cornerstone of modern physics (filled with never resolved mysteries/contradictions).

Let us now turn to quantum mechanics as the other cornerstone, with the crisis in full bloom from incompatibility with general relativity, which Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life to resolve in a fruitless search for a general field theory including both gravitation and electromagnetics/quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is based on the (linear) Schrödinger equation for a (scalar complex-valued) wave function Ψ(x1,x2,...,xN,t) for an N-electron system/atom depending on N three-dimensional space coordinates x1 to xN and a time coordinate t, thus depending on 3N space coordinates and one time coordinate.

Since physical reality has at most three space dimensions, the wave function can be given a direct physical meaning only for a system with one electron, that is for the Hydrogen atom.

To Schrödinger as the creator of the Schrödinger equation this created deep frustration, since he required the wave function to be Anschaulich or possible to visualise (in three space dimensions).

Moreover, as pointed out by Nobel Laureate Walter Kohn, already for a system with 10 electrons the wave function is impossible to compute because its high dimensionality. This makes it possible to claim that the wave function can never be wrong.

In short, (standard) quantum mechanics as based on the (standard linear scalar) Schrödinger equation presents severe difficulties, which have never been overcome despite intense struggle by the sharpest minds over 100 years. The way out became to give up physicality/reality and give the wave function a statistical meaning as suggested by Born.

In short, the (standard) wave function has no direct physical meaning and in addition is uncomputable, which physicists rationalise by saying (following Bohr) that since the wave function contains everything that can be said and correctly predicts the outcome of any experiment, it is not necessary to understand its real meaning.

A physicist can handle this by confessing that quantum mechanics he/she does not understand quantum mechanics (and nobody else either).

To sum up, modern physics is based on two theories (relativity and quantum mechanics) both loaded with unresolvable difficulties/mysteries, which together are incompatible/contradictory. No wonder a crisis has developed with ever more fanciful ingredients of multi-versa, string theory and dark matter/energy.

An understandable alternative to the standard linear multi-dimensional scalar Schrödinger equation is given in Real Quantum Mechanics in the form of a non-linear system of three-dimensional scalar real wave functions. Take a look and see that you can understand!

See more here claesjohnson

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Comments (6)

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    Herb Rose


    Particle physics is the tea leave reading of physics. Look at garbage and you can find whatever you imagine but nothing that you don’t already believe in.

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      Ken Hughes


      Oh Herb’, please stop contaminating reasoned debate.

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        Charles Higley


        No, he is right. No experiments have ever confirmed string theory, there are nine models for black holes because none of them match up with the observable universe, and there is no basis for dark matter and dark physics, particularly when they ignore cold matter and the gravity it creates in galaxies. To assume that matter that is not glowing can be ignored is what allows dark matter to be fostered on the world.

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          Difference between Cold and Dark Matter? Explanation, please.

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    Ken Hughes


    There IS an idea that can explain the wave function in real, physical terms, and in four dimensions. This idea also explains many of the problems we still have in physics, in mechanistic and intuitive terms – the wave nature of light, the anti-matter imbalance, CPT Symmetry, Entanglement, Something from nothing, time dilation (inertial and gravitational), the preferred reference frame (field), the vacuum catastrophe, Dark Energy, space and time “curvature”, the graviton does not exist, the nature of inertia, Newton’s bucket/Mach’s principle, Super symmetry, and yes, even the double slit experimental results.

    It boils down to this;- The universe, or space time is an oscillating field of energy, the wave “function” in QM, the source of all energetic processes. This is Einstein’s “Unified Field”, but I got to it using deductive reasoning and a good knowledge of basis physics, some math’ (up to GR), keeping my Mechanical Engineer’s imagination’s feet on the ground.

    The field loses energy in the presence of mass because it has to provide the energy within the mass, and so the field red shifts locally. Things happen a little slower there,

    When moving through this field, you get to the next peak of the wave at a different duration than you would have if you had stayed motionless. The field therefore blue shifts. But don’t be confused, this blue shifted field is the “stationary” field and you the traveler see it as blue shifted, meaning your experience of the field has red shifted. This seems at variance with SR which tries to claim both frame’s red shift when observed from the other. This is wrong. I quote Dr Lawrence Krauss – “A photon sees the entire life of the universe until the end of time in an instant”. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything more blue shifted than that.
    So, when you move, the field red shifts for you and things happen a little slower for you. They really do. Time is not purely relative, it is a real physical process.

    Now try to imagine this field pulsating with energy. In any and every position, the energy in the vacuum varies sinusoidally. This is the wave, and things happen faster, then slower, then faster, then,….well, you get the picture.
    ‘Don’t like the idea? Well, then, you try and explain why photons are emitted in waves. It is because the energy for these events varies sinusoidally, and so the pace of events, (emissions of photons), is wavelike. Anyone got a better idea? ‘Any idea at all?………………..I thought as much.

    I could go on, but I would have to re write my book, “The Binary Universe”, A Theory of Time.

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    The “flaw” is the assumption of “fixed” references in your formulas..
    There is nothing in the observable reality that’s fixed..
    To be sure, some things have a very “long” or “short” period, to which we observe them..
    I love the concept of “Light” being the reference for speed/distance..
    Work your formulas, with no fixed references (if you can) and see how easy it is for
    no two of them to be the same..
    Kind of like the observable world we live in…
    . . .
    (as requested, this is an opinion and or SARCASM)
    “Let’s Go, Brandon” – “Pedo-Pete” (F.J.B.)

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