Coronavirus: A Perspective from Britain: Part 2
On the 18th March, the Daily Wire website published an article saying the world is ‘severely over-reacting’. I would have to agree.
The article can be seen here [1]
On the 20th, Spiked Online carried an article noting Mayor of London Sadiq Khan saying “Our liberties and human rights need to be changed, curtailed, infringed – use whatever word you want.”
The article can be seen here – [2]
On the 23rd, Boris Johnson announced in a press conference that
“From this evening people must stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, daily exercise, any medical need and travelling to and from essential work.
Shops selling non-essential goods will also be shut and gatherings in public of more than two people who do not live together prohibited. (Emphasis added)
If people do not follow the rules police will have the powers to enforce them, including through fines and dispersing gatherings…’ adding that only food stores, hardware shops, chemists, petrol stations and newsagents will be allowed to remain open, and people will be allowed out once a day to exercise and were warned to go shopping for food as infrequently as possible. (Emphasis added)
Allowed. Ever heard the term Police State?
The measures in the ‘lockdown’ are apparently allowed under the Public Health Control of Diseases Act 1984, and while they will probably be in force for a few weeks (three weeks was the announcement), they can be kept in place for two years.
The BBC article can be seen here – [3]
An online article on the 23rd claimed ‘…experts at University College London and Cambridge University estimate there could be between 35,000 and 70,000 excess deaths’ in the UK, but the ‘experts’ were not named.
A councillor friend of mine on Faceache said yesterday he had heard ‘from government sources’ that this virus will be “ten times as bad as the Swine Flu”.
That 2009 epidemic infected between 700 million and 1.4 billion people worldwide, with somewhere between 150,000–575,000 deaths. Taking the lower figure, ten times that would be 1.5 million. Taking the higher figure, that would be almost six million deaths.
I find it difficult to see anything even remotely approaching that from Covid, considering there have been less than 19,000 deaths worldwide.
On the 24th, Peter Hitchens, columnist for the Mail on Sunday, gave an interview to Talk Radio, in which he says deliberately crashing the economy will not stop the spread of the virus, and compared, as I did in my previous article, the present situation with previous epidemics, and said there has been a significant over-reaction to the virus in the UK and many other countries.
The interview can be seen here – [4]
The British Army announced it had 20,000 troops on standby as part of a ‘Covid Support Force’ alongside 10,000 specially trained personnel at ‘higher readiness’ to respond to a civil emergency. A civil emergency, like a food riot perhaps?
Perhaps the most important takeaway from this article should be the fact that on March 19th, the website said the Covid virus….
…is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.
The website stated
‘The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase. (Emphasis added)
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.’ (Emphasis added)
The webpage can be seen here – [5]
This has not been reported by the mainstream media.
As of the time of writing, there have been 417,676 total cases worldwide, with 290,759 active cases. Of the active cases, 277,778 (96{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}) are classed as ‘mild’ and 12,981 (4{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}) classed as ‘serious’ or ‘critical’.
In China where it started, there have been 81,171 cases, with 4735 being currently active, 73,159 recoveries, 1573 critical and 3277 deaths.
In the UK, there have been 8077 cases, with 7520 currently active. We have 7500 mild and 20 critical cases. We have had 422 deaths, and 135 recoveries.
The vast majority of deaths have come from the very elderly and those with underlying health conditions.
More than 77,000 people in the UK have been tested for the virus and were found not to have it.
Official government figures say deaths from seasonal Flu in England alone, excluding Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, average 17,000 a year.
Something is definitely not right here. As I said in my article a few days ago, this virus has succeeded in doing what the climate crazies failed to do; shut down the world. The world has massively over-reacted to the Covid virus.
There is something much more insidious than measures to contain a viral outbreak going on here.
All for a virus that has killed less than 19000 worldwide.
If this goes on for much of the year as some suspect, I can see the introduction of food and fuel rationing, interruptions to gas and electricity supplies, and travelling by permit only.
As I said in my previous article, governments and policymakers will be under tremendous pressure to keep many of the current restrictions in place permanently. This is the perfect opportunity to make serious and probably permanent inroads to our rights and freedoms, and will give you a good insight into what the much-vaunted utopian Socialist paradise will look like.
The mainstream media have been praising the virus for reducing ‘carbon pollution’, next they will be praising it for killing thousands of people.
I wonder if this virus was deliberately released at the behest of the UN as a field test, to see how well it performs. Should we expect even more virulent epidemics in the future as they try and get rid of more of us?
This video uploaded to Youtube on March 21st, features Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois, who says in his opinion Covid was engineered as a biological weapon.
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I think the worry is this
It appears to be twice as contagious as seasonal flu with an average of two other people infected per infection. This is around double the rate of seasonal flu.
The incubation period is much longer than seasonal flu – up to 14 days, Seasonal flu is 1-4 days, five in extreme cases. This makes the incubation period three times as long so can be spread on for a much longer period before we know we have it.
So far it appears to be much more lethal than seasonal flu. Figures appear to be around 1% with seasonal flu at 0.1%
We don’t yet know if covid-19 will go away during the summer months.
Unlike seasonal flu there is no available vaccine meaning medical staff are very vulnerable. In Italy some areas have a 10% infection rate amongst medical staff putting the health system under severe stress.
High risk patients and the elderly in most western countries get the flu vaccination automatically and are thus somewhat protected which keeps deaths down. This is not the case with covid-19.
There is some immunity to flu built up within large populations. This is not the case with covid-19.
You state the following “In China where it started, there have been 81,171 cases, with 4735 being currently active, 73,159 recoveries, 1573 critical and 3277 deaths”. That sentence could start with “Despite having the kind of draconian lock down that only a brutal police state can enforce…”
So yes, right now Influenza is worse than covid-19. It infects more people and kills more people. However covid-19 is more dangerous as it is more infectious and has a higher rate of fatality.
If it reaches the kind of outbreak levels seen regularly with flu the results could be catastrophic. Flu is an underrated problem but comparing covid-19 to flu is a mistake. We are comparing something we know a lot about to the potential consequences of something we don’t yet understand. Covid-19 has a dreadful potential to kill in huge numbers.
So, stay safe, obey guidelines and wash your hands regularly.
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The results from the cruise ship “Diamond Princess” did not indicate the virus was very contagious. Less than 20% of those on board got it, even in the confined space of a ship, for almost a month.
Andy Rowlands
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Worldometer says the ship had 712 cases, of which they had 10 deaths and 587 recoeries. 115 cases are still active, with 15 listed as serious. It does not say how many people were onboard.
George Affleck
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3,711 passengers and crew
Andy Rowlands
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Ah thanks George. If it was that virulent, should it not have swept through the ship and infected everyone?
Andy Rowlands
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Thanks for your thoughts JT. Most, if not all, infections / diseases do less well in warmer weather, so the expectation is cases will either fall or climb much more slowly as we go into summer. Perhaps the most important thing is that 90+% of cases across the world are classed as ‘mild’, so while it is of concern, I don’t think it requires the kind of response we are seeing which, if it goes on for more than a couple months, will collapse entire economies and produce a deep worldwide recession.
As I mentioned in Part 1, the 2009 Swine Flu epidemic was much more virulent, and we didn’t have the mass panic we are seeing now.
Finn McCool
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Nice job. Data talks.The most telling piece of evidence is the downgrading of the disease by the UK government almost a week ago. Clearly not the zombie apocalypse.
The political and economic ramifications of this overreaction are what we should be worried about.
Andy Rowlands
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Thanks Finn, the fact the mainstream media has not mentioned the downgrading is to me the most concerning part, you could be forgiven for concluding this is a deliberate act to keep the population in a state of panic.
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Andy, I think there is a good chance we are overacting, but we don’t actually know that yet so have to take precautions. I hope we are over reacting and this pandemic is no way as dangerous as we some fear but in the past few days alone thousands of people have died in Italy and France alone. Thousands. The WHO estimate that Swine flu killed around 18,000 over 20 months or so of which 138 died in the UK. Covid-19 is already at 19,000 globally in three months with over 400 in the UK alone. It is clearly and significantly more deadly than swine flu so I would expect a completely different response.
I do very much agree that that at some point in the non-too distant future we will be in a situation where the attempted cure (in the form of lock downs and a non-functioning economy) will be worse than the infection and people are going to have to make hard decisions, but right now, today, I find it difficult to be too critical of the way governments have responded around the world.
Andy Rowlands
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Thanks again for your thoughts JT, we shall have to see how things develop in the coming weeks.
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Hi Andy and readers.
After this “event” has stabilized hindsight will reveal an interesting vista.
I have not seen any reports on whether hydroxychloroquine is able to sequester CO2. (satire)
Andy Rowlands
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Haha, good one Mr Moffin 🙂
John Doran
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has a few good articles on the coronapanic:
It’s an engineered bio-weapon, released in Wuhan via the military games.
Patient zero was a female US army officer/Intelligence officer, & cyclist.
Steve Hayes
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Here in England the government judged the coronavirus to be a high consequence infectious disease in January. Yet it allowed people who might well have been infected to freely enter the country and freely mix with the general population, resulting in communal contagion. On March 19, after reviewing all the evidence, the government decided that the virus is not a high consequence infectious disease. Having downgraded the threat, the government introduced a whole bunch of measures that violated our rights and liberties and inflicted serious economic harm. The response to this virus makes no sense.
Andy Rowlands
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I quite agree Steve, that is why I say there is something much more insidious going on.
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There is nothing to be gained by governments is shutting down their economies other than protecting it’s citizens. According to the Public Health England annual flu mortality report the flu season of 2017-18 saw 372 people die as a result of seasonal flu.
“Through the USISS mandatory scheme, a total of 3,454 ICU/HDU admissions of
confirmed influenza were reported across the UK from week 40 2017 to week 15 2018,
including 372 deaths, based on combined data from England, Scotland and Northern
Covid-19 in the UK has almost doubled this number in a week and the death rate is accelerating. Spain and Italy are seeing over twice as many deaths per day as the UK yearly total in ‘17-‘18 and that is with a lock down that Europe hasn’t see the likes of since it was ravaged by war. I ask you to consider what Spain and Italy might look like right now if they hadn’t taken such drastic measures a couple of weeks ago.
I hope we are over reacting but numbers so far indicate this was our only option.